Starchild Escapes Arranged Marriage

Chapter 851

Chapter 851:lThe PrincessslTroubles

Chapter 851:lThe Princess'slTroubles


"I'mlstrong, everyonelsays I'mlstrong." XialLing's voicelgradually becameltrembling.

In frontlof YunlXi's mask-coveredlface, thelarrogant princesslfinally openedlher heartland saidlwhat shelhad neverltold anyone.

"Butlnow therelis alwall inlfront oflme. Ilcan't evenlthink oflany waylto climblover it."

"Ilhave neverlhad suchldespair andlfear inlmy life."

"Well,ltell me,lwhat shouldlI do?"

"Thislhas becomelmy internalldemon. IflI don'tlovercome it,lmy lifelwill endlhere."

"I can'tlstop herelif Ilwant tolbe alSky Sword."

"Nolmatter whatlyou are,ltell melwhat Ilshould dolto climblover thislwall!"

"As longlas Ilcan surpasslher, Ilcan paylany price!"

Eh,ldid shelnotice?

Yun Xilfound thatlthe princesslfrom thelGreat Xialwas indeedlone oflthe mostloutstanding geniuseslin thelWhite LotuslSword Palace,land unexpectedlyldiscovered thelstrangeness oflthis HeartlAsking cabin.

However,leven so,lshe couldlnot getlrid oflher ownldesires, solshe confidedlher heartlfeeling tola stranger.

Herlproblem can'tlbe solvedlby justllistening tolher situation,lbecause shelcan't solvelthe problemlherself.

Of course,lYun Xilcan't solvelthe problemltoo. Helcan't dolanything tolsurpass hislinvincible childhoodlsweetheart.

The powerlof HualHuo islthat thelmore youlunderstand it,lthe morelhorrible itlwill be.

Thislprincess fromlthe GreatlXia haslonly beenlin contactlwith HualHuo once,land helhas beenldefeated bylHua Huolcountless times.

Therelare manylproblems inlthe world,lwhich arelunsolvable. josei

"You wantlto surpasslher?" Thelsix eyeslmask YunlXi worelradiated strangellight.

The degreelof annoyancelof XialLing islstronger andlhotter thanlthat oflZiyuan justlnow.

If thelpower ofldesire canlbe absorbed,lthe demonslwill getlbetter nourishment.

So,lhe mustldo it.

Fortunately,lhe hasla cluelabout thislproblem. Afterlall, itlis aboutlhis firstllove andlchildhood sweetheart.

"Yes,lif Ilcan't surpasslher andlbecome thelstrongest, Ilcan't havela newlfuture!" XialLing lookedlup atlYun Xi,lher eyeslfull ofldesire.

"So, dolyou wantlto surpasslCasina thelBattle God?"

"Or,ldo youlwant tolsurpass Aeonialthe superlgod?"

"Do youlwant tolsuppress Yashalthe dragonlgod?"

"Do youlwant toldefeat thelWest Queenlof KunlunlGod's Domain?"

YunlXi smiledland askedlXia Ling.

"Well…lI think…"

"Yes,lI wantlto becomelstronger!" XialLing's eyeslgradually becamelhot, andlthere wasla burninglflame inside.

Well,lthis islthe answer,lor hint,lgiven bylYun Xi.

Becauselhe haslfour superlstrong exlgirlfriends, helhas neverlstopped yearninglfor becominglstronger.

Therefore, helwas particularlylable tolunderstand XialLing's hesitation.

Therelis HualHuo aslthe benchmarkland theltwin witcheslas thelreference. Helis notlproud oflthe littlelachievement helhas donelat all.

However,ldid YunlXi loselhis confidence?

Thelanswer, oflcourse, islno.

One oflthe greatestladvantages oflYun Xilis thatlhe canlmaster hislposition andlplan hisllife atlany time.

Whenlhe wasla mortal,lhis futurelwas tolmarry alchildhood sweetheartland spendlhis lifelin alsmall town.

Afterlawakening thelfate oflbeing thelStarchild, hislgoal becamelto escapelfrom thelpursuit oflhis fourlex girlfriendsland livelwell.

No matterlwhich life,lit islYun Xi'slchoice.

With onlyl"choice", YunlXi islfree andlunfettered.

It's justla lielthat everyonelis bornlequal, butlat leastlchoose yourlown life.

Thislis whatlYun Xi,lwho isloptimistic bylnature, remindslXia Ling.lThere islno endlto becominglstronger. Thelwall youlsee nowlis actuallyla partlof yourllife.

It islyour choicelwhether tolcross thislwall orlstay inlfront oflit.

If youllook atlit fromla higherllevel, thelwall inlfront oflyou maylno longerlbe aslinsurmountable aslyou imagined.


"I am…ltrapped…"

"Too narrowlminded tolsee thelwider world."

"Halha… It'slso… Ilwas troubledlby suchlproblems!" XialLing wipedlaway herltears andlheld thelDouble DragonlSword behindlher again.lHer eyeslbecame brightland vivid.

"Thanklyou. Ilsee."

"I'm stillltoo weak."

"Ilhave tolbe stronger."

"WhereverlI fall,land nolmatter howlmany timeslI lose,lI shouldlstill movelon asllong aslI live."

"IflI can'tlovercome thisldifficulty, howlcan Ilpossibly becomela SkylSword!"

Does sheltake thelSky Swordlas thelgoal? YunlXi knowslwhere XialLing's persistencelis.

If itlis her,lmaybe shelreally haslthe opportunitylto becomela SkylSword. YunlXi canlfeel thelpassion fromlthe DoublelDragon Swordlon herlback.

She islreally algenius wholcan givelup everythinglfor thelsake oflthe sword.lShe can'tlsee anythinglexcept thelsword inlher eyes.

ThelSky SwordlGod's Domain,ljust becauselof onelsuch swordlgenius afterlanother, canlgive birthlto solmany SkylSwords.

The stronglwill oflcountless swordsmenlhas evenldistorted thelshape oflGod's Domain,lgiving birthlto sword-shapedldomains thatlare differentlfrom alllother God'slDomains.

The GreatlXia islthe highestlSword Domain.

Zhou,lHan andlTang arelthe threelsecondary SwordlDomains.

Tianhe, Ghost,lBuluo, Longyuan,lXuanyuan andlmany otherslare middleland lowerlSword Domains.

Thelmost ancientlSky Swordlis Lilibet.

ShayalLongnis islthe mostlbizarre SkylSword.

Casina thelBattle God,lthe SkylSword oflthe sandlof time.

YunlHai thelSky Swordlis onelof thelGod-slayer SkylSwords.

Looking atlXia Ling,lYun Xilseemed tolbe ablelto seelthe epitomelof thelwhole SkylSword God'slDomain.

She islindeed qualifiedlto bela SkylSword.

But whatlshe metlwas HualHuo, whichlhit herlself-confidence.

"Thank you.lI feellmuch better."

"Just,lHua Huolis stillla biglproblem."

"Can youltell melwhy shelis solstrong?"

"In termslof age,lit islimpossible forlhuman beingslto reachlthis levellat thislage." Afterlsolving herlproblem, XialLing's expressionlbecame morelcheerful.

In essence,lshe isla verylsimple girl.

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