Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1877 - Stalling Each Other, Big Dipper’

Chapter 1877 - Stalling Each Other, Big Dipper’

:Chapter 1877 Stalling Each Other, Big Dipper’s Plot

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Thinking that, Wade looked at the nearby robots.

Two flames suddenly burst out in the white lenses on his helmet, which was a sign that he was extremely excited.

The next moment, the red-and-black armor swept toward the new group of robots like a tornado, and a certain person chanted wildly, “10,000, 10,000, 10,000… That’s for Vanessa’s makeup. 10,000, 10,000, 10,000… That’s for the latest lingerie from Milan…”

Polaris: …

Wade’s sudden outburst was fierce, but… that was all there was to it.

At that moment, the battle in the city had reached the climax.

In fact, Wade was almost a minute slower than the other superheroes, which meant that he was last in line for real-time credit points.

Money was Wade’s favorite, but he had a cheap mouth.

Shooting off his mouth before he made money was how he worked.

In the abandoned church in the city center, the real battle was taking place between Tony and Ultron.

…Alright, the tycoon was actually sent flying most of the time by Ultron, but he persevered.

Ultron, however, never left the church. Instead, it dealt with Tony like a cat toying with a mouse.

Tony couldn’t help but ask Big Dipper in private, “How much longer?”

Big Dipper quickly replied, “It would be best if you can stall for half an hour. Only then will all the civilians be evacuated from the central zone.”

Tony smiled bitterly. “It’s not stupid enough to watch us succeed.”

Big Dipper, however, said, “We have to give it a try. We might succeed!”

Tony: “…My armor won’t last half an hour.”

Big Dipper raised his head and looked at the huge metal device in front of him. Luke quickly weighed the pros and cons before he got the Big Dipper clone to reply, “In a minute, I’ll distract it for you on the perimeter. You can drop your Veronica now.”

Tony was stunned. “If we use that now, it’ll turn hostile, right?”

Veronica was another name for the Hulkbuster armor. It was even bigger than the puffy Ultron version, and could definitely last a while.

But Tony’s objective was to buy as much time as possible.

If Ultron grew angry, this might affect the objective.

Knight finally interjected, “Do it. It won’t turn hostile for the time being.”

Tony: “Huh?”

Knight said, “You really don’t know your ‘son’ at all. Didn’t you hear what it just said? You’re not the only one stalling for time.”

Tony immediately reacted. “What did you find?”

Knight said, “It’s a secret for now. That way, you getting beaten up will look more real.”

Tony couldn’t help but say, “F*ck!”

Knight: “Stark, mind your language!”

Tony said helplessly, “Sorry, my bad.”

After finalizing the plan in a few words, the Big Dipper clone quickly approached the church.

At that moment, Big Dipper was holding special electromagnetic rifles.

Apart from reloading the rifle’s power pack every now and then by relying on the inventory space, the Big Dipper clone spent most of the time firing nonstop with both guns.

Compared with the pulse gun, which needed to be recharged after 50 blasts, Elementary Firearms Proficiency was better used with the solid bullets of the electromagnetic rifle.

The pulse gun could hit a target, but because of the output rate, it couldn’t fire several times in a second.

Ultron wasn’t stupid. After a few minutes, it would already be pretty good if two robots could be hit at the same time with a pulse blast.

With an electromagnetic rifle, Luke just needed to pull the trigger and move the muzzle a little to take down several robots within a ten-meter half-circle around him.

This was as easy for him as an arcade shooting game.

In reality, the Bat Squad was doing their best to maintain a delicate balance.

Ultron had no more than 5,000 robots under his control.

Even if Luke’s shooting accuracy would inevitably drop later, four boxes of 5,000 bullets were enough to blow up all the robots.

Also, the Avengers and the Bat Squad were here. Wade, who was the last to go wild, had taken down more than 30 robots.

With more than a hundred New SHIELD agents, it wouldn’t be a problem for them to deal with roughly 2,000 robots. josei

But Luke couldn’t do that.

If they got rid of these robots too quickly, Ultron would sense danger and counterattack recklessly.

As long as hundreds of robots self-detonated, tens of thousands of civilians who had yet to evacuate from the central zone would die.

So, Tony had taken Ultron one-on-one (to be beaten up).

Thus, there was no sense of a true victor.

The more civilians that were saved, the less blood that would be spilled for this victory.

For Luke, saving these civilians was equivalent to a huge amount of experience and credit points, and being beaten up a little for it wasn’t an issue.

In any case, Tony was the one taking most of the beating.

The person who caused all this deserved it. In any case, he wouldn’t die.

Calculating what might happen next, Big Dipper said to Tony, “Now.”

As he spoke, he pulled the triggers on his guns.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of bullets instantly hit Ultron from 200 meters away.

Ultron’s semi-vibranium body shook from the powerful kinetic energy of the bullets, and it had no choice but to dodge.

Although it was hard for the bullets to penetrate the semi-vibranium body, many of the joints wouldn’t be able to take it.

Given Dipper’s shooting accuracy, if Ultron was a little more careless, it might be hit in the joints, which would be bad.

For a moment, Ultron was more wary of Big Dipper than of Tony.

In comparison, Tony’s attacks were more ‘straightforward,’ and not as ruthless and precise as Big Dipper’s.

On the other side, a series of Veronica components flew toward Tony.

Ultron immediately understood what was going on.

With a thought, it gave an order, and a dozen robots nearby immediately rose into the air and flew toward the components to intercept them.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The electromagnetic rifles fired a storm of bullets at the robots.

Ordinary robots without any protection couldn’t withstand this fierce and precise attack. They exploded in the air and fell to the ground.

Ultron flew up to intercept the components itself.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

An even fiercer barrage of bullets enveloped it.

Thanks to the immense kinetic energy, Ultron was swiftly deflected in the air, and it fell to the ground in a second.

Ultron looked into the air as the external gear locked onto Tony. It snorted angrily and raised its hand.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of palm cannons were blasted at the Big Dipper clone.

Ultron already knew that it couldn’t interfere with Tony unless it took care of this despicable, shameless sneak attacker.

A dozen robots rushed over as well. They fired bullets and cannons at the Big Dipper clone.

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