Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 159 - Zhou Linlin's Indecent Video

Chapter 159 - Zhou Linlin's Indecent Video

Chapter 159 Zhou Linlin’s Indecent Video
Tang Xia made an appointment with Zhang Xian at a coffee shop. When she arrived, Zhang Xian had been waiting for her for a long time.

Zhang Xian looked in the direction of the doorway fretfully while he wondered why Tang Xia had not shown up yet.

On seeing Tang Xia’s arrival, he was not that anxious anymore and took a sip of coffee in no hurry. Then he started to become dazed, sitting in the chair.

After Tang Xia arrived at the coffee shop, she sat down in front of Zhang Xian. When asked what she needed by the waiter, she said, “A cup of black coffee, thank you.”

Tang Xia nodded at the waiter and said nothing, staring at Zhang Xian’s profile.

The atmosphere between them seemed a little awkward to others, but neither of them sitting face to face felt embarrassed. After a while, the waiter arrived with a cup of coffee for Tang Xia. Then she took a sip and sat there in no hurry.

Finally, Zhang Xian took a look at Tang Xia, who was rather calm, and could hardly sit still since he felt somewhat restless.

Before he could finish his coffee, Zhang Xian could not stand it anymore as he couldn’t stay as carefree as Tang Xia. Then he said, “Here… is what you need.”

Then, he took a USB stick out from his pocket, put it on the table, and slid it to Tang Xia.

“Now I have broken up with Zhou Linlin. And I’ll leave this city due to my job soon. I don’t want to know what has happened between you two, and I don’t want to intervene as it is none of my business.

“I don’t feel like being involved in your conflict. This is the end of my meddling in your affairs. Deal with the rest of it on your own!”

Then Zhang Xian drank up his coffee as if he had made up his mind, and stood up to leave without looking back.

After Tang Xia gazed after him, she said nothing to ask him to stay as she knew that it was useless to say anything in this situation. Besides, they were just casual acquaintances.

And it was obvious that Zhang Xian was in a bad mood at the moment.

Tang Xia took the USB stick rather calmly and scrutinized it for a while in her hand. Then she took out her laptop and inserted the USB stick into it.

After having a look at what was contained on the USB stick to ensure that Zhang Xian did not lie to her, Tang Xia made a copy of it and shut her laptop down.

Then she finished her coffee slowly and ordered a dessert. After she had eaten and drunk quite enough, Tang Xia left that place.

When she left the coffee shop, Tang Xia made a phone call. Then a voice came from over the line. “Hello? Why are you calling me, Tang Xia?”

“No reason. I just want to ask you out so that we can have a good talk.” Tang Xia wore a faint smile and spoke calmly.

“Just save it. I don’t think we have much to talk about. I’ll hang up the phone if there is nothing else. After all, I’m quite busy.”

After hearing Tang Xia’s words, Zhou Linlin wanted to hang up the phone immediately.

Tang Xia smiled calmly and said, “Wait, I have something to tell you. Although it makes no difference to me, I am not sure whether it counts much to you…

“In a word, come out to meet me. I believe that you will be quite interested in it. I’ll wait for you at the usual place.”

Zhou Linlin was rather puzzled by her words. She did not feel like going because there was not much for them to talk about. They would definitely quarrel when they met each other.

“I may as well work on a solution to what happened if I have time to quarrel with her,” Zhou Linlin thought.

But she felt vaguely uneasy after hearing Tang Xia’s words. As she regarded her own feelings quite accurate, she would go and meet Tang Xia due to her sixth sense.

Because Zhou Linlin was not aware of what Tang Xia had on her, she had to go and check it out.

When Zhou Linlin arrived, she noticed that Tang Xia sat there, playing with something. Then she walked quickly toward her to stand beside her and saw Tang Xia’s calm expression and a small white USB stick in her hand.

On seeing this, Zhou Linlin felt that she had been fooled by Tang Xia and wanted to slap her. However, Tang Xia reacted so quickly that she grasped Zhou Linlin by the waist and stared at her.

Zhou Linlin froze for a while. And before she could react, Tang Xia raised her hand and slapped Zhou Linlin with the back of the hand.

Tang Xia slapped her so hard that Zhou Linlin’s head was tilted, which shocked Zhou Linlin quite a lot. It was not until she felt the pain on her face did she stare at Tang Xia with astonishment.

Zhou Linlin could not believe what had just happened. “How can Tang Xia slap me since she has always been so cowardly and timid?”

“How dare you slap me! What makes you so bold to slap me?” Zhou Linlin kept her eyes wide open and stared at Tang Xia.

Tang Xia looked at Zhou Linlin and wore a smile with disdain. “I did not intend to do that. I just wanted to calm you down. Don’t be so impulsive, young girl!

“We can sit down and have a good talk. I have something that you will definitely be interested in. It won’t be too late to slap me after you see what it is.”

Tang Xia took out her cellphone and played a video in front of Zhou Linlin and those vague voices from the video confused her.

Zhou Linlin looked at Tang Xia in bewilderment, as if she were saying: “What are you doing? Did you ask me out to watch this kind of video? Have you lost your mind?”

Then Zhou Linlin heard a seductive shout, which was recognized by her immediately and made her face turn pale right away. So she looked at Tang Xia with a horrible look on her face and turned to look at that video.

She could clearly see that two people were making love, and the person on the bottom was Zhou Linlin. Furthermore, Zhou Linlin’s face was not pixelated and could clearly be perceived in the video.

Although the face of the person on top was pixelated, Zhou Linlin could tell it was Zhang Xian at first sight. How could she forget the man who she made love with from the night before?

“How… how could you get this video? Where did you get it?” Zhou Linlin looked at Tang Xia with a shocked expression and asked with her finger pointing at Tang Xia.

Zhou Linlin had a pale face and looked at Tang Xia with great astonishment. While her body could not help trembling, she wore an implausible look as if she thought of something. Then her pupils dilated slightly as if she had seen something horrible.

In fact, this video was devastating to Zhou Linlin.

Those two people in the video were exactly Zhang Xian and Zhou Linlin, who had sex last night! Zhou Linlin looked at the video with a desperate look.josei

Zhang Xian… indeed went to see Zhou Linlin, which made her think that he wanted to get back together with her. So she did not reject his proposal and had sex with him.

However, it never occurred to Zhou Linlin that Zhang Xian was working in collusion with Tang Xia to deceive her!

Zhou Linlin took her cellphone out of her pocket with a trembling hand and made a phone call. She was so shocked that she even pressed several wrong numbers.

After a while, she finally dialed out. Then she put her cellphone close to the ears slowly.

However, she did not hear a familiar voice but instead, a cold female voice which said: “Sorry, the subscriber you dialed is not in service.”

Zhou Linlin froze while her cellphone slipped from her hand and fell on the ground.

After a while, she calmed down. Then she glared at Tang Xia with a pair of red eyes and said, “How dare you two!”

“What?” Tang Xia looked at Zhou Linlin coldly and said, “I’m just giving you a dose of your own medicine. All these things are done by yourself. How can you blame what you have done on me?

“I just got a good chance to have something on you.”

“Tell me, what do you want to do?” Zhou Linlin glared at Tang Xia as if she were looking at an enemy and wanted to taste her flesh along with her blood.

Tang Xia looked Zhou Linlin in her eyes and said, “If I sell this video to a company that specializes in this kind of video…

“What will happen? I suppose it would be very interesting! I’m quite looking forward to it!”

“It… it was shot surreptitiously! Don’t you know that it is illegal?”

Zhou Linlin bit the bullet and replied to her. Although she was already a little scared, she could not show the white feather in front of Tang Xia. It was she who used to bully Tang Xia. How could she let Tang Xia take advantage of her?

After hearing Zhou Linlin’s words, Tang Xia wore a sneer.

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