Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 148 - I Came Here For Her

Chapter 148 - I Came Here For Her

Chapter 148 I Came Here For Her
After hearing what Jiang Yuecheng’s mother had said, Tang Xia was not sure whether she should leave or not because it would not be convenient for her to complete her task and she did not know how she could survive if she left this place.

But looking at the cruel expression of Jiang Yuecheng’s mother, Tang Xia hardened her heart to shake her hand off and was determined to leave this house.

“Let me go! I’ll take these things with me! How can you say that these things belong to your house? Where is my dowry? Give it back to me now as I’m leaving!”

“What do you mean? You have married my son, so you along with your dowry is what our family possesses. How can you take it with you? Don’t you dare take one single thing from us even though you are leaving!”

Jiang Yuecheng’s mother shouted at Tang Xia somewhat alarmedly with a pale face while she looked at her in panic.

“But I’m leaving now, I should take my dowry with me. Are you trying to pocket all of my dowry? I have never seen a woman as shameless as you! How thick-skinned you are!”

Tang Xia wore a sneer and glared at her mother-in-law, ridiculing her as being insatiable.

“Anyhow, we did not shoo you away. Don’t you dare take one single thing with you even though you are leaving! You are not divorced now, your dowry belongs to us as you are still a member of our family!”

Jiang Yuecheng’s mother argued with Tang Xia while her face blushed. What a shameless woman she was to say such impudent words regardless of the fact that her son was still here.

As Tang Xia did not expect that her mother-in-law could be so conscienceless, Tang Xia froze for a while. Before she could say something else, Jiang Yuecheng held her hand and snatched her clothes. Then he spoke to her in a softer tone.

“Where are you going this late? My mom was so pissed off that she said those words. Don’t take them seriously. This is your home, so live in peace here, won’t you?”

“Yuecheng, I know my younger female cousin is more beautiful and gentler than me. But this is my home, where else can I go? I want to stay here, too. However, your mom…”

After thinking over Jiang Yuecheng’s words, Tang Xia knew that Jiang Yuecheng wanted to make her stay for some reason related to Chu Tiankuo. As she thought so, she started to complain tearfully right away.

“Yuecheng, I have devoted so much to this home since we got married. I do the laundry and cook for you every day. Besides that, I try my best to attend to my mother-in-law. I’ve really put in a lot of sweat and effort into everything I do. How could I be willing to leave?”

“I know all that. All right, don’t cry anymore. You have devoted so much to this home. What’s more, you are the most sensible and considerate one. My mom is just sharp-tongued, but she’s not malicious. So don’t take her words too seriously!”

Jiang Yuecheng furrowed his eyebrows as he thought that Tang Xia really had devoted much to this home for many years. So his attitude toward her became more moderate.

“Yuecheng, I am so lucky that you understand me. I don’t blame your mom as I also have done wrong. I hope that mom will not get mad at me. We can live a good life together, ok?”

Tang Xia pretended to be sad and leaned on Jiang Yuecheng’s arms. Then she cast a complacent look at Jiang Yuecheng’s mother to stimulate her feelings. But all Jiang Yuecheng could see was her head and not her facial expression.

“You are like a hen that does not lay eggs! Why are you staring at me with that look? You don’t give birth to a single child although you have been married to my son for so many years! Hurry up and leave if you want to go. I’ll let my son marry a new girl. I think your younger female cousin is a good choice.”

When Jiang Yuecheng’s mother saw Tang Xia’s expression, her emotion broke out immediately. As she had never been fond of Tang Xia, how could she not grasp this opportunity to get rid of her?

“That’s enough, mom. Let’s call it a day. It will be so embarrassing if our neighbors know all about this. Go to bed now, it’s so late! We can talk about it tomorrow, ok?”

It seemed that Jiang Yuecheng with his eyebrows knitted was quite unpleasant while he urged his mother to go to bed and lowered his head to comfort Tang Xia.

“Don’t take her words to heart. My mom is only sharp-tongued. After all, she is an elder. So try to put up with her. Talk to me whenever you feel wronged. Don’t keep it bottled up!”

“Sure. She is our mom, not a stranger, so I should give in to her. Don’t worry about it. I understand all that. My only hope is that you can understand me!”

Tang Xia snuggled with Jiang Yuecheng and coaxed him comfortably while she ridiculed how shameless they were in her mind.

“Ok. It is good that you are so sensible. I understand you. Don’t worry. I won’t shoo you away and you can live here in peace. I will live out my life with you. So go to bed early!”

Jiang Yuecheng tapped Tang Xia on her shoulder and sighed, thinking that Tang Xia was not bad because she was such a thoughtful woman who did not fight over anything and was willing to diligently devote much to the home.

“All right. You should go to bed early as you need to go to work tomorrow. I’ll get you some hot water so that you can take a bath.” Tang Xia nodded adorably and got busy making arrangements for Jiang Yuecheng.

When Tang Xia lay in bed that night, Jiang Yuecheng turned his back to her while he was snoring loudly, which made her quite annoyed. And there was so much chaos in her mind that she could not figure it out.

Tang Xia had been racking her brains all night thinking about how she could make Jiang Yuecheng fall in love with her again. First, she should bolster the positive profile in his mind, then… She fell asleep.

Tang Xia woke up the next morning and served breakfast for Jiang Yuecheng and her mother-in-law as usual. Furthermore, she apologized to her mother-in-law in front of Jiang Yuecheng to build a good image.

“Mom, it was I who acted willfully last night. Please don’t take my behavior seriously. I’m making my apology to you. It is all my fault. We should live in peace together and not quarrel anymore!”

Tang Xia knew that her mother-in-law would not accept her apology according to her personality, which would make Jiang Yuecheng protect her, so she took this opportunity.

“I don’t need your apology! Just leave if you want to go! Don’t play tricks on me! Make it clear if you want to stay. You just want your dowry. In my view, you have been looking forward to leaving this home for a long time!”

As expected, Jiang Yuecheng’s mother just took a glance at her and shamelessly had Tang Xia serve her breakfast while she ridiculed her.

“Mom, I do want to stay because this is also my home. I want to take care of you and Yuecheng for the rest of my life. My unwillingness to leave this home has nothing to do with my dowry. I really hope that I can stay!”

Tang Xia pretended to be sad and lowered her head. Then she poured some porridge for Jiang Yuecheng and gave it to him while she looked at him with a pitiable expression.

“That’s enough, mom. I told you last night that this matter was over. She has devoted so much to this home, so just eat the breakfast that she served to you and stop saying those words!”

Looking at Tang Xia’s tearful expression, Jiang Yuecheng became a little soft-hearted and spoke up for her so that Tang Xia’s mother-in-law would not say anything more.

After breakfast, Tang Xia walked Jiang Yuecheng to the door and straightened his collar. Then she sent him off with a gentle smile.

“Yuecheng, what do you want to have for lunch? I’ll cook and deliver it to you. Does my female cousin need any? I can make another one for her so that you can have lunch together!”

“Anything will do. I need to go to work now as it’s getting late. As for Linlin, don’t bother cooking lunch for her.” Jiang Yuecheng looked calm as he nodded his head, thinking that he should not let Tang Xia deliver lunch to Zhou Linlin. Then he was about to leave.

“Be careful on the road! Get home early and I will wait for you at home along with mom!” After Tang Xia straightened Jiang Yuecheng’s collar carefully, she opened the door and sent him away.

However, the moment Tang Xia opened the door, she saw Chu Tiankuo standing at the door and carrying a bag with something inside.

“I told you that it’s getting late! Why are you still standing in the doorway? Get out of my way! I’m in a hurry!”

As Jiang Yuecheng, who was behind Tang Xia, noticed that she was still standing in the doorway, he spoke to her sullenly.

“Yuecheng, your boss is standing outside the door. I am afraid that he’s come here for you.” Tang Xia looked at Chu Tiankuo and tried to ignore his expression. Then she turned away and spoke to Jiang Yuecheng.

“Manager Chu, why are you here so early? What can I do for you?” The moment Jiang Yuecheng heard the name of Chu Tiankuo, he put on a flattering smile immediately and bypassed Tang Xia to stand in front of Chu Tiankuo.

“I came here for her, not for you!” With a poker face, Chu Tiankuo pointed at Tang Xia standing behind Jiang Yuecheng.

“I see, Manager Chu is calling for you! Hurry and come here!” As Jiang Yuecheng heard that Chu Tiankuo had come here for Tang Xia, his smile froze for a while. But he adjusted his smile quickly and dragged Tang Xia to in front of Chu Tiankuo.

“Manager Chu, what can I do for you?” Tang Xia looked away unnaturally to avoid eye contact with Chu Tiankuo while she secretly observed the faces of Chu Tiankuo and Jiang Yuecheng.

“You sprained your ankle, so I’ve brought some medicine for pain and swelling from the injury. And I want to check on you whether your injury is ok or not.”

After looking Tang Xia up and down, Chu Tiankuo gave the bag to her.

“Oh, thank you. I’m all right. You can leave now!”

Tang Xia rolled her eyes at Chu Tiankuo in the hopes that he could leave soon because she thought subconsciously that nothing good would happen as long as Chu Tiankuo was there.

“How can you talk to Manager Chu like that! How dare you not show your gratitude as Manager Chu is showing his great concern for you!”

Jiang Yuecheng pretended to get angry at Tang Xia as he spoke with a smile to Chu Tiankuo.

“Manager Chu, my wife does not know how to behave, so please don’t take her words seriously. How about coming in? I just bought some good fresh tea.”josei

“No, you said that you were going to be late, right? I’m just about to go to the company, so get in my car so that it can be quicker.”

Chu Tiankuo wore a sneer and pointed at his car behind the door.

“You must be late if you’re going to the company on your own. I can drive you there!”

“That’s so kind of you, Manager Chu. Thank you!” Jiang Yuecheng bowed obsequiously to Chu Tiankuo.

“That’s ok. Let’s go!” Chu Tiankuo shook his hand liberally and took a meaningful look at Tang Xia before he left.

At this moment, a red car stopped by the doorway and two honks of a car horn came overbearingly. Then Zhou Linlin with heavy makeup walked toward Jiang Yuecheng while not noticing that Chu Tiankuo was there.

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