Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 154 - Flattery

Chapter 154 - Flattery

Chapter 154 Flattery
“P-president. I think it’s improper!” Jiang Yuecheng’s face changed suddenly. His lips trembled, looking anxious but lacking words.

“Tell me the reason, please! I never make any mistakes in my work and have been working hard. I’ve done lots of hard work even if I haven’t performed any meritorious deeds. You can’t treat me like this!”

Jiang Yuecheng’s heart kept sinking when he looked at Chu Tiankuo’s cold face. He suspected that Chu Tiankuo was likely to be venting his anger for Tang Xia.

He felt so resentful but dared not express himself. All he did was be obedient and pretend to be a poor, nice guy.

“Our company does not need an employee who has personal problems. I won’t let you resign because I don’t even want to pay your salary for one more month.”

Chu Tiankuo raised his nose with hatred. He couldn’t bear the filthy atmosphere anymore.

How Chu Tiankuo wished that he still lived in ancient times when he thought of how this beast had treated Tang Xia. If he were back in those times, he would dismember this beast in the cruelest way.

“No! You can’t treat me this way! President, I have an elderly mother to take care of and so many people to feed in my family! Please forgive me. I’m begging you to forgive me.” Jiang Yuecheng, a man, was now crying and following Chu Tiankuo hurriedly.

“Get lost!” Chu Tiankuo turned back all of a sudden, looking at him with a stern face. His sheer force of character engulfed Jiang Yuecheng like Mount Tai, which could blot out the sky and cover up the earth.

He proved himself to have been an emperor and a governor for many years. Something in him could still be intimidating even though things had gone through great upheavals with the passage of time.

Jiang Yuecheng’s face turned pale out of fear. He stepped backward and nearly kneeled down feebly.

“How could it be possible? Why would I feel the threat of death? That’s ridiculous!” Jiang Yuecheng shook his head in shock, tried to smile but failed.

“He has gone too far in bullying me! Chu Tiankuo shows his interest in Tang Xia but never considers that Tang Xia is my wife! So, if Chu Tiankuo shows his desire for Tang Xia behind my back, he is trying to cuckold me openly.

“I’ve been kind and tolerant enough, as I didn’t hold him accountable and reveal that he’s scum under his disguise as a polite man!

“But now he bites the hand that feeds him and wants even more. And he’s trying to kick me out of the company. That’s completely intolerable.” Jiang Yuecheng glared at Chu Tiankuo’s shadow maliciously and fiercely gritted his teeth.

He swore that he would bring Chu Tiankuo to ruin once he got the chance.

Jiang Yuecheng moved his feet sullenly when Chu Tiankuo’s figure had completely disappeared from the office door. But he found surprised that Zhou Linlin was trying to slip away.

“What are you doing?” Jiang Yuecheng felt colder and colder in his heart. He had foreseen that he would lose much more over the next few days.

“But, now it’s working time. I must go back to work now.” Zhou Linlin managed to smile but beat around the bush. She was looking around but never cast an eye on Jiang Yuecheng.

“What’s ‘working time’? We used to do this before, didn’t we?” Jiang Yuecheng was unwilling to give up and he didn’t believe this woman was so snobbish. There was always warmth between these people, wasn’t there?

“… All right. You don’t have to struggle anymore. Cousin, I was too young and too naive before. Please forgive me for what I’ve done. From now on, we’re just relatives.”

Zhou Linlin changed her face but looked cold again as she stopped walking. “I’ve thought about it a lot and found that we don’t match each other at all. This is the end!”

“You! Linlin, I love you. You can’t treat me like this.”

Now that Jiang Yuecheng had been frustrated at work, he couldn’t bear the breakdown of his relationship with Zhou Linlin. He said with his pleading eyes, “You said you loved me. Why are you speaking like this to me now? Were you just deceiving me before?”

“You’re so bothersome! I’ve told you that we don’t match each other. Why are you still pestering me? What do you want?” Zhou Linlin didn’t even conceal her disdainful look on her face as if she were throwing a sticky of candy under her shoe.

Though it seemed that Zhou Linlin was speaking harsh words and looked stern, she was merely pretending.

She didn’t know what had happened but the president had made it clear just now that he would kick Jiang Yuecheng out of the company due to his poor personality.

Now that the president disfavored Jiang Yuecheng, she’d better draw the line with him. And to keep herself from being involved, she had to break off all unnecessary relations.josei

“Is that so?” Jiang Yuecheng trembled out of anger as he looked at Zhou Linlin, who was running away helter-skelter. How ironic it is when a couple distances themselves from each other!

Oh no! They were not a couple yet… for his wife had been abandoned by him in the rain and nobody knew where she was now.

It was not until Jiang Yuecheng checked in at the security room that he came to know that Chu Tiankuo hadn’t really fired him but had demoted him to a security guard.

He remembered the old days when he had been so natural and unrestrained even if he hadn’t been in the superior position.

Now he was wearing a security guard’s uniform, staying in the room, and focusing his eyes on the monitor. How could this match his talents?

“Get up and put your stinky feet away. Do you think it’s the same here as in the office building? Stop daydreaming.” A middle-aged man 30 to 40 years old smirked cantankerously and kicked Jiang Yuecheng’s feet rudely with a disdainful and gloating expression.

Never had Jiang Yuecheng been bullied like this except for when he was finding a job. In addition to that, he had already been in a bad mood, so he was eager to roll up his sleeves and have a fight with him.

“Am I in your way if I sit here? Who the hell do you think you are? How can you command me? You might have been a junk dealer while I was making big bucks in this company, don’t you know?”

The more glorious Jiang Yuecheng’s life had been, the more subdued he felt now, and the more he despised these people.

“Yuck! What the hell? Do you think you’re so excellent? Hehe, are you indispensable? Are you irreplaceable? If you had been so great, then why are you here?”

Three or four security guards surrounded Jiang Yuecheng and tried every means to scoff at him in turn.

“Now that you’ve been demoted, you’d better behave yourself and be obedient. Stop pretending that you’ve been excellent in the past.” A security guard spat on Jiang Yuecheng’s face and slapped him in his face.

“You!” Jiang Yuecheng was ticked off. He glared at these people, red to the tips of his ears.

“What do you want? Do you want to fight with us?”

“…” Jiang Yuecheng almost went mad, but he was not foolish. He tried his best to repress his anger and submit to the humiliation. But all in all, Jiang Yuecheng was disdained by the whole company.

He finally endured it up until the last minute of the work and then went back home downheartedly. He surprisingly found that Tang Xia had returned home and affably made dinner. She was waiting for him at the door graciously.

“Ah, you’re back. Do you feel tired? Are you hungry now? I’ve cooked dinner for you. It’s right there in the pot. And I’ve been waiting for you!”

Tang Xia’s smile was as bright as winter jasmine. She was greeting Jiang Yuecheng with almost all the enthusiasm from her first few decades of life.

“Hmph! I’ll be good to you when you hate me and make you feel grateful to me and be dead set on me.

“Then I’ll kick you the f*ck away when you feel you can’t live without me! “Just get lost and go anywhere you like. Yuck, I’ll never want to see you again.”

Sweet as her smile was, that was what she really thinking about at the moment. So she never minded showing her passion to Jiang Yuecheng, who was so cold-blooded.

“Hmph, the day will come for this beast when he wishes he could die to live again.”

“Ah, I almost forget! Give me your briefcase now. Are you tired? Sit down and have a rest.” Tang Xia affably took the briefcase from Jiang Yuecheng’s hand and then wiped his hands with a towel.

“Hmph, the only thing I haven’t done for him is feeding him the food with kitchenware myself and coax him like a big baby.

“B*stard, b*tch! Think of how you kicked me and threw me in the rain!” Tang Xia felt so sick about the scumbag that she was itching to kill him. But she was even more gentle in her treatment of him.

So far, Jiang Yuecheng hadn’t figured out what had happened and had a blank look in his eyes.

“What the hell is happening? Did the old ball and chain get up on the wrong side of the bed?” Jiang Yuecheng dared not eat what Tang Xia gave him because he was afraid that she might have poisoned the food, wanting to kill him.

It made sense for him to have such concerns because Tang Xia’s behavior was so abnormal. And there had to be a plot behind each abnormality. Nothing could be more important than his life and he had to be extremely careful.

But Jiang Yuecheng suddenly understood everything and patted himself on the forehead. “I’ve been so curious why she would become so attentive all of a sudden. Now I see. She has a bad conscience!”

She must have been clear that it was she who had made him lost his job! Jiang Yuecheng overturned the table out of anger and all the dishes and kitchenware fell to the ground with a great noise.

“Oh! Are you crazy? You’re committing a sin! You wasted so much food! How would I give birth to you, you beast!” Jiang Yuecheng’s mother started crying and screaming with anger as she rushed out and saw the mess after hearing the noise.

“Mother! Stop crying! I lost my job because of this woman!”

“Hic!” Jiang Yuecheng’s mother suddenly stopped crying. She stared at Tang Xia suspiciously and was about to have a cow.

“Why is it because of me? I did nothing! I know nothing!”

Tang Xia felt wronged and was eager to curse Jiang Yuecheng now. But she continued to act as if she had been wronged. She rolled her eyes but didn’t quarrel with him.

“Then, tell me what’s your relationship with Chu Tiankuo?” Jiang Yuecheng seized her arms, looking excited, ashamed, and irritated at the same time.

“We acquainted with each other by accident and we have nothing to do with each other.” Saying this, Tang Xia thought of another plan and continued, “Take it easy. I’ll call him and ask him about this for you.”

On the other side of the phone, Chu Tiankuo was surprised that Tang Xia would call him. Then he smiled after thinking. “Are you calling me about Jiang Yuecheng’s issue?”

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