Stealing Your Heart

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 664

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 664

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 664

“Sure! You can take your time to consider it.” Captain Song lamented, “I was making such a fool out of myself just now.”

Then, he added, “However, I’m willing to do anything for my daughter. All the parents in the world would do the same for their children too, wouldn’t they?”

Refilling Captain Song’s glass with more wine, Shen Peichuan responded, “I understand.”

Shen Peichuan knew Captain Song well enough to be sure that Captain Song would not hold a grudge against him even if he rejected his daughter in the end. For a person with a big ego, it must have taken Captain Song a lot of determination to even bring up such an idea to him.

“Please don’t sweat over this.” Captain Song lifted his glass of wine and downed its content at one go.

Shen Peichuan shook his head.

After dinner, Song Yaxin volunteered to give him a ride home. “Since you’re drunk, just let me drive you home.”

Shen Peichuan glanced at her with some hesitation before nodding in agreement.

Watching the two youngsters go, Captain Song sighed ruefully. Mrs. Song, who found that irritating, snapped, “Why’re you looking so blue? I’m sure Peichuan will agree to go out with Yaxin. Our daughter is perfect for him as she’s beautiful and well-educated.”

In response, Captain Song cast an icy glance at his wife. “She doesn’t deserved a man like Peichuan because she’s a divorcee.”

Mrs. Song was left speechless. “Being a divorcee isn’t a big deal in this modern age. Doesn’t Peichuan have an ex-girlfriend too?”

Captain Song placed his hands behind his back and made his way to the bedroom. “I’m not in the mood to argue with you.”

Mrs. Song did not get into a fight with him, considering that he had done more than enough by having that conversation with Shen Peichuan just now.

For a man who had valued his pride more than everything else, she knew Captain Song must be in a foul mood after embarrassing himself in front of his subordinate just now.

Therefore, Mrs. Song went on to clean up the dining table.

Meanwhile at the courtyard of the house, Shen Peichuan got into Song Yaxin’s car.

“Remember to fasten the seat belt,” Song Yaxin reminded him.

Shen Peichuan did not hear her because he was too absorbed in his own thoughts. Squinting his eyes, he was massaging his temples in an attempt to clear up the mess in his mind.

Thinking that he must be too drunk to respond to her, Song Yaxin leaned over to fasten the seatbelt for him. Just as her body was inches away from him, Shen Peichuan suddenly realized what she was saying just now. “I can do it myself,” he said quickly. novelbin

Smiling, Song Yaxin drew away from him. “Are you drunk or are you thinking about what my Dad just told you?”

Shen Peichuan told her he was drunk.

“Well, I won’t let him drink with you again next time then,” Song Yaxin commented with a smile.

Shen Peichuan only let out a chuckle without answering her.

The rest of the journey was quiet as Song Yaxin did not utter a word.

Before long, they arrived at Shen Peichuan’s place. Just as he was about to bid her farewell, he saw her getting out of the car too.

“I’d like to visit your place. You aren’t going to turn me down, are you?” Song Yaxin smiled.

To be honest, Song Yaxin was fairly good-looking and she was excellent in many aspects.

However, Shen Peichuan did not have any romantic feelings toward her, and he only saw her as a friend.

“Are you really going to turn me down?” The smile on Song Yaxin’s face stiffened as she had never been rejected by any man before.

Despite being a divorcee, she was still attractive and highly sought after. A lot of men out there were keen on marrying her because of her influential and powerful father.

However, she only had her eyes on Shen Peichuan.

“Of course not. This way, please.” Shen Peichuan walked in front of her and led the way. She quickly caught up and entered his place together.

More often than not, the place where a single man resided would be messy as no one was there to help them clean up. Surprisingly, Shen Peichuan’s apartment was spick-and-span. During his off days, he would clean up his place because he preferred it to be spotless and tidy.

“Do you hire cleaners to help you clean up this place?” Song Yaxin asked after taking a seat on the sofa.

Meanwhile, Shen Peichuan poured her a glass of water. “No, I don’t.”

“Who’s been helping you to keep this place so clean then? Have you been doing it yourself?” Shen Yaxin smiled.

Shen Peichuan replied, “It’s not that hard because I live alone and I don’t really have much stuff. Here you go.”

Song Yaxin took the glass of water from him and made her way to the window. The apartment units in this building were built with some distance between each other for privacy. A large area of the building was covered with greenery. Besides, residents at the upper levels were blessed with an unobstructed and breathtaking view of the city. “Your apartment is quite nice.”

“A friend of mine helped me choose this place,” Shen Peichuan answered.

It was Su Zhan who recommended this place to him. Indeed, it was not bad location-wise.

Just then, Song Yaxin spun around to face him. “Peichuan, will you be my boyfriend? I really like you a lot.”


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