Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1329 - Framed, On the Brink of Dead, and Saving a Life

Chapter 1329 - Framed, On the Brink of Dead, and Saving a Life

Chapter 1329: Framed, On the Brink of Dead, and Saving a Life

Jenny immediately looked much better when she saw Luke. She even tried to straighten up.

She didn’t want to show panic in front of a certain someone and lose her dignity as a CEO.

Pepper’s expression was the same and she looked more relaxed.

Tony had asked her to pull strings twice for Luke, so she had naturally investigated him, along with Selina.

Even ignoring Luke’s astonishing combat ability when the explosions happened two days ago, the duo’s crime-solving rate in Los Angeles was terrifying.

As for why they suddenly disappeared after they came to New York, Pepper had a rough guess.

If outsiders stood out too much, they would easily be hated by the locals.

This was inevitable, even when Stark Industries came to New York.

Stark Industries still had enough confidence and strength to forge ahead.

The two detectives, on the other hand, were in an awkward position. It was understandable that they chose to keep a low profile. After all, that would cause the least trouble.

So, compared with getting the New Jersey police directly involved or having Nelson call other officers over, Pepper trusted Luke and Selina more.

However, she was curious how Jenny, who could be half-considered a confidant, knew Detective Luke Coulson.

After all, Pepper hadn’t known that Luke would be here; it was Jenny who had asked Luke to come over.

On the side, Jeffrey looked conflicted.

It was true that he knew Luke, and he felt some gratitude to this detective who had resolved his family conflict. However, he didn’t want Luke to get involved in today’s matter.

When Luke had resolved their family conflict, he had never backed down just because Jeffrey was a Soderberg.

Chief Nelson was in a wretched state. He looked like he was in a daze, and he struggled to open his eyes and confirm that the person in front of him was Luke.

Luke asked, “Where’s the woman in critical condition?”

Except for Chief Nelson, the other three immediately looked at a hallway.

Jeffrey said, “It’s the room next to the innermost bedroom. There’s a doctor performing emergency treatment.”

Luke nodded and said to Selina, “Help do a preliminary check on Chief Nelson. If necessary, call a doctor. He may have been drugged with a hallucinogen.”

Hearing that, everybody’s expressions changed.

Luke was clearly saying that Nelson had been drugged.

Someone had drugged the mighty NYPD chief in Jeffrey’s house, in a place that was close to becoming a crime scene. josei

Did the Soderberg family hate the Chief of Department that much? Or… was this a trap to kill two birds with one stone?

Everyone here were experienced elites, and they quickly thought of various possibilities.

Selina didn’t care about their expressions. She immediately stepped forward and took out her phone to record Nelson as she questioned him.

Nelson was very cooperative.

Except for smoking weed with his classmates as a teenager, Nelson had never touched illegal substances.

The video could be used as supporting evidence.

After he did a blood test later, he would turn from criminal suspect to victim.

For a moment, the drawing room was filled with Selina’s questions and Nelson’s answers.

Luke walked down the hallway and found the bedroom. A wardrobe had been moved to reveal a hidden door, and in the bedroom next door, he saw a young woman lying on the bed.

Narrowing his eyes, he stared at the woman through his black glasses. She looked familiar, and Little Snail quickly discovered why.

She was none other than the waitress who had called Nelson to leave earlier.

At that moment, there was a middle-aged man in a white shirt next to the bed. He had tossed his tailored jacket onto a chair, and was sweating as he removed his hands from the woman’s chest and felt for an artery in her neck.

This was probably the doctor Jeffrey was talking about. Like Luke, he had clearly been roped in on the spot.

Luke glanced around and saw a first aid kit and a stethoscope, but there were no used syringes.

Looking at the results of the rough examination projected on his black glasses, Luke quickly stepped forward and moved the middle-aged doctor to one side.

The man was about to say something, when Luke showed him his badge. “Keep it brief. What rescue measures did you use?”

The middle-aged doctor subconsciously replied, “Just emergency CPR.”

Luke nodded and pointed at the first aid kit. “Ask the security guards if they have a defibrillator. If they do, bring it over.”

The middle-aged doctor immediately did as he was told. He was glad that someone else would take responsibility.

Actually, he already had a bad feeling before he came to this room.

His scalp had tingled when he saw the young woman lying on the bed.

Someone dying in the Soderberg villa, especially a young woman bearing marks of having fooled around, was very fishy.

But the moment he saw this woman, he couldn’t escape.

He didn’t dare give her any emergency medicine.

Given his medical expertise, he was certain that the woman had taken some illegal substances, which was why she was close to death.

If he used drugs to save her, he might be blamed for her death.

He longed for and revered the power of the Soderberg family, but that didn’t mean that he was willing to sacrifice his illustrious career for it.

CPR wasn’t a problem; it was normal if it couldn’t save someone.

Now that an idiot would take responsibility for everything, the middle-aged doctor was very glad. He wouldn’t tell Luke that it was hopeless for the woman.

What he didn’t know was that the moment he turned away, a crystal that glowed with a faint white light appeared in Luke’s hand.

This was Tandy Bowen’s Light Dagger, and the girl was Luke’s most promising investment as a potential teammate.

Every month, she had to expel the surplus life force in her body, and it took the condensed form of a light dagger.

The life force in the dagger could be used to save three to five people.

At that moment, Luke pressed the dagger to the young woman’s chest to transmit the life force to her. At the same time, he silently put on a black glove on his right hand.

After adjusting the electric output of his latest nanoglove using his glasses, he immediately sent an electric current into the woman’s heart.

The woman jolted, but wasn’t instantly roused.

Luke’s expression didn’t change. He waited two seconds before he sent out another electric current.

This time, he finally felt a faint heartbeat under his hand.

He put the nanoglove back into his inventory and left the dagger pressed to the woman’s chest to stabilize her heart.

This woman was the key.

As long as she wasn’t dead, Nelson would be fine, and they could follow the clues and find out the cause of all this.

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