Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 116 116. The Tsundere

Chapter 116 116. The Tsundere

I was standing on the sideline when the thing I don't want to happen, I became the centre of attention of these elite kids.

My survival instincts kicked in, and I quickly became super alert as I started looking left and right, Trying to figure out if they were looking at me or not.

And if they were looking at me, Then why are they looking at me? I needed to know that asap.

"Hey Smith, Come look at this."

"Smith, I never knew you are such a hidden person, Wanna be friends?"

"Yoo Girl You look good, Are you single?"

I was trying to figure out what was happening but I didn't get time as when one person spoke, Everyone started talking and coming towards me.

To be honest, I was super scared and nervous, I never liked a huge crowd or being the centre of attention like this one.

I now don't even need to know why these people were gathered here, All I wanted to get away from here.

As for men trying to strike up a conversation? It does not matter to me, I already have a person in my heart.

So all these people are pretty much invisible to me, So if I can't see or hear them then how could I respond to them?

"Smith, How did you do it? You know the college council expelled Britta today, See the notice."

I wanted to go away from here, I was even ready to make a run for it but then these words got spoken.

My already lifted foot was put on the ground as I looked at the girl who spoke with confusion.

This girl is from my class, Though we never spoke but as classmates, I have a little impression of her.

But what she was saying was very hard to believe.

Yesterday Britta said that her mummy became the 3rd highest donor of the school, This was more than enough capital to wantonly act in the college.

Which she did, I am also afraid that my complaint will not bear any fruit and might as well implicate me in trouble, So didn't even bother to do anything.

And now I was hearing that the same person, I think was untouchable on the school ground, got expelled? 

I can not believe this at all.

I, without caring about the crowd this time, ran towards the notice board and just as that girl said, It was about Britta and the group's expulsion.

The notice says that violence at the college ground is a very serious thing and is prohibited, So for breaking that rule Britta got expelled and her two friends wjo was involved in the act also got suspended until further notice.

So it was true, Britta somehow got expelled and what it looks like is this people thought I am the one who is responsible for it.

This is not true, I am also shocked like everyone else here.

'Did he do it?'

Suddenly that boys figure flashed into my mind. He was the only one I said about bullying done by Britta and Group.

I ignored the witness as they can't do anything to Britta, If they could they would have stopped her right then and there yesterday.

So there is a huge possibility that he was the one who did this, I needed to confirm this with him right now.

'Will he be there?'josei

I wanted to talk to him but I didn't even know his name. How can I find him in this huge college? I can't let it be on luck now, I need to know the truth.

Just thinking of him doing this for me makes my heart bubbly. There was a strange tingling in my stomach making me feel ticklish. A wide grin unknown to me appeared on my face, I just wanted to laugh wildly.

So I didn't acknowledge the people who were trying to talk to me, Establish a connection thinking I am some kinda big shot.

I didn't want to waste my time on these fake people. All I am thinking of now is he will be there? Will I get to see him? 

My legs turned toward that "abandoned" building as I started running in that direction hoping to meet him. I ignored the call of my name from behind, I focused all my attention on going into the room I was in yesterday.

*Huff* *Huff*

I reached the downstairs of the building but I stopped in front of the entrance. I was huffing because of running but also because of anxiety.

There was fear in my heart that he might not remember me or he might get angry for disturbing him once again.

There were too many thoughts running through my mind, I didn't know why I was thinking so many useless things. Just be a girl and enter the building.

But I just can't be able to. Fear of losing something was very powerful. Just the thought of him being angry with me is soul-wrenching.

I was trying to move my legs but they were just rooted in a place not wanting to take another step, So I stopped trying for a second.

Looking at the building, I closed my eyes and took a huge breath trying to calm my chaotic heart and mind.

I imagine his face. What if he feels good that I visited him? What if he was waiting for me? He should be lonely practising alone without any audience to appreciate his art.

I started telling myself this thing, bombarding myself with this positive enforcement of thoughts, And as it turns out the fear was lessened a lot.

After I took a moment to prepare myself, I entered the building and walked straight towards the 2nd floor.

The signs were not good. There was no music playing, Which means there is a huge possibility that he might be there but I still didn't stop.

I just wanted to confirm if he was there or not. I am too motivated now. If I miss this moment, This feeling will go away making me even more nervous. 

"*Exhale* Here I go."

Finally, I was standing in front of that room, The same room in which events made me realise I also can be a little selfish once in a while.

So after breathing out, I opened the door and to my relief, A figure appeared in my line of sight. He was seated in the same position as yesterday, Ready to start practising.

This is a figure of a man who stole my heart away, He was as handsome as he was yesterday.

The same dust-free white shirt and black carefully ironed black pants, I lost looking at him.

But then seeing his appearance I was reminded of the difference between us, My eyes moved from him and landed on my white gown.

I then again looked at his appearance, and I then realised what white clothes actually look like, I felt self-conscious as I saw my dress which had a slightly yellow hue.

There were lots of wrinkles on it. This space dress was nowhere near as good as his normal casual clothes.

It's actually hurt, Knowing the huge difference between us. Though I don't want him to suffer with me I also want that flame of hope to stay there.

When I start my career, I might be worthy enough for him but this realisation just widens that gap between us.

"Hey, cute face, What brings you here today?"

I decided to leave here, It was a decision made in haste to come here, But when J was about to turn around, He called me.

There's no way I can think of anything else after he called me cute, I just threw all those useless thoughts of difference between us as I faced him.

"N-Nothing, I was hoping tha-that I can stay here today too, I will clean whatever you wanted to clean."

I wanted to ask him about Britta but I wasn't able to bring up that topic, So hesitantly asked him to stay here.

Maybe his music calms me down enough for me to ask him about Britta, Yeah this is a big brain thing.

This way I was not only able to listen to his enchanting music but also able to spend time alone with him and cherry on top, I will also be able to ask him about Britta.

"No need to clean anything, I am happy that Britta was expelled, So you can stay here if you want."

I was already thinking about how to clean the other floor but his words surprised me, This was the topic I wanted to ask him and he just said what I wanted to know.

Is this some kinda sign? Can there be any possibility between us?

When he said that, My thoughts once again became rough and made up multiple things to justify her wanting to be with him.

"Yeah, For that, Tha-Thank you very much."

I ignored those stupid thoughts, now that he brought up Britta's affair, I also followed suit and thanked him.

Now I was sure, He was behind Britta's expulsion. There is no ounce of doubt in my mind.

I felt overwhelming happiness, He did this for me, He did this to Britta because she bullied me right?

There should not have had any romantic feelings for me in his mind but this proves he does care, Which is a win in my eyes.

"Why are you thanking me? It's not like I did this for you, She and I were archenemies, So misunderstood as I did this for you or anything."

He stopped looking at me staring at the piano keys while he spoke to me.

I was thrown off guard by his statement not understanding how it can be this much of a coincidence that just after telling him about bullying, Bully got expelled.

I do not believe it bit that he did not do this for me but his words were also hard to ignore.

'Wait!? Is he from that rare type of man who women hate and love?'

It clicked with me. This man belonged to that rare group, Which has two types of following. One side fully hates them, While the other madly love them.

A rare type of man, A Legendary Tsundere.

(A/ N : This flashback might end in the next chapter (99% chance of ending flashback not 100% as nothing is absolute)

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day 😁.)

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