Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 166 - You Have Become a Trending Topic on Microblogs

Chapter 166 - You Have Become a Trending Topic on Microblogs

Chapter 166 You Have Become a Trending Topic on Microblogs
Tang Xia feared that she would be killed by this huge humanoid weapon, so she quickly dodged away.

Ross passed her and fell to the ground directly, crying out in pain, “Oh, you bad girl, you just saw me fall down. Ouch… It is killing me.”

“It’s my fault?” Tang Xia stretched out her hands, expressing her helplessness.

“Hmph! You ungrateful girl! As I am rushing to tell you something!” Ross jumped up from the ground in anger and complained about her grievance pitifully.

“Well. My bad. I’m sorry for you. I was wrong. So what’s up?” Tang Xia asked in a gentle voice.

Just now, Ross suddenly rushed out while yelling. She just dodged away and didn’t hear what Ross was saying at all.

Hearing her words, Ross had no reason to be angry anymore. Ross knocked the dust from her clothes and said excitedly, “Oh! It’s just that you have become a trending topic.

“You don’t know that I read a lot of news about you when I opened my microblog. Now the news is blowing up online. You should log on and see what’s going on.”

Hearing what she had said, Tang Xia suddenly had a bad feeling.

She immediately took out her cell phone from her bag and opened her microblog. She did read a lot of news about herself.

However, it was all negative news and most of the titles were something about “playing tricks” and “conniving girl”.

Tang Xia changed her face at once and browsed the news anxiously.

Finally, she clicked the topic of #The anchorwoman tricks the boss into falling in love with her#.

Tang Xia slowly scrolled the screen and saw that many netizens in the topic were calling her a two-faced scheming b*tch.

Some even called her a b*tchy coquette. And the virtual character collapsed the whole virtual world for her. Many netizens cursed that she would be killed by a car and drowned when she went out.

In brief, there were all kinds of bad words written against her.

Tang Xia browsed the news one by one and her face turned colder and colder as she was browsing.

She surely knew that the virtual character was referring to Chu Tiankuo. However, she also clearly knew that she didn’t play tricks on him.

Maybe she did regard him as her target; however, what she did to Chu Tiankuo later was all done in earnest.

In addition, she did not expect that the virtual world would collapse, nor did she expect that her decision would make Chu Tiankuo be overwhelmed suddenly.

When she broadcast live, she was always strict with herself to show the best of herself.

However, why did everyone swear so many terrible things at her now?

Many people online even said that they would all become her anti-fans.

She was mighty scared by the anti-fan’s gift from last night. If there were more anti-fans…

Tang Xia couldn’t help trembling and dared not think about it anymore.

She didn’t know why it had gotten to be this way overnight.

She just fulfilled a few tasks. Why did so many people hate her and think she played tricks? She hadn’t, okay? She was just trying to accomplish the tasks, but why couldn’t they see what she had invested and her efforts?

Reading the comments, she felt like her heart was bleeding. What exactly was going on?

Tang Xia continued to browse on the phone and clicked the news one by one.

There were many screenshots of her live broadcast in the news. And some words like “scheming b*tch” were marked at the bottom.

They even made many GIFs, which showed her actions in the live broadcast. And these actions could have been seen as normal without improper feelings.

She didn’t know how they dealt with these GIFs, which made her look caustic and even sinister.

Those confused ordinary netizens also swore at and mocked her after they read the news.

And many other netizens said that they would watch her live broadcast to see her true face.

Browsing these, Tang Xia felt that she would collapse in the next second.

Now she could imagine that numerous people would swear at her when she did her next live broadcast.

Suddenly, she remembered the knife she had received yesterday and the message with the bad words of “scheming b*tch”. She subconsciously thought there was a connection of some kind between them.

She continued to search online, trying to find the culprit.

But the more she browsed, the colder her heart became…

“Why? Why is this happening? What am I doing wrong, anyway?” Tang Xia said with a choked-up voice.

“Don’t be sad, Tang Xia. You know that people like typing unreal things online.” Ross allowed herself to comfort the sad Tang Xia, but there was no worry in her eyes.

“They like doing that? How could they be so irresponsible?” Tang Xia shouted loudly. She got very angry.

“Well, if they really need to be responsible, will these people who use sock puppets swear online? Actually, it’s not worth getting sad over. As anchors, we need topics. If not, how can we attract more fans?”

Ross spoke with a smile disapprovingly. She had been worried that she wasn’t popular enough. If she had such a chance, she would be extremely happy.

Alas! It was a pity that she didn’t! Comparisons are odious indeed.

Thinking of that, Ross looked at Tang Xia jealously.

Tang Xia knew that what she said was true, but she still couldn’t stand it.

Ross saw that she was silent and continued, “Well. Actually, it’s not a big deal, but a good one. A trending topic means you have become famous! That’s great! Don’t worry so much, okay?”

In such a situation, Tang Xia did not want to say anything so she just smiled at her helplessly.

Ross curled her mouth disappointedly. “All right! It’s time for us to get prepared.”

Tang Xia nodded and packed her cell phone away. Now she was in such a confused mood and she was quite puzzled about what to do next.

She took a few steps forward and suddenly stopped.

The horrible event yesterday and the terrible thing today almost overwhelmed her.

She didn’t know what to do now and she didn’t know how she could face the upcoming live broadcast.

“Ye Yifan…”

Ye Yifan suddenly came to her mind. Thanks to him, she had been able to calm down yesterday.

At the thought of this, she subconsciously wanted to find him. Ye Yifan was a master. Maybe he could tell her how to deal with these terrible things.

And… she could ask him about that other thing by the way…

Thinking of that, Tang Xia moved again and walked in the direction of Ye Yifan’s office.

Ross remained where she was. When she saw Tang Xia just stand there for a moment and then walk toward Ye Yifan’s office, her face suddenly became caustic.

She whispered disdainfully, “Yuck! Shameless! Just like the comments online, she is a scheming b*tch indeed and won’t miss any opportunity.”

When Tang Xia stopped at Ye Yifan’s office, she hesitated. What should she say to Ye Yifan when she saw him?

“I’d better talk about the things online with him first and then ask him about that other thing.

“In this way, even if he refuses me, I won’t stay there and feel shame.” After thinking everything over, Tang Xia was about to knock on the door.

While raising it into the air, her hand was frozen again.

She suddenly remembered that Ye Yifan left with Li Xianxian in the morning, and now she did not know if he was in his office.josei

But hadn’t she decided that she would get his exact answer? So, what was she hesitating about? Whether he was in or not, she just needed to knock on the door.

She was disconsolate for a moment. Just as she was determined to knock on the door, a voice came from behind.

“Tang Xia.”

Tang Xia was scared to death by this sudden voice and looked back immediately.

It was July…

When did July get behind her? She didn’t even notice him at all.

“It’s… it’s… it’s you… July.” Tang Xia patted her breast to calm her mind and managed to force out a stiff smile.

“Did I scare you?” July saw her reaction so he asked curiously.

In front of July, Tang Xia surely hid the truth and could only reply vaguely, “Haha… It’s okay. It’s okay.”

“Well, that means you are not scared.” July heard her answer and jumped to a conclusion.

Hearing what he had said, Tang Xia just wanted to roll her eyes.

Somehow, July sized her up meaningfully and asked suddenly, “By the way, is there anything wrong, as you are standing in front of Ye Yifan’s office?”

She came here especially just because she had something to discuss with Ye Yifan. So she nodded. “Yes, I do have something to discuss with him.”

“What’s the matter?” July then asked.

Tang Xia didn’t expect that July would ask that, so her face froze at once.

God! She couldn’t really tell July that she had come to Ye Yifan to ask whether or not he liked her.

Then she could only say embarrassingly, “Actually, it was nothing serious. I just wanted to ask for his advice on something trivial.”

July answered, “Well, since it’s a trivial matter, come back to see him later. Come with me now!”

“Huh? Where are we going?” Tang Xia was stunned and asked without thinking.

“To my office. I have something important to talk to you about,” July said, and without considering whether she heard it or not, he walked toward the elevator.

Tang Xia had to catch up to him immediately and follow him to the elevator.

As soon as she entered the office, Tang Xia asked, “July, what on earth is wrong?”

July sat in his office chair and said to her, “Tang Xia, since you are a trending topic you’d better start a live broadcast at once. Don’t waste the hot views.”

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