Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 176 - The Pervasive Terror

Chapter 176 - The Pervasive Terror

Chapter 176 The Pervasive Terror
Apparently, Fang Yan had derided them because he did not believe that there was anything weird in this room. He stubbornly held that Zhang Yaoyao had died due to her own misconduct. At least, her death had nothing to do with this place.

The house looked quite normal, in which there were white walls all around. Nothing strange could ever be perceived. If Zhang Yaoyao had not died, nobody would become suspicious about Fang Yan’s words.

Tang Xia showed the whites of her eyes subconsciously as she heard Fang Yan’s words. Zhang Yaoyao had passed away, how could he talk so cheerfully about her death and joke about her?

“What are you prating about?” Tang Xia failed to restrain her anger and said to Fang Yan discontentedly.

Fang Yan seemed to take it for granted. He said plausibly, “I was just speaking my mind. Am I wrong?” He looked at Song Sisi slovenly, ignoring Tang Xia totally.

Fang Yan had been focusing all his attention on Song Sisi since she had arrived, never worrying about how Tang Xia felt, as if his girlfriend were Song Sisi instead.

No one argued back and there was total silence in the room. Nothing but their faint breath could be heard. Maybe it was due to the heavy rain, but all of them felt cold and moist even though they were all together.

It was not a wise idea to sit around all day. Even if they couldn’t find a way out, at least they had to figure out the cause of Zhang Yaoyao’s death so that they could prepare themselves to stay here, although they had been compelled to do so.josei

Suddenly, Ye Yifan asked with concern, “Do you know what happened before she died?”

To find out the cause of a terrible consequence, they had to trace the source before drawing an accurate conclusion. Maybe the source was exactly the truth of the matter. They had to hold a belief in science anyway.

Their minds stopped wandering lazily the instant they heard his question. They kept their minds active, contemplating every deed that Zhang Yaoyao had done since their arrival.

To begin with, Zhang Yaoyao was a girl. The girls were divided into one group and slept in the same room. And she had been found dead on a bed in that room.

All the men cast their eyes on the two women in front of them. They should more or less know some details since they had spent the night with Zhang Yaoyao in the same room, while Zhang Yaoyao had died overnight.

Tang Xia had been looking at the ground and hadn’t raised her head the entire time, so she didn’t know that the men were staring at her. She was missing Zhang Yaoyao, showing all her grief and sorrow unconsciously.

But Song Sisi did not seem that calm. She was unwilling to be suspected by them and said firmly, “I remember…” She glanced sideways at Tang Xia now and then, which was noticed by Ye Yifan.

Dabing and Fang Yan almost asked excitedly in one voice, “What have you remembered?” They continued impatiently when seeing her stand still, “Hurry up.”

“I was in the yard, not in the room at that time. Zhang Yaoyao had fallen asleep when I came back to go to sleep.” Song Sisi spoke of such meaningless facts, but none of them hit the point, making everyone anxious.

“Can you tell us something worthwhile? Who cares what you did at that time?” Dabing had a short temper, so he asked impatiently to urge her to tell them something useful.

She did not say that she had been entangled with Fang Yan at that time, or Tang Xia would have thrown up when hearing such lousy words. After all, Tang Xia had already been in low spirits when recalling that moment.

Song Sisi met their demand and said, “What I mean is that Zhang Yaoyao was with Tang Xia before she died. You should ask Tang Xia for the details.” She succeeded in targeting Tang Xia.

And even if they had spent the night together, so what? Tang Xia had planned to argue back, but Song Sisi continued again. She had to hide all her arguments in her mind and hold back her tongue.

“When I walked in later, Tang Xia told me that Zhang Yaoyao was already asleep. Who knows if she was dead by then?”

Song Sisi looked to be wronged as she spoke. She couldn’t help trembling and getting goosebumps when she realized that she had been in the same room as a dead person.

Judging from her scared look, everyone could guess what Song Sisi meant. But in fact, she felt triumphant inside.

This was outright slander. Tang Xia pounded the table indignantly, stood up and said, “Don’t slander me.” She pointed at Song Sisi’s nose.

“Am I lying? What I said were facts.” Song Sisi pretended to be righteous, holding everything right on her side.

Tang Xia protested, “How can you say that? Zhang Yaoyao is my friend. How could I murder her?”

She treasured her friendship with Zhang Yaoyao so much and was intolerable to have an outsider make unrestrained remarks on it. She was simply trying to sully their friendship.

“It’s hard to say. Just like we can’t judge a book by its cover.” Song Sisi shook her head disdainfully while looking lazily out the window. That was the degradation of Tang Xia’s personality.

Tang Xia had already been mad at Song Sisi and almost turned irrational now. She said, feeling it inconceivable, “From my point of view, it’s hard to say who’s been harboring evil intent.” She laid the blame on the woman arguing with her.

“What do you mean?” Song Sisi stood up and was about to fight with Tang Xia. The only sound left in the room was their constant hullabaloo. Nobody could hear another slight sound.

But Song Sisi was stopped by Dabing for her aggressive action. “What are you doing? Can you calm down?” He seized her in her arms and pulled her back to the seat.

Being pulled by Dabing, Song Sisi could not move freely, but Fang Yan didn’t do anything for her.

Then the quarrel started again. The unabated wrangle annoyed everyone. They started feeling uneasy.

They had been sharp with each other until they were distressed from the subject of Zhang Yaoyao. Ye Yifan shouted loudly at them, “Could you stop now? Don’t you find it annoying?”

Song Sisi shut up when she heard Ye Yifan’s voice, sitting there obediently.

As did Tang Xia. She wouldn’t let the man she loved lose face.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief for this final peace, although they were still unclear about what had happened during that period of time. But they felt safe staying with each other.

Should anything happen, they could warn each other so that they would remain on guard.

Then the housekeeper showed up silently. A long voice came behind them, saying slowly, “You’d better leave here. This place is not safe.” 666

The housekeeper’s sincere words sounded right, but they were strange somehow.

They were freaked out by a sudden noise and covered their chests with their hands, patting on them gently. But Ye Yifan stayed calm, sitting unmoved like a wooden man.

Dabing looked at the weird housekeeper, stepped forward, and asked, “Housekeeper, do you know something?” He stared at the housekeeper sharply, trying to see through everything there.

But the housekeeper shook his head and said anxiously, “No, I don’t know anything.”

The more haltingly he spoke, the more suspicious he was. But they couldn’t do anything about him.

Dabing turned back helplessly and shrugged. They still hadn’t got a clue. They had been told by the housekeeper that this place was not safe since they had arrived. Now the housekeeper gave them the same warning.

At this time, squeaks came from the second floor fitfully. It was hard to pick up on, but it was heard by them because it was so silent in the room.

They didn’t notice that the housekeeper had changed his face all of a sudden, looking extremely strange. His eyes were full of sympathy and lamentation.

“Did you hear that? There seemed to be a noise up there.” Dabing reminded them vigilantly. Having been affected by the housekeeper’s words, he couldn’t help thinking of something terrible.

Fang Yan pricked up his ears, then frowned. “Ah, I hear that. But now it seems to be silent.” He didn’t feel that it was anything strange because he did not hold any superstitious beliefs at all.

“Let’s go up and have a look.” Dabing called on his companions, who sat around. He took the lead and walked upstairs following the sound.

The others stood up as well and followed him closely to go take a look. They were the only humans in the house. It was impossible that anybody else was there. But why would there be a noise? They were ready to find out.

But Song Sisi was left far behind when everyone else had gone. Instead of picking up her pace to follow them, she was still walking slowly, unaware of the danger at all.

Dabing had gone upstairs as he was the first to set out, but he hadn’t reached the room where the noise had come from. Song Sisi was drifting on the second staircase on the first floor, while Tang Xia was on the middle staircase, closely following Ye Yifan.

They had been scared already. All of a sudden, the power went off, leaving the whole house in darkness with no light. All of them stopped moving forward.

Then they heard Song Sisi scream. They looked behind but could not even see a shadow, let alone know what had happened.

Tang Xia was closest to the first floor. Her first reaction was to hurriedly take out the phone from her pocket for illumination. Then she moved her phone, looking downward as she moved downstairs step by step with extreme care.

But what she saw was Song Sisi’s horrible face, deathly pale under the light from her phone. It looked so hideous and was not like a normal face at all. Tang Xia was freaked out at once.

With that, Tang Xia also screamed. She was so scared and tried to cover her eyes with her hands. Then, as her phone was thrown away to the ground, she lost her balance and fell down the stairs.

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