SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 947 Godlike Power [Pt 1]

Chapter 947 Godlike Power [Pt 1]

Kuzon and I arrived a bit late, and we witnessed a bit of the struggle the Hunters went through.

It didn't last very long, though, as my dear Midas friend decided to finally intervene.

In a rather flashy descent, Kuzon destroyed both the land around him and the monsters that occupied said land, electrifying everything with his golden burst of energy.

Rather than follow his example at an overwhelming entrance, I calmly approached the Commander and gave my calmest smile.

"You can rest now, Commander. Backup has arrived."

With that, I used [The Star] to control the bodies of the Hunters in close proximity to the monsters, drawing then away from the savage bunch.

Once that was done, I used [The Pope] to create a massive dome around the Gate and monsters, ensuring none of them could get past the walls I made.

"W-who are you...?" The Commander behind me finally managed to mutter, his eyes bulging in shock at the many things I was able to achieve in mere moments.

By forcefully retreating the soldiers and creating a barrier to contain the chaos, I ensured there would be no more casualties on the chaotic battlefield.

He was probably impressed by that.

"Just think of me as someone you can trust. Gather all the Hunters and take a look around. There could be innocent civilians under the rubble. Ensure they are taken care of, and ensure the area is clear of any innocent. I assume you understand what that means, don't you?"

"Y-yes. I get it." He nodded at me almost instantly.

Rather than allow him time to ask me so many question, it was better to keep him busy with more work.

"My partner and I will handle the monsters. Ensure you and your men do your jobs well too."

With that last statement of mine, I flew away from the monster horde.

I could hear stutters from the Commander, uttering words akin to "Thank you."

Seeing the clouded expression on his face brighten up brought a small smile to my face.

It wasn't a bad feeling at all.




"C-commander... who was that?"

"They look like foreigners."josei

"Are they from the Zenith?"

Commander Lee heard his subordinates speculating and murmuring among themselves.

He wished he could answer their queries, but he was just as confused as they were. There was no news about backup from the Zenith, so he couldn't conclusively say they were responsible.

'But... which other Country has people they can easily dispatch to another place like this?"

Judging by the lightning strike from the heavens that the golden-haired teenager used, and the gravity powers coupled with the barrier the blonde used, they were most definitely S Class Adventurers.

'And at such a young age too.' There was no doubt on his mind that they were rare talents.

The type that the Zenith would want for themselves.

'But why have I never heard of them, nor seen them before?'

The answer eluded him. However, before he had the chance to further explore his thoughts, duty called.

"There's no time to slack around! Search high and low, and be thorough with your search. Ensure there are no civilians caught in the chaos!"

This was the only thing he and his subordinates could do.

And so, while they ensured the people were safe and sound, Commander Lee hoped that the two strangers would help save their city.

'Please, heroes...' With that fleeting thought, the commander joined in the search.




"What took you so long?" Kuzon asked me as I appeared beside him in a flash.

"Was talking with the Commander a little. I also used Spellcraft to handle a bit of the loose ends."

This world had energy floating around, albeit thinner compared to my original one. However, thanks to the Dungeon Break, dimensional energy was flowing quite abundantly.

Tapping into it was no problem.

"Looks like the monsters keep pouring out of the Gate. How do you want to handle this?" Kuzon asked.

"It'll be too boring, and pointless, if we eliminate them before they manage to rear their ugly heads. Let's just defeat them as they come." I responded with a smile.

There was something else, and I wondered if Kuzon had already realized it.

~You realize we're being watched, right? By those guys in those suspicious black robes.~

I smiled once I heard his thoughts.

'So you noticed. As expected.'

~Seems like you plan on doing nothing about them. Why? They're most likely the ones behind this incident. I suspect that they're—~

'Shadows of Light. Your hunch is most likely right. Though there's something else...'

The monsters beneath us were already growling impatiently, some pounding on the barrier I made in a futile attempt to leave.

'In any case, just ignore them. Right now, our focus should be the eradication of the monsters here.'

~Oh? Want to make it a contest?~ Kuzon grinned, an excited gleam showing in his eyes.

'A contest? Really? Wouldn't this be too easy?'

"GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR..." As soon as I sent my telepathic message, a beastly growl suddenly echoed in the vicinity.

Kuzon and I took our gazes to the sound's origin, and we found the most interesting sight thus far.

Emerging from the open Gate was a massive creature—dark green, with bulging muscles and spikes protruding from its skin.

His body was well guarded with heavy metal-like armor, and its glowing red eyes showed how immersed it was in its primal instinct.

It had a terribly deadly club on one hand, and a battle axe on the other, standing over five meters tall.


The murderous roar of the beast incited all the other Orcs, causing them all to glare in our direction, leaking out reddish energy from their bodies.

Now commanding the horde of creatures, the Boss grinned in perverse delight, licking it's ugly lips in anticipation.

It amused me.

"Looks like that's the Boss." A chuckle escaped my mouth.

"I call dibs."





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