She Is A CEO

She Is A Ceo Novel By George Chapman -Chapter 335

She Is A Ceo Novel By George Chapman -Chapter 335

She Is A Ceo Novel By George Chapman -Chapter 335

When Lucia heard these words, she slowly lowered her face, and just grabbed the clothes on Arthur’s chest tightly with both hands. All the unwillingness became tears, which continued to flow out.

At the end of the day, Arthur was afraid of Lucia’s collapse, so he took her away before collecting the ashes. Kane did the rest alone. He was a man after all, and he was more controllable emotionally.

Kane returned to Fragranerde Hall in the afternoon. Juliana greeted him worriedly as soon as he entered the door. She felt guilty for not being able to be by Kane’s side because of her child and certain taboos. She took Kane’s hand and asked,

“Kane, is everything going well?”

“Yes,” Kane nodded, barely showed a smile for Juliana, and said, “I’ve arranged Poppy’s ashes. I’ll take her back to my hometown for burial tomorrow.”

Kane’s voice was raised deliberately because he saw Arthur sitting on the sofa with Lucia as soon as he entered.

Arthur raised his hand and waved that he knew it, but Lucia didn’t respond. Kane was a little puzzled. Juliana told him softly at this time, “Lucia was crying when she came back. Just fell asleep from exhaustion.”

It turned out that was the case. Kane held her breath subconsciously for a moment, scolding himself for speaking too loudly just now.

Juliana led Kane to the sofa and sat down. Only then did Kane see Lucia’s appearance. She was leaning against Arthur’s arms. She was really asleep, but her eyebrows were still tightly knit together, and there were still tears in the corners of her eyes. It was a very uneasy look.

Arthur wrapped his arms around Lucia and propped her head up on his palms thoughtfully, doing everything for her.

Kane watched them snuggle together. They didn’t communicate at all, but he could just feel that they were together, that they were one.

Maybe that was how love to the extreme felt.

He didn’t know when he and Julia could have such a tacit understanding. Thinking like this, Kane couldn’t help but turn to look at Juliana. Juliana looked back at Kane for unknown reasons. Kane smiled and held her hand.

At this moment, Lucia woke up. She snorted softly and opened her eyes. When she saw Kane, she asked,

“Kane, are Poppy’s ashes arranged?”

“Yes. Now it’s placed in the funeral home. I’ll take her back to her hometown tomorrow.” Kane replied.

“That’s good…” Lucia felt relieved, then turned to look at Arthur. Seeing that his palms were still supporting his face, Lucia softened, rubbed Arthur’s palms with her cheek, and said softly,

“Arthur, thank you for staying with me.”

“Of course I’ll stay with you.” The softness in his palms softened Arthur’s heart, and he responded with a smile.

“Lucia, I want to take Poppy back to his hometown with Kane tomorrow. Although there is a babysitter, I am a little worried. Arthur has no experience. Can you help me take care of the baby?” Juliana suddenly said to Lucia. As she just finished her words, it wasn’t just Lucia and Arthur who looked surprised, but Kane as well.

Kane raised his eyebrows and asked Juliana with her eyes, “do you want to go home with me?”

Juliana raised her eyes and smiled softly at Kane, and said shyly, “I think…it’s also time to visit your parents.”

Kane’s eyes lit up instantly. He smiled and asked in surprise, “Julia, is it true? Would you like to come home with me to see my parents?!”

“Yeah.” Juliana nodded affirmatively, and lowered her head shyly.

“Julia!” Kane was so happy he didn’t know what to say.

Lucia and Arthur over there were also happy for Kane. Although Juliana had forgiven him, she had always maintained an ambiguous attitude in the relationship between the two. Now she took the initiative to accompany Kane back to his hometown to meet his parents, which did not mean her fully endorsed, and affirmed Kane’s identity?

“Julia, I think you should bring the baby back to his hometown, right? I believe his parents will be overjoyed to see the baby.” Lucia suggested with a smile. In fact, this was exactly what Kane wanted most but did not dare to say it rashly.

Kane had a grateful glance at Lucia, then looked back and waited for Juliana to nod.

“But…” Juliana hesitated, “After all, the priority is to bury Poppy this time. The baby is still small. I’m afraid it will be inconvenient.”

“It’s alright,” Lucia smiled. “You can take the babysitter back with you. I think the baby will also want to see his grandparents, right?”

Lucia helped persuade her. In fact, Juliana certainly knew that a baby at such a young age would not have such a desire, but she was still moved when she thought of that scene.

“Okay, then take the baby with us.” Juliana was just ready when she saw Kane holding her in his arms. If she hadn’t been sitting, he would have carried her up.

“Julia, thank you, thank you very much.”

Seeing Juliana and Kane so happy, Lucia’s sadness eased a little, and the smile on her face was light and faint, like a breeze blowing through. Arthur felt relieved when he saw the smile in her eyes.

The next day, Kane and Juliana took their son and nanny to say goodbye to Lucia and Arthur. Then they went to the funeral home to pick up Poppy’s ashes. The four set foot on the train back to Kane and Poppy’s hometown. novelbin

Although Lucia and Arthur still had doubts about the difficulties they will face on the 5th of next month, they were still dedicated to their work. Only after work in the evening will they discuss how to deal with Esmae in the next 20 days.

At this time, Spencer also returned to the country. Esmae personally went to Los Angeles to pick up her beloved Theodore.

After welcoming her mother, Helena sincerely expressed her desire to continue taking care of Theodore, but Esmae refused directly.

“You’ve got work to do. It’s not easy to carry Teddy around every day. I’ll play with Teddy here for a few more days, and I’ll go back to Chicago the day after tomorrow.”

“Mom,” Helena said to Esmae when her father was away, “Did you really decide to let Lucia marry that Spencer ?”

“Why? Do you think my decision is too decisive?” Esmae asked her daughter.

“Of course,” Helena had always been very direct in expressing her emotions. She replied, “Who is that Spencer? Even my friends say he has a bad character. How can you give Lucia to such a person?”

“Do you think I don’t know?” Esmae sighed and said, “But Spencer doesn’t dare to treat Lucia badly. He asks me, and he is concerned that Lucia is my goddaughter. No matter what, Lucia marries him, and she will not suffer any harm.”

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