Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 287 285. Dumb And Dumber

Chapter 287 285. Dumb And Dumber

"What fraction do you belong to, What are you doing here and Who are you?"

Rita standing in front of White interrogating her, holding hands on her hips, Who was being tied and was hanging upside down from the ceiling.

"You psycho learn to construct sentences first, Arghh."

White cursed Rita as she trying to break free from her bondage.

She didn't know where this psycho came from.

When she reached the room a while ago. She knocked on the door but no one answered, She felt weird as which student would be out this late at night?

She didn't want to go back empty handed, So she tried to forcefully open the door, thinking Alex might be sleeping or something.

But then she found out that the door wasn't locked at all, With a simple push she opened the door wide open.

This time the bell rang in her head. This late at night, the door of the boy's room was not locked and still no one gave any response.

She didn't think twice and barged in concerned about the safety of Alex.

Even though she came here to ask for answers for injuries of her young master but as it stands right now she still didn't want something bad to happen to an innocent man.

So she came as white knight to rescue but just as she entered, All she saw a black shadow in his vision and boom the next moment she was tied up hanging upside down.

Then this psycho appeared and started spewing nonsense asking which fraction she belongs to and all.

She denied it but this woman didn't stop and once again asked the question with countless errors and mistakes.

Like didn't you suppose to start with who are you and then rest? How can someone make a mistake in a small thing like this one?

As for why she is psycho? Simple.

Right now she wasn't particularly wearing any clothes. There was a tight man's shirt then on top of it was a male coat.

There was no dressing downside, Her area only hidden behind the long over coat, Which only covered because she was standing right now.

If she decided to move, There is no doubt that her ugliness would be exposed.

"Humm, I would do that later but for now, Care to tell me, What fraction do you belong to? I promise if you be a good girl and told me, I would make sure your death would be as painless as possible, I swear this on my killer ethics."

Rita thought about White said and came to the conclusion that what this woman was saying is not wrong.

Last time Amara was able to use this fault against her in an argument, If she wants to avoid that then she needs to learn it.

But that thing that should be worried about later, Right now she wanted to know the origin of this woman.

Rita suspects this is a killer sent from a rival organization to end her story, After all it's not that uncommon.

She herself was ordered to do many such tasks but in her case it said to be for greater good, There is no innocent person's blood in her hand.josei

Or at least that is what was told to her, As everyone knows the hypocrisy of the protagonist faction.

If you are with them then you are a good guy even if you killed thousands. If not then you are an evil incarnate. There is no in-between.

Anyway right now Rita was in full alert mode, She was not worried about herself as she dealt with countless such assassin attempts on her life.

But she was more concerned about Alex, Especially Amara as she would take this opportunity and would definitely try to throw her off Alex's life.

Normally she didn't mind as she as killer know to never emotionally attach to someone but this time she failed.

It's been not that long and yet she couldn't even bear the thought of being separated from Alex.

For that she even wants to give up on her assassins career as for the first time she found a place to call a home.

And for that she ignored the death penalty and womanhunt that would come after she wants to leave dragon gate.

Of course, As its motto of survival of fittest, If she survived their attacks, She was free to go and would no longer be targeted.

Hence why she was sure she could leave and also sure that this woman might also be here from her own organization.

lightsnοvεl That is because even if she only made leaving the organization decision in the morning, giving it has pretty much eyes and ears everywhere.

It would not be strange if they know about it and send assassins to cut the loose ties.

"No No No, Wait wait wait!?!! Killer??? Hey Hey don't kill me *bawling* I-I *Sniff* come here to just ask questions, nothing else, Let me go or I would scream.'

White terrified when she heard Rita calling herself killer, She as being part of Gayler family is not unknown to the killers.

Even the Gayler family hire once in a while to deal with pesky pest problems, But she had never seen one or ever been targeted by them.lightsnovel

Her sister said that killers are bloodthirsty demons that should be avoided at any cost as they don't value anything other than money.

She told her so many stories and urban legends that fear of killers embedded in her heart.

She is just a normal caretaker in the Gayler family household. How can she have courage to face someone like that?

So the moment Rita said she is a killer, She broke out in sweat, Her eyes became watery and tears started to roll down from her forehead because of her current state.

White was was sure what Rita said is true as only lunatics would act and behave like this one.

Look at her dressing, How she talks and behaves, Something definitely wrong in her head.

People like this are perfect candidates to be killer.

If White has any money she would have offered right now but she is very poor, The payment she gets goes to her sisters account where she keeps it safe.

Right now she didn't have a single dime on her body. There was also the thought of fight of trying to escape here.

But seeing how easily she was apprehended by this psycho, She also dropped that idea, So all she thought of doing was to yell for help.

"Hump, Don't lie. Who comes at this late at night to questions? Do you think I am a fool? Also I dare you to yell for help, Lets see who is faster, You mouth or my knife."

Rita hearing the reason of White called bullshit, Who is in their right mind would come this late at night to ask questions?

She rather felt insulted. How can this woman thought she is so dumb enough to believe in it? This pisses her off more.

Then this woman has the audacity to threaten her saying she would yell?

She is a hardened killer. How can she be threatened by any run of the mill woman at all, Rita might be able to forgive for calling her dumb but never can she take blatant disrespect.

So she swiftly pulled out a sharp knife holding directly above the throat of White daring her to yell.

"Hey don't don't, I-I was kidding, Kidding, Please let me go, I really just want to ask questions."

White nearly pissed her pants when that cold metal came that close to her throat, Her heart was racing and her head was becoming muddy because of excessive blood flowing in her brain.

She started begging for her life, She yet to tell her young master her true feelings for him.

She never had courage nor had confidence to say it as she is just an homeworker and he is the young master of the Gayler family.

Still she didn't want to die with that regret, She also worried how her sister would handle the news of her death.

She didn't want her to be sad or so on revenge rampage as that would just go put her in danger.

She does want to live as she has yet to experience so many things, She can't end it like this at all.

"Just tell me your fraction name and I let you go."

Rita used her cold killer voice and asked White once again.

She really can't kill this woman right now, Not without knowing which faction she belongs to to make sure she would deal with it.

But it seems this woman also knows that hence avoiding saying it makes it harder for her.

If she was not in a hurry, Alex would come back and then she would explain this to him and Amara.

She didn't want to have that conversation as it would mean she had to say everything about her to Alex.

Even though he already investigate about her and knows it but it would be still harder for her to say it out loud.

"I didn't belongs to any fractions at all, I hoseworlerker in the Gayler family."

White while crying revealed her origin because she really thought this woman would kill her if she didn't say anything.

She didn't want to die, She wanted to live and in hope that Gayler might deter her from doing anything she said it not even thinking to hide the fact that she is a houseworker in it.

'Is this woman dumb?'

Rita suddenly hearing the answer couldn't help but think something was wrong in the head of this woman.

"What is happening here?"

Rita wanted to test her theory but a voice of shock stopped her.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day 😁.)

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