Stealing Spree

Chapter 1129

Chapter 1129: Miura Household

Chapter 1129: Miura Household

Upon my entrance, their mother immediately greeted me with a welcoming smile as she pointed me to the sofa directly across from them. On the other hand, the girl in the flower-printed pajamas curled up further, seemingly refusing to even glance at me.

Most likely, with Miura-senpai and their mother expecting me to visit, they dragged her out of her room to meet me. Hence, the pajamas.

Fortunately, she’s not a shut-in yet. There’s still hope for her self-important act to be dispelled. But I have to do a good job convincing her that there’s more to high school than just being rejected to become a friend of someone she likes.

I wonder how I should do it?

“Pardon for the sudden visit, I’m Onoda Ruki. A first-year student and the current Disciplinary Officer tasked to check on… Miura Komoe-san.”

After introducing myself with my name and my title as well as remembering the name of the girl, I was about to take a seat to where their mother was pointing. However, as I was on my way to it, Miura-senpai closed in from behind me, grabbed my shoulder, and whispered close to my ear, “Look at her, do you think you can convince her? It’s already a hassle to bring her out of her room and wait here.”josei

She’s a little bold, isn’t she? Even though there’s nothing wrong since she’s just whispering to my ear, it’s still in front of their mother.

Fortunately, she didn’t mind Miura-senpai’s actions, giving me the chance to reply.

“I’ll do my best, senpai. If I can’t convince her today, I’ll come again tomorrow.”

“Oh? Such dedication, Handsome-kun.”

“Yes. But I’m just doing my job.”

“Is that so? Hmm… Mama, I’m gonna make tea for our guest.” Perhaps failing to find something to respond to my answer, Miura-senpai didn’t prolong our whispered conversation anymore. However, she graced me with a meaningful smile before letting go of my shoulder. Following that, she turned to her mother and disappeared into their kitchen,

Upon seeing her rather energetic movements, her mother gladly nodded while praising her in front of me. “Kotone is such a good child, Onoda-kun.”

“Yes, senpai is wonderful. I was also helped by her before when I visited their club.” I agreed right away and praised Miura-senpai as well along with a gentle and grateful smile.

It’s a golden rule to be as agreeable as possible when visiting someone else’s house. I did the same in Satsuki, Nami, and Elizabeth’s house. It’s no different here. And with my goal to finish this job as soon as possible, I also had to present myself as a trustworthy guy.

Anyway, that's Miura-senpai's name, huh? Kotone. I still remembered the first time I visited their club and I marked her as a potential target. However, because of the rapid change in my mindset, I simply dropped that notion and never returned to that club. There’s also that 2nd-year girl who I was somewhat interested in but because I didn’t have any information about her, I already forgot about it.

“On the other hand… Komoe, stop curling like a hedgehog there and meet our guest!” Their mother continued, chastising the girl next to her.

“I don’t want to…” Although her voice wasn’t loud, it was good enough to start. It’s a lot harder if she’s the type who’s refusing to talk after all.

“What a rude girl. I apologize for this. She turned out to be lacking in discipline.” With an apologetic expression, their mother turned to me and bowed her head.

To not make this situation awkward, I hurriedly replied before she could finish that bow, “No, it’s fine Auntie. You don’t have to apologize. I think it’s only natural to not talk easily to a stranger…”

Besides, if she’s forced to get down here, that only amplifies her refusal. In any case, I can’t have that attitude. In one way or another, I’ll have to talk to her. With or without her mother’s help.

From what I could see… her mother sitting with us here was more detrimental than helpful. But I couldn’t just tell her to go away, right? It’s a lot better if she decided that herself.

A few minutes quickly passed and no matter what Auntie Miura said, the girl in flower-printed pajamas didn’t budge.

Even when Miura-senpai returned from the kitchen with the tea and a snack that was supposed to be her favorite, the girl remained stalwart at her decision.

Upon seeing that, both Miura-senpai and her mother had an expression as though they were about to give up.

But then, as though realizing something, both mother and daughter turned to me with renewed hope.

“Onoda-kun, can we leave it to you? You said it’s your job. I bet you have something prepared for this situation.” Miura-senpai’s meaningful smile returned and this time, it was coupled with expectation.

Because she was not wearing her glasses this time, her facial features were more pronounced. If I had to guess, what she was wearing at school was only a decoration. Because of her boyfriend, perhaps? Or she’s just using it for reading. Either way, she looked better without it and this wasn’t the time to compliment her.

“That’s right. She heard you when you introduced yourself. She’s just pretending you’re not here. Like Kotone said, can we entrust you with breaking in this girl’s thick skull?” The same as Miura-senpai, her mother carried the same expression on her face.

I finally got what I wanted, I guess? It only took a few minutes of no progress. The girl was adamant about not looking at me but with the few minutes I sat here across her, I already observed her.

Whenever her mother or sister would mention her future if she kept on refusing to come to school, she would flinch slightly. She was being affected by their predictions. However, her mother and sister failed to notice those, and most likely, they’re stopping before the tipping point. Hence, the girl was reverting to how she was.

“I understand. I’ll do my best, senpai, Auntie.” With their expectation adding weight to my shoulder, I put on an enthusiastic expression, assuring them.

Miura-senpai tilted her head slightly. If I had to guess, she’s finding my behavior to be a little off from how I presented myself to her. Nonetheless, because I told her earlier that this was my job, that was quickly dispelled.

“Okay. You’re not only handsome but also reliable. I’m finding you more pleasing to the eye. You’re at the same age as Komoe, right? How I wish she’s as mature as you.”

Although she sounded like fully complimenting me, with the way her eyes darted back and forth to her daughter, she’s intentionally saying that to get a reaction from her daughter.

That’s sly. However, if she failed to notice the girl’s minute reactions, there’s no way she could pick up the girl’s current mood at the moment.

The girl in flower-printed pajamas was fed up with this situation. She’s probably only waiting for them to leave us alone. She would storm off and return to her room when that happened.

“Uhm… Auntie, I apologize but I’m not great at compliments.” I acted bashful while gently scratching my cheek.

I instantly noticed Miura-senpai gasping before averting her gaze completely… Yep. I know what that meant.

As for their mother, she almost stood up and pinched my cheeks to express her fondness. “What a cute boy~ Okay, Kotone, help me prepare our dinner. We have a guest tonight.”

And with that, the two left us alone in the living room.

Not even a second since they disappeared to the other room, my prediction came true.

The girl in flower-printed pajamas hurriedly stood up with the intention to run to the stairs.

Since I prepared myself for this scenario, I also made a move at the same time as her.

I reached for her wrist and yanked her to face me, “Miura-san. Five minutes. Can you give me five minutes to convince you?”

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