Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 192 - This Speculation Method is Not Bad

Chapter 192 - This Speculation Method is Not Bad

Chapter 192 This Speculation Method is Not Bad
Looking up at the sky that was darkening gradually, Tang Xia was so lost in her thoughts, that she did not know where she was going. She grabbed her bag, and was just about to walk down the stairs to get her car, and drive home, when she saw two figures at the gate. She froze on the spot, immediately.

Although she knew that both of them had made plans to eat dinner together, when she saw Ye Yifan and Li Xianxian standing together, hand in hand, she instantly felt as if she was the third party.

Li Xianxian had just stepped out of the office building, and saw Ye Yifan waiting at the entrance by his car. Ye Yifan was dressed in a tuxedo, and was leaning against the car door. Although half of Li Xianxian’s face was swollen, one could still tell that she was very pretty.

Li Xianxian ran towards him and held his arm. Both of them got into the car, and drove away.

The car drove away slowly.

Even though she had been working the whole day, the troubled feeling in her heart did not go away. After retrieving her car, she gripped the steering wheel tightly, but did not seem to know where to go, at this moment.

Home? Since she did not want to go home, she chose to drive around. She thought of it as a way to relax, and she would go wherever she chose to drive too. This was what she thought, as she gripped the wheel tightly, and started the engine.

On the way, the neon lights on the street shone brightly, illustrating a stark contrast with the scenario in the car. She felt as if there was a huge rock pressing down in her heart, making it hard for her to breathe. Even looking at the scenery outside the window, did not make her feel better at all.

She did not know how long she drove, nor what time it was. When she finally came to her senses, she looked around at the familiar environment. Tang Xia herself, was a little shocked. “Where had she driven herself to?”

She was still in a daze, when she heard a knocking sound at her window. She looked up and saw a shadow. When she saw who it was, she was taken aback. “What are you doing here?”

Hearing the voice that could not get any more familiar, Tang Xia was immediately alert. Looking at the surrounding, this was obviously Ye Yifan’s house! Her face turned red instantly. “Why had she ended up driving here?”

Did she subconsciously drive herself here, because she was thinking about him along the way? This was so embarrassing? She could not just drive away in this kind of situation, without giving an explanation, that would be too awkward!

Tang Xia scrolled down the window. She muttered something, but formed no words and cold sweat even started to form on her forehead. Ye Yifan looked at her and suddenly realized something. Looking at her, his lips curled up, gradually.

“Are you hungry? You haven’t eaten, right?”

Tang Xia rubbed her stomach, and realized that she had been thinking about so many things that she forgot to have her meal. Hearing her stomach rumble, her face turned red in mortification.

However, she was too embarrassed to say that she had been wandering around, and had not eaten anything. She turned her head, looked at Ye Yifan and said, “I’m on a diet, haha.”

Ye Yifan thought she was very cute and said, “You’re not fat, why are you on a diet?”

Tang Xia suddenly felt happy, but still felt a little embarrassed. “I’m a female anchor, after all.”

Ye Yifan smiled and patted her head. “Come in, let me treat you to dinner.”

Tang Xia froze. “Shouldn’t he have already eaten with Li Xianxian?” She had just witnessed him getting in the car with Li Xianxian, and driving off, so why did he want to eat with her now?

“Could he be thinking about treating her to dinner, so he could watch her eat? That would be too awkward!”

“Didn’t you eat with Li Xianxian, already?”

Ye Yifan suddenly laughed and said, “I didn’t eat much. Let’s go, let’s get something together.”

Tang Xia looked at him, feeling a bit dazed. Actually, she was very happy that Ye Yifan wanted to eat with her. But her feelings were all over the place right now. After all, he had just eaten with Li Xianxian, and now he was looking for her.

If the first person he looked for was Tang Xia, she would eat with him happily. But now…she had this feeling of being a third party, who had intruded upon their relationship. After staying silent for a while, she looked at him slowly and said, “Where are we going to eat?”

Ye Yifan saw that she finally agreed to eat with him, and immediately felt overjoyed. He opened her car door, stretched out his hand and pulled her out. “Let me make you dinner.”

“What…did he just say?” Tang Xia’s mind was in a mess. She looked at the figure pulling her along. She was already very happy to have such a close interaction with her Prince Charming.

And right now, her Prince Charming, Ye Yifan, actually said that he was going to cook for her personally. Happiness came too suddenly! She could feel Ye Yifan’s hand holding onto hers; his hand was very big, and it gave her a sense of security and warmth.

At this moment, he was also warming her soul. All her worries and troubles at the company, and during the drive, had all gone away. She felt like there were pink bubbles floating around her.

Just as Ye Yifan was pulling Tang Xia into the villa, they did not notice a bright light going off, at the one to two o’clock direction, from the entrance.

“Ha! Ye Yifan and Tang Xia are meeting each other private, in the middle of the night. Is this piece of news exciting or what?”

Tang Xia was pulled indoors by Ye Yifan and her mind was still sluggish. Ye Yifan looked at her, and laughed out loud, suddenly. He flicked her forehead.

“What are you thinking about? I’m going to cook dinner now, make yourself at home.”

Tang Xia was awakened by his flick. She looked at him in embarrassment. At this point in time, he had already gone to the kitchen, and put on an apron.

Tang Xia could only wander around on her own. She looked at the surroundings and was curious. So this is what a boy’s home looks like…The whole house’s design was actually very simple. It had a clean, industrial vibe and the main color theme was black, white and gray.

There were a few books on the coffee table, and even the curtains had black, white and gray stripes. She had to say that the place was really clean. For a man’s home to be so clean, it clearly showed what kind of upbringing they had.

Just as she was casually walking around, she picked up a book from the table and started reading it. She flipped a few pages and suddenly, something fell out of the book.

Tang Xia was puzzled and picked it up. She was so shocked when she saw what it was. It was a picture of Ye Yifan and her, in the game, which was the same picture that Ye Yifan posted on his Weibo! She looked at the picture dazedly. Why did he keep it inside a book?

She turned her head and looked towards Ye Yifan, who was currently cooking in the kitchen. His movements were slow and steady, and was such a gentleman, even when cooking. Needless to say, there was a reason why so many people liked him.

Just when she was holding onto the picture and blanking out, as she stared at Ye Yifan, he suddenly turned his head and said to her, “Come and help me serve the dishes.”

Tang Xia froze and snapped back to the present, after two seconds, and replied with a delayed ‘Oh’. Ye Yifan was a little curious as to what she was doing. Tang Xia quickly put the picture back into the book, in its original position.

Even though Tang Xia thought that she was very quick in her actions, Ye Yifan had already seen it. However, he only smiled faintly, and did not say anything. Tang Xia ran towards him right away, and looked at him.

Ye Yifan pointed to the dishes beside him, then turned around and said, “Thanks for helping.”

Tang Xia quickly picked up the dishes, and said, “Oh, it’s no trouble, no trouble!”

Ye Yifan looked at her, suddenly shook his head, and laughed without saying anything.

When everything was ready, Yi Yifan took off his apron and left it hanging on the chair. Tang Xia was a little nervous, and did not know what to do. She stared at the spread on the table.

She never expected that Ye Yifan would be such a great cook. The spread on the table looked so delicious!

Ye Yifan seemed to suddenly remember something, turned around and headed into the kitchen. Seeing him leave again, Tang Xia was a little confused. But because she was really so hungry, she picked up a piece of meat and ate it. When it entered her mouth, she lost it completely. “Oh my! It’s so delicious!

She really could not hold back the temptation and pinched another piece. This was the scene Ye Yifan saw, when he came back with a bottle of red wine. He could not stop laughing. He waited until she finished that piece of meat in her mouth, before coming out.

Tang Xia saw him holding a bottle of red wine and froze instantly. Did he…want to drink? A man and a woman…candlelight dinner…and a bottle of red wine?

Her face turned red immediately. Ye Yifan indeed, could not be thinking along the same lines as she was thinking. Of course, if he knew, Tang Xia would definitely find a hole to bury herself in, and never come out again, for the rest of her life.

“Dig in, I wonder how’s my cooking?”

While saying that, Ye Yifan poured her a glass of wine. Tang Xia quickly picked up her chopsticks and started digging in crazily. “Don’t care, I don’t care about anything, I’m too hungry!”

However, she ate too quickly, and started choking. She suddenly felt like she could not breathe, and picked up the glass of wine and took a big gulp.

Ye Yifan was obviously in shock. He stared at her in disbelief. That mouthful of red wine was really too much, and her face turned bright red, immediately.

Ye Yifan poured her a cup of water and asked, “Are you alright?”

While saying that, he also patted her back. It was a pity that she was not a good drinker. Just one mouthful and her face was already red. She quickly waved her hand, and said that she was fine.

Although Ye Yifan did not believe her, he could only sit back. On the other hand, the incident did not stop Tang Xia’s passion for eating. She continued to eat her food, and ate and drank, as much as she could.

Ye Yifan shook his head, and looked at her helplessly. He was worried that something might happen to her again, and she might not eat anything, for the rest of the meal.

Just as he picked up some vegetables with his chopsticks, and was about to eat them, Tang Xia suddenly slammed against the table with a loud bang. Ye Yifan was shocked. He quickly moved towards her.josei

“What’s wrong?”

When he reached her seat, he realized that she was so drunk, that she had fallen asleep. She actually…fell asleep while eating. Feeling totally helpless, Ye Yifan could only put his jacket over her, and send her home.

When Tang Xia entered the office the next day, she had yet to figure out what happened to her, when Rose stopped her, the moment she stepped inside.

“What did you do with Ye Yifan yesterday?!”

Tang Xia was in a state of shock and had obviously not realized what was going on. Feeling helpless, Rose quickly showed Tang Xia her mobile phone.

“Are you two together? Someone caught you guys going in together!”

Tang Xia grabbed the phone immediately and studied the picture. Rose then suddenly came closer to her, in a sneaky manner.

“But then again…this speculation method is not bad. But you have to be careful about dragging Master Ye down, you might end up triggering him…”

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