Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 121 121. Bodygurd Strike Again

Chapter 121 121. Bodygurd Strike Again

Nathan's eyes burning with immense rage when he saw Alex standing in front of him, He will never forget the humiliation of forcing him to swallow a shoe.

And yesterday's beating, He was sure that the woman was also sent by Alex. If not, how can any woman have the heart to beat a handsome, charming, Mr. perfect guy like him?

It does not make sense, So Alex had to arrange it. 

'He should spend a lot of money to convince that woman to beat me. Maybe she needed money urgently, If not she should have never done that to me.'

Nathan couldn't help but to think about that woman, He felt that weird feeling when he saw her.

This is like something in the dark telling him that she is very useful to him. Before when he had this feeling, He was very confidently able to go and talk to them and they too got impressed by him.

The best example is his master. He also got the same feeling for her and when he talked to her everything worked out. She became so impressed by me, She directly accepted me as her first male disciple.

But yesterday things took a weird turn. He always goes and talks to that woman in his usual way as people often get impressed by how he is not afraid of power with his arrogant way of talking.

But that woman, other than getting impressed, became angry. He doesn't know what happened after that. He only knows when he woke up he was in a wheelchair.

So of course by his logic, it was done by Alex, As he never fails, Which is kinda right.

The reason why they are getting impressed like this was because of Halo of Wisdom, decreasing the IQ of others but Alex destroyed that Halo permanently from this world.

That's why people around Nathan reacted the same way as they would to others if they did the same.

So the frustration of losing those two women, Who gave him that feeling came over to Natahn, He gritted his and looked at Alex with hatred.

"Why are you here bastard- Arrgh Ack."

Nathan out of annoyance at seeing him here fully knowing that he will be going to once again cause trouble for him to prevent him from entering into the VIP ward.

What was even more blood-boiling for him was that this bastard was with three extremely beautiful women.

One of them he asked out before while the 2nd one was he fell in love with at first sight and the third thought not seen before was one is also a cutie, So out of frustration he asked him out in anger.

But the moment he completed his sentence, He felt a tight grasp on his neck and suddenly his airflow stopped.

His eyes wide open as his pupils dilated seeing the woman he fell in love with at first sight yesterday was now clinching his throat so hard that he can't even breathe.

He quickly wanted to look back and ask the two useless bodyguards standing behind him like a statue, Which side were they on? He is going to die here.

He brings them with him today only because he wanted to punish them, He even rejected Isabella's offer of lending him her bodyguards.

But now he was truly regretting it. He who killed a few people knows that Alia was not kidding around, She wanted to kill.

And the worst thing is that he can't even move because of his bandages, So he was like a fish on the chopping board.

Alex here was also stupefied, He knows the protagonist is stupid but to this extent? Compared to him, Rose looks like a one-in-century genius.

After all, Nathan has seen Alia with him, The same Alia who his "bodyguards" were not able to defend against before.

So he still does not understand why. What was thinking behind provoking someone like her by saying that to him?

Grace was also quite angry. How dare someone call the perfect man in her eyes a bastard, She as Alex simp had the urge to be a white knight in lighting shining armour and give him justice but Alia beat her to it making her feel she was still lacking and needed improvements.

Xiao Bai on other hand totally ignored Nathan's existence, Someone as weak as him was not even worth looking at.

All her attention was on trying the legendary skill of staying still by the red-bald guy, For to spend more time in his arms.

"Miss Alia, can you please not kill our young master? Don't forget he belonged to the Gayler family, You can't kill him."

Man in black seeing Natahn's face shifting from red to blue and soon turning purple decided to step in to prevent Nathan from dying here.


They don't care about whether he is dying or not, They just didn't want that to happen under their watch.

Alia not caring about their internal affairs was provoked when these men brought the Galyer family trying to put pressure on her.

So though before she only wanted to give a warning but now she really wanted to break this arrogant man just to send a message.

"Are you threatening me? Do you believe me when I say I can break both his arms and legs and send him back to your Gayler family?"

So she loosened the grip on his neck but did not let him go but lifted him by his neck dangling him in mid-air.

Alex seeing this felt pity, Pity that he didn't have popcorn right now, It would be fun seeing this while eating it.

Men in Black were also startled seeing this, Both quickly shared a glance at each other and then looked angrily at Alia.

"Miss, Miller, Aren't you underestimating our Galyer family?"

One walked in front of Alia and said angrily, He was looking really angry and humiliated by her words.

Alex also stops messing around and prepares to stop the melee conflict. He still needs to use Nathan as a cannon folder, It will be a pity if he gets damaged here.

'Finally, these stupid guys had not forgotten they belonged to the Gayler family.'

Nathan wanted to cry with joy seeing his "bodyguards" finally get some brain and came to his rescue.

He now gets it, Alex brings Alia here cause he sends his mother to him, He should have been careful about his retaliation.

But now decided to go full-on war with the Miller family, He just had to get the support of a person inside of this ward.

Alia is also shocked seeing the drastic changes in these bodyguards, Maybe they respect their family a lot.

Still, she will not let go of this arrogant man who dares to curse her man in front of her.

"What if I am? What are you going to do about it?"

Alia looked at the nameless man in black and said with her heir of family confidence, But surprisingly not only was this bodyguard not afraid he became even angrier.

"Really? Then do it. Let me see if you dare to do it. Why only hands and legs? Break every single bone in him.

So why did you stop? Do it, I dare you, I double dare you. Break all 207 bones in him, I will show you the power of the Galyer family. We have a family doctor who is way better than yours. Our young master will recover in just a week and stand before you once again.

Why are you not doing it? Are you underestimating our family again? Are you afraid of the Gayler family? You coward. This is a big disrespect to our Gayler family, Number two common if she is not breaking we will, He has to save the face of the family."

Then he started ranting, The words which were coming out of his mouth make a sane person hearing it doubt their own sanity, It's quite weird.

On one hand, his world kinda makes sense but on the other hand, it doesn't.


As guessed everyone stopped what they were doing and just stared speechlessly at the Bodyguard. Everyone was thinking one thing.

If you have a bodyguard like this, Do you really need to have any enemies?

Alia was also quite confused now she didn't know what to do. Do they break Nathan or not, Looking at this guy even if she didn't he will.

Alex too was surprised, He was ready to step in but he got betrayed, He had never in his wildest imagination thought of this happening.

There is no such character in the plot, If there was he would never have forgotten him.

Grace who was ready to join in to fight with Alia nearly fell on the ground hearing these words.

But most miserable was Nathan, The one these two were "guarding". He now truly regrets bringing these two, What do they mean if Alia didn't break his bone they will?

And why were they suggesting breaking all bones? Their family doctor is good but he is not a god to heal those injuries in an instant without any consequence.

And even then these two wanted him to face her again, Why? To let her break his bone again?

He now really misses his mother. If she was here this would never escalate like this.

"Hey don't look at me like this. I am shy."

The number one had guts after saying all that to act innocent, He was hiding his face apparently from the shyness of them staring at him.

[Ding!.... ]

Amidst this system, A notification rang in Alex's mind making him excited.

(A/N : The nameless one strikes back, Do you like it?

Like ways thank you for reading and have a good day 😁)

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