She Is A CEO

She Is A Ceo Novel Chapter 313

She Is A Ceo Novel Chapter 313

She Is A Ceo Novel Chapter 313

But even in this case, Lucia still didn’t forget to be grateful, and it went without saying that she thanked Bradley in person. She also specially asked Arthur to call Edwin and thank him in person.

“Edwin, now that Jacob has been convicted, I really appreciate your help.” After the call was connected, Lucia whispered her thanks, especially since she knew that Edwin rarely used his connection with Bradley. After he spoke for her this time, she was even more grateful.

“Don’t stand on ceremony. You are Arthur’s girlfriend, the mother of my precious grandson Teddy. I should have come forward no matter what.” Edwin never felt like he was helping Lucia, because in his eyes, Lucia was already a family member.

“Edwin, you should miss Teddy very much.” Lucia felt inexplicably sad when Edwin mentioned Theodore. He was obviously Teddy’s grandfather, but he couldn’t see his grandson anytime and anywhere.

“Yeah, I really want to. I know Teddy is with Esmae now. I beg you. If you can, bring him back. If you are busy, let Teddy stay with me. Even if I retire now, I will take good care of my grandson,” said Edwin.

Lucia pursed her lips when she heard this, and her nose was slightly sour. If her father was still there, he would probably love Teddy like this.

“I will definitely bring Teddy back as soon as possible, but… I hope you can understand. Esmae has been kind to me. She is like my second mother. I know some things need to stick to principles, but many times, I will give priority to kindness.” Lucia said softly about her difficulties, hoping Edwin could understand.

Regarding the trip to Chicago in a few days, the person with the most negative attitude was actually Lucia, because she knew that the possibility of making Esmae soft-hearted was very low. At that time,

there may be a choice between kindness and love. Before that moment, Lucia didn’t dare to promise Arthur that she would choose him without hesitation, because Esmae was really, really important to her.

Edwin sighed after hearing Lucia’s words, and asked her, “I understand you, but Arthur probably doesn’t know about your idea.”

“I didn’t tell him that,” Lucia replied calmly. Even now on the phone with Edwin, she avoided Arthur on purpose,

“Arthur values our relationship very much. In his eyes, our relationship always comes first. Maybe he can understand my gratitude to Esmae, but he can’t feel the same way. But I will still try my best to get my her understanding.”

“It’s embarrassing for you to do that, Lucia,” Edwin said with a bit of loss. “Actually, there is nothing between you and Arthur. It is the grudge between me and her that affects you.”

“Don’t say that, Edwin. It wasn’t all your fault that happened back then. She is stubborn and likes to take unnecessary pains, so once she holds grudges, it’s hard for her to be open-minded and come out.” Lucia comforted Edwin in return.

Edwin listened to Lucia’s words and praised in his heart. Lucia was knowledgeable and can see things from both sides. She will not be biased against objective facts just because of subjective feelings. This kind of character was really a perfect match for Arthur.

“I wish you all the best.” Edwin turned his blessing into a simple sentence, sending his love to Lucia.

“Thank you.” Lucia expressed her gratitude again, and the two hung up after saying goodbye.

After hanging up the phone, Lucia sighed slightly. If she let Arthur down this time, how would they go on in the future?

Lucia chose to talk on the phone on the balcony in order to confess her heart to Edwin. Arthur in the living room saw that she hadn’t come in for a long time. After exhausting his patience, he got up and came to the balcony. He thought she was still talking to his father, but he didn’t expect to see Lucia lying on the railing in a daze as soon as he stepped in the balcony.

“Lucia, what’s wrong?” Arthur asked her softly, feeling heartbroken.

Lucia was covered with moonlight, and the moonlight shrouded her in it, making her silhouette dreamy and hazy, but this supposedly beautiful picture was desolate because of a wisp of worry. Therefore, Arthur felt distressed.

Lucia turned her head back when she heard Arthur’s voice, and compressed her lips. She said, “It’s alright, just worrying about the company.”

Hearing that Lucia wasn’t bothered by his father, Arthur breathed a sigh of relief. He walked over to her, raised his hand and embraced her, and comforted her softly,

“It’s okay. I’m still here.”

Lucia liked to hear Arthur say this, because it was never an empty promise, and he was always standing behind her and shielding her when she was having a tough time.

“Arthur, are you saying things are going to turn around? Is it really that JTP is seized by the court?”

“It’s okay. If there is really no other way, the big deal is that I will take the JTP directly and send it back to you.” Arthur said seriously. Although this is the last resort, because after the court inspection and auction, the asset JTP will definitely be severely damaged. From the staff structure to the management system, it will all collapse. But Arthur still wanted to try his best to keep the Webbex Group for Lucia.

“If it really comes this far, I can only ask you to come forward.” Lucia won’t pretend to refuse in order to show her lofty character. The most realistic problem at present was to save his father’s efforts. Arthur can do it, and she will ask for his help.

“Kane and I spoke on the phone just now. He said there is another way, but there is little hope.” Arthur thought about it for a while, and then told Lucia what he had talked to with Kane.

Lucia listened to Arthur’s words. From the initial hint of hope turned to despair, she smiled bitterly and said, “It’s impossible. If there is really evidence, I won’t take so many detours.” novelbin

“Well, tomorrow I’ll accompany you to the hotel where the accident happened. I’ll show up and the hotel won’t disrespect me. What if there’s still hope?” Arthur rubbed Lucia’s shoulder and encouraged her.

“Well, I’ll go tomorrow. Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, I won’t give up.” Lucia had never given up easily, which was why she had come to this day.

The next day, Arthur accompanied Lucia back to the hotel where she was framed. The manager came over as soon as the two appeared in the lobby of the hotel. What kind of person Arthur was, how dared they neglect him? After Arthur explained his intention, the manager took them directly to the administrator of the hotel, the owner of the entire hotel, Rex Doyle.

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