Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 174 - We Are Stuck Here

Chapter 174 - We Are Stuck Here

Chapter 174 We Are Stuck Here
Everyone looked out of the door as Dabing exclaimed suddenly.

It certainly was raining cats and dogs. But none of them had ever noticed this before because of Zhang Yaoyao’s death.

On the hillside in the middle of nowhere, there was only a plain path rarely taken.

It would be acceptable to walk on it, but it would be too slippery to move on once it rained and the mud mixed with the rain.

The plan they had made was put off due to the rain. Everyone had heavy faces.

“What should we do? The death of someone should be treated with caution. Zhang Yaoyao’s family would create a disturbance if this is handled improperly.” Fang Xu spoke up about his concerns.

After hearing his words, all of them started feeling that it was a thorny matter.

“What happened? Why would someone die?” Since he had just arrived, Ye Yifan was at a loss when hearing this.

Asked by him, Song Sisi pretended to be scared. “Yeah! Ye Yifan, she’s one of the girls who has come with us, named Zhang Yaoyao.

“She was sleeping with us last night but was found dead when we woke up in the morning. We don’t know what happened, and I’m so frightened.”

She moved closer to Ye Yifan as she explained to him what had happened.

Up until now, Song Sisi was still wearing the red silk lace nightgown because they had discovered Zhang Yaoyao’s death right when they had woken up.

The nightgown fully displayed her curvy figure.

If a death had not occurred, all males in the room would have been feverish.

She had excited Fang Yan when she leaned lightly against him, but now she was leaning closely on Ye Yifan.

This annoyed Fang Yan, who looked at Ye Yifan viciously.

“Fang Xu is right. We can’t handle this alone. We must go downhill,” Dabing decided.

“When I was coming up, it started to rain halfway. I wouldn’t have gotten here if I hadn’t picked up my pace.

“But I almost slipped several times. Now the rain is heavier, so it will be more difficult to walk downhill!” Ye Yifan pushed Song Sisi away from him emotionlessly and then spoke to Dabing.

But Song Sisi leaned on him again after she had just been pushed away.

This made Fang Yan completely full of envy. He stepped forward at once and said to Ye Yifan, “Now that the road is so dangerous, we cannot let Dabing go out alone. You can go with him!”

But Song Sisi retorted for Ye Yifan immediately, “Why do you ask Ye Yifan to go out? He has been on his way here since the early morning and must be tired now. But everyone else has been at leisure since they got up, so we can choose another man!”josei

Seeing Song Sisi entangle with Ye Yifan made Tang Xia rather uncomfortable. But she agreed with her when she heard Song Sisi’s refutation.

She glanced at Fang Yan, who looked frustrated, and sniggered.

Fang Yan was all fickle in love and was crazy about the b*tchy Song Sisi, so he was not quite sensible at all.

He had planned to send Ye Yifan away so that he could spend more time with Song Sisi. But he thought of such an awkward excuse.

Fang Xu was in favor of Song Sisi and claimed voluntarily, “That’s it! Ye Yifan will stay and accompany the two girls, and I’ll go with Dabing!”

“No, I’ll go with him!” Fang Yan said in a rage because he had just lost face.

He had expected that Song Sisi would worry about him by saying this, but Song Sisi was using up all her thoughts on Ye Yifan and was not even looking at him.

Fang Yan was awfully depressed. But he couldn’t go back on his words now that he had promised.

Fang Xu agreed. “All right. Either you or I am going. That will be ok. Just be quick. But most importantly, be safe.”

Dabing and the gloomy Fang Yan nodded.

Fang Xu went up to the housekeeper and brought them raincoats.

They put the raincoats on and trotted out into the rain.

The remaining people in the hall watched them in silence then closed the door again when they had gotten out of their sight.

Tang Xia noticed that Song Sisi was still nestling up to Ye Yifan, so she reminded her unpleasantly, “Song Sisi, it’s getting late. Do you still want to hang around here in just a nightgown?”

Both Fang Xu and Ye Yifan looked strained after hearing Tang Xia’s words.

So Ye Yifan pushed Song Sisi away again and stepped backward deliberately until he was standing close to Fang Xu.

But he looked at Tang Xia after making a series of moves.

Song Sisi looked displeased. She glared at Tang Xia ferociously. “What’s wrong with me wearing a nightgown? There are so many people who go to the beach wearing a bikini. There is enough material on my nightgown.”

Tang Xia shrugged and then smiled. “Yes, there is. It’s ok if you feel it’s right. But the rain today is so heavy and the temperature has dropped dramatically, I’m worried that you feel cold.”

Song Sisi was choked up and flushed in an instant.

But soon after, she responded and said in an injured tone, “I know it’s cold! But what can I do? My clothes are all in the room, but Zhang Yaoyao is still lying there! I’m timid and scared about this! Or…”

Song Sisi cast her eyes again at Ye Yifan, pretending to be pitiable and said, “Prince Charming, I know you’re the kindest man in the world. Would you lend me your coat?”

She reached out again to grab Ye Yifan’s hands, shaking them coquettishly. Her pose as a ladykin was shown faultlessly.

Being dragged by her, Ye Yifan appeared rather strained as he looked constantly at Tang Xia.

“Sisi, I’ll give you mine if you need it! Ye Yifan has got wet clothes, and possibly his clothes in the backpack have gotten wet, too,” Fang Xu kindly said.

Song Sisi seemed to not have heard him, looking at Ye Yifan with her pitiful eyes.

Ye Yifan loosened her hands with unease again, smiled, and agreed. “Fang Xu is right. I’m all wet. I’m afraid the clothes in the backpack are wet, too. Fang Xu, how about lending me a set of clothes if you’ve got enough!”

“Ok! Follow me to the room and I’ll get each of you some.” Fang Xu agreed at once.

Then they walked toward the boys’ dormitory. Unwilling to be left alone, Tang Xia moved along with them.

In the room, Fang Xu took out his clothes quickly and handed them to Ye Yifan and Song Sisi.

Song Sisi was accompanied by Tang Xia to change her clothes in the bathroom. When they came out, Ye Yifan had just changed his as well.

“Huh? Where’s the housekeeper?” Fang Xu asked suddenly.

Tang Xia thought for a while then said, “We seemed to not have seen him again since he brought us the raincoats.”

“Let’s find him! I hope he’s all right,” Ye Yifan suggested apprehensively.

Song Sisi hadn’t planned to go out, but agreed when she heard Ye Yifan’s words.

When they had just gone out of the room, Fang Xu started yelling toward the hall. “Housekeeper, where are you? Housekeeper?”

But there was no response after his cries. They became worried about him.

“What should we do, Yifan? Did something really happen to the housekeeper?” Song Sisi was afraid and grabbed his hands again.

Ye Yifan frowned. But he looked at Tang Xia worriedly and urged her anxiously. “Stay close to me and don’t go too far away from me.”

Tang Xia felt warm in her heart and nodded at him immediately.

Due to this, Song Sisi looked at Tang Xia with acid eyes. She continued grabbing Ye Yifan’s hands and said coquettishly, “Yifan, do hold me tight! Don’t leave me alone, I’m so afraid.”

A shadow popped up in the stairway exit as she had just finished these words.

Song Sisi screamed involuntarily. “Ah——Ghost——”

Her sudden scream almost frightened her companions to death, whose gazes followed her finger hurriedly.

All of them took a deep breath out of fear because there indeed was a shadow.

Fang Xu and Ye Yifan were also tense, waving their fists at the shadow subconsciously.

But the shadow moved a step forward and showed who he was as the light fell on him through the window.

“House-housekeeper. Why is it you?” Fang Xu stopped his fist in midair at once.

Ye Yifan also pulled back his leg and let out a sigh of relief.

Looking at them, the housekeeper seemed puzzled. “Who else would I be? I just made a pot of tea. What’s up?”

This put Fang Xu at a loss for words. He looked at Song Sisi with a gloomy face. “Sisi, remember not to scream like that anymore, or we will be scared to death.”

Song Sisi looked embarrassed and replied, “Ah.”

They returned the hall, waiting while drinking tea.

About half an hour later, Dabing and Fang Yan came back at last.

“How’s it going?” Fang Xu asked hastily.

Dabing replied, out of breath, “There’s a landslide, we are completely stuck here!”

“What?” Everyone was shocked by the news.

At that very instant, Song Sisi started shouting oddly, “Oh! So itchy. What happened? I feel so itchy.”

All of them looked at her on hearing her voice, only to find a mess of red rashes on her face.

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