Stealing Your Heart

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 658

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 658

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 658

Shen Peichuan answered, “Okay, I’ll get my men to do it.

“Just ring me if you’ve got any lead.” Zong Jinghao took a sip of water before leaning his back against the sofa.

Seeing that, Shen Peichuan had the gumption to keep his mouth shut so as not to disturb him.

In the room next door, Qin Ya took a long time mulling over Lin Xinyan’s question before answering her. She rose to her feet and stood at the window where she stared into the distance.

“I don’t care about him. It’s just that… I’m feeling guilty for not telling him the true reason behind our breakup.”

She did not tell him the truth because it was also something she dreaded to face.

“It pains me to see him unable to buck up and move on because of me.”

The decision to break up with him would be beneficial for both of them.

Just like a phone which could no longer be used to make a call, she was an abnormal existence which was not acceptable by other people.

“Do you know why Su Zhan chose not to show up just now?” Lin Xinyan knew Qin Ya had been trying to avoid Su Zhan due to her sense of inferiority. However, Lin Xinyan did not think being sterile meant the end of the world for Qin Ya. In fact, there was a possibility that Su Zhan might not even mind that.

Why doesn’t Qin Ya give herself and Su Zhan a chance?

Why doesn’t she give it a try to see whether both of them can actually work it out?

“He got involved in a brawl at a bar and his face was covered with bruises. That’s why he chose not to show face at the ceremony just now.”

He got involved in a brawl?

“Was he injured very seriously?” Qin Ya whirled around to face Lin Xinyan.

Staring at her, Lin Xinyan answered, “Since you aren’t related to him anymore now, why do you even care about his injuries?”

Lin Xinyan wanted Qin Ya to stop lying to herself and everyone else. Obviously, she cared a lot about Su Zhan, but she just refused to admit it.

“I’m going to get him here so that you can ask him yourself.” Lin Xinyan rose to her feet and looked ready to head for the door. Yet, Qin Ya quickly dashed over to stop her. “Don’t do it. I don’t feel like meeting him.”

“Why don’t you feel like meeting me?” All of a sudden, the door to the lounge was pushed open. Standing at the door, Su Zhan removed his sunglasses to reveal the blue and black around his eyes. He stared at Qin Ya unflinchingly as he confronted her, “What’s the true reason behind our breakup that you decided not to tell me?”

At the sight of Su Zhan, Lin Xinyan grabbed Qin Ya’s shoulder encouragingly. “I think you should tell him the truth. Even though you guys are still going to break up with each other, he deserves to know the real reason.”

Then, Lin Xinyan walked out of the room to give them space.

Holding her head low, Qin Ya wanted to leave the room too. However, just as she reached the door, Su Zhan seized her by her wrist and hauled her back into the room. Then, he locked the door.

“You have to tell me the truth or I won’t let you walk out of this room.” Su Zhan sounded very firm and resolute.

Qin Ya looked uneasy and insecure with her arms wrapped around herself.

She did not even dare to look right into his eyes. “I’m not hiding anything from you.”

“Is that so?” Su Zhan was obviously unconvinced.

“Has Shao Yun got something to do with this?” Su Zhan seized her by her shoulder to make her look into his eyes.

Qin Ya quickly shook her head and clarified, “He’s got nothing to do with this.”

As Shao Yun was kind enough to help her out, she did not want Su Zhan to misunderstand him and add to his trouble.

“If he has nothing to do with this, who then?”

“Stop bombarding me with your questions. Since we’ve broken up with each other, please go and don’t ever disturb me again,” Qin Ya growled, trying hard to free herself from Su Zhan.

Su Zhan tightened his grip on her shoulder and gazed at her for several seconds in silence. “Fine, since you’re unwilling to talk, I’ll go and ask Xinyan. I’m sure there must be someone who knows the truth.”

With that, he spun around and walked out of the room.

“Su Zhan!” novelbin

Qin Ya shouted to stop him from going. “Please calm yourself down.”

It was Lin Xinyan’s wedding ceremony and she should enjoy the happiest moment of her life without being disturbed. Qin Ya would feel bad if she allowed Su Zhan to go and pester Lin Xinyan about the affair which should stay between the two of them.

Also, she did not want to burden Lin Xinyan with her problem.

“I won’t give up if I can’t get to the bottom of this by today.”

Su Zhan knew Qin Ya would not want him to pester Lin Xinyan about their matter. Therefore, he was threatening her with it to make her talk.

All of a sudden, Qin Ya chuckled, “Do you really want to know the truth?”

Su Zhan responded without hesitation, “Yes.”

“Great.” Qin Ya sat down on the sofa and snorted icily. “Ms. Lin has been urging me to tell you the truth all this while too. Well, I guess I’m going to do that now.”

Seeing Qin Ya getting apprehensive and restless, Su Zhan had a bad premonition.

He tried hard to look calm as he stared at Qin Ya.

Slowly, she looked up at him and announced, “I…will never be able to have a child in the rest of my life. That’s the secret that I’ve been keeping from you. Are you happy now?”

Su Zhan thought he heard her wrongly. “W-What do you mean?”

The next moment, Qin Ya experienced an emotional outburst. Holding her head up, she started laughing so hard that tears started trickling down her face. “What do I mean? I mean, I can never be a mother in my entire life. I’m an incomplete woman. Are you satisfied to finally know the truth now?”

Su Zhan felt as though he was just struck by lightning and he refused to believe what she said. “You must be lying. You were pregnant with my child before! How can you never be a mother…”

“Yes, you’re right. I was pregnant once before,” Qin Ya cut him off suddenly. She got to her feet, staggered her way to Su Zhan, and pulled his hand to place it on her belly. “In order to stay alive, my womb had to be removed. So, I can never have a child ever again. I lack the most important thing in a woman’s body, do you understand?”

Shaking his head, Su Zhan took several steps backward. “You’re lying to me. You must be. How can you…”

“I might not have been able to survive if I didn’t get it removed. So, I chose to stay alive without it. It’s as straightforward and simple as that.”

Wiping the tears away from her face, she asked, “Now that you already know the truth, do you still want to patch things up with me?”

Su Zhan was completely gob smacked and his head was ringing. Tousling his hair with both hands, he refused to believe what Qin Ya just said.

The truth was as harsh and cruel to Qin Ya as to him.

Suddenly, he looked up at Qin Ya and confronted her, “This isn’t true. You made it up just to make me give up on you, didn’t you?”

Qin Ya returned to the sofa and sat down with her back facing Su Zhan. Resting her chin on her hands, she allowed tears to slowly stream down her face. In fact, telling him the truth was not as hard and miserable as she had thought before. She stopped yelling and spoke in a level voice, “I’m not lying to you. Now that you’ve known everything, it’s time for you to go now.”

There was no way Su Zhan could leave in this state. Kneeling down on one knee in front of Qin Ya, he grabbed her hand although she tried hard to wiggle it away from him. Then, he croaked, “Is that your reason for breaking up with me?”

“Nope,” Qin Ya denied right away and said mercilessly, “I broke up with you because I don’t love you anymore.”

“I don’t believe it!” Su Zhan pulled her hand toward his lips and planted kisses on it. “I don’t mind it at all! I’m serious! So what if we can’t have kids in the future? Having you in my life is more than enough for me. You should have faith in me and you shouldn’t have kept it as a secret.”

Sniffling, his face was blurry in her vision because her eyes were misty. “Is the truth not enough to convince you to let me go?”

Su Zhan shook his head and buried his face into her arms. “I’ll always love you and my feelings will never change no matter how differently you’ve become.”

Biting her lips, Qin Ya tried hard to hold back the tears in her eyes. “You don’t mind it, but what about your grandmother?”

Su Zhan stiffened in response as reality hit hard.

“We can just adopt one and tell her the kid is our own. I’m sure there are ways to solve that issue.”

“What about you? Don’t you want a child of your own?”

Su Zhan looked up and gazed right into her eyes in order to make her see his sincerity. Putting emphasis on each and every word of his sentence, he said, “You’re all I need in my life.”

“I’m afraid I don’t believe you.” Qin Ya cowered, still dreaded to face the truth that they would not be able to have their own children.

“What do you want me to do to prove myself?” Su Zhan gave his surroundings a scan and spotted a fruit knife on the table. He picked it up and asked, “Is it enough if I kill myself?”


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