Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 199 - No.1 Hell Haidala

Chapter 199 - No.1 Hell Haidala

Chapter 199 No.1 Hell Haidala
All the girls looked at Tang Xia, their eyes wide open in shock. They had never expected Tang Xia to be so bold, and they were all amazed.

But after a round of admiring gazes, all of them looked at her with pity. Tang Xia was not aware of anything. She was still trying to wipe her lips forcefully, with the back of her hand.

Tang Xia felt that the tinge of Chu Tianjiao’s smell that had been left on her lips, was extremely filthy.

Just when everyone thought that Chu Tianjiao was going to flare up at Tang Xia, in the next second, he suddenly burst into laughter. And it was very loud laughter. It was so strange that Tang Xia and everyone else, were all confused.

Tang Xia thought that she would probably get into trouble for slapping Chu Tianjiao, in front of everyone. For someone like Chu Tianjiao, he would probably not let her go so easily.

“Come on, I’m not scared!” Tang Xia shouted. It was to help her build up her courage. Even if she received any inhumane treatment later, she felt that being kissed by Chu Tianjiao was even more disgusting.

“Haha, you wouldn’t say that later.” Chu Tianjiao looked at Tang Xia. Among those present, even for those who had not done anything wrong, they would be scared when they saw his expression. However, Tang Xia was not afraid of him at all. Chu Tianjiao really liked that. However, this did not mean that she could avoid the punishment of slapping him.

Chu Tianjiao then clapped his hands, and instantly, a few ferocious maids appeared, prepared to carry out his orders.

Tang Xia looked at these maids and thought that they were probably not going to hurt her, as they did not look lethal at all. She could totally win them over.

However, reality proved that Chu Tianjiao would not let her go that easily. Chu Tianjiao spat out the following words, one by one, “No.1 Hell.”

Tang Xia did not know what No.1 Hell was. She turned to look at Pearl, who was beside her.

However, Pearl’s reaction was not as calm as Tang Xia’s. She fell on her knees instantly. Her eyes were red and she looked very pitiful. “Master, please pardon Tang Xia and myself.”

Chu Tianjiao looked at Pearl, as if he was looking at trash. She was not worth pardoning at all. In Chu Tianjiao’s mind, the word ‘pardon’ never existed.

Tang Xia saw Chu Tianjiao’s gaze and instantly felt nauseated. She wanted to pull the trembling Pearl up, but she would not stand up at all. She kept kneeling on the floor, and pleading for forgiveness.josei

Chu Tianjiao gently moved his finger and pointed at Pearl. As if feeling his power, Pearl’s body trembled in fear.

The maids heard his order, quickly went forward and grabbed hold of Tang Xia and Pearl. Tang Xia really did not like being treated like that. She struggled for her life, after being detained.

Chu Tianjiao saw his lovely Tang Xia struggling, and the corner of his lips curled into a smirk. “Stop struggling already, it will not work.” He said the first half of the sentence to Tang Xia, and the second half to the maids, “If she continues to struggle, give her a slap, then two, then four, until she has no more strength.”

The maids nodded their heads. After hearing that, Tang Xia’s heart tightened. It seemed that she was going to receive inhumane treatment, from now on.

Tang Xia did not continue to struggle anymore. She did not want to get hit until she became dizzy. It would be very embarrassing in front of the audience.

Those watching the live stream were also spitting in anger and scolding Chu Tianjiao. However, it was a pity that it would not help the situation at all.

Tang Xia and Pearl were then detained by the maids. Chu Tianjiao said that they were to be sent to No.1 Hell, but Tang Xia did not know what kind of a place that was. Looking at Pearl’s expression, it did not seem to be a good place at all.

“Pearl, what is No.1 Hell?” Tang Xia asked Pearl, who had already fallen to the ground.

Pearl looked at Tang Xia with red rimmed eyes and said, “It is the opposite of the Game Room, the Hell is used to punish girls who don’t obey. After entering, even if you don’t die, you would rather you did.”

Pearl had seen too many people who had been sent to No.1 Hell by Chu Tianjiao, so she was naturally agitated. She was afraid that she would not even make it out alive.

“Don’t be scared, we can face this together.” Tang Xia felt that she had nothing to say already. However, since she had not seen it before, she did not know how terrifying this thing was.

Pearl could not find anything comforting to say, at all. There was only endless fear in her heart. She really wished that she did not have to go in, but everything had already been decided now.

Seeing Pearl in such great fear, Tang Xia felt a little bad. She was the one who slapped Chu Tianjiao, but Pearl had been dragged in, to suffer the consequences with her.

Very soon, Tang Xia and Pearl were forced to enter No.1 Hell. Tang Xia looked towards it. It was a red room. Both of them were pushed inside.

Pearl’s body was already very weak, and after being thrown in harshly, she felt an indescribable pain in her body and cried out in agony.

Tang Xia stood up and walked towards her. Helping her up, she asked, “Pearl, are you alright?”

“I’m fine for now, but not later.” Right now, Pearl wanted to cry, but no tears came out. She curled up in a corner.

Tang Xia sighed. Now she knew that No.1 Hell was just a red room, with nothing inside. Pearl, on the other hand, saw the short-haired girl in the corner, right away.

“She…she’s there! She’s the devil, the devil!” Pearl covered her face and started crying and shouting.

Tang Xia wished Pearl would calm down, because she became even more anxious, when she heard this kind of screaming. However, Pearl was just too afraid, so she could only choose to forgive her.

“Okay, Pearl, stop screaming,” Tang Xia said a little assertively. However, Pearl would not listen at all. She kept on pointing to the woman in the corner.

Tang Xia looked towards the direction she was pointing. Indeed, there was a woman there. However, because she was tucked away in a corner, it was too dark for Tang Xia to see what she looked like.

“Could she be a victim too?” Tang Xia thought to herself. On the other hand, Pearl kept on saying that the person was a devil.

The brave Tang Xia walked directly toward the corner to get a better look at what that person was like. If she was a victim like them, she would get her to join them.

However, Tang Xia’s thoughts were too simple. The person was not a victim at all. She was, as what Pearl said, a devil.

Those in the broadcast room were all dripping in cold sweat for her. They were really worried in case the devil did something harmful to her.

The woman in the corner stood up slowly, and walked to a lighted area. That woman had well-developed muscles and her body was covered with scars. There was a nameplate in front of her chest and it stated: Haidala.

Haidala was indeed the name of a devil. Tang Xia looked at her and asked, “What do you want to do?”

Haidala did not reply her directly. Instead, she walked towards Tang Xia and glared at her. Not only was Tang Xia not afraid, but she glared back at Haidala. She was not going to be so easily intimidated.

“Slag.” This was Haidala’s first impression of Tang Xia, that she was just a slag.

Upon hearing it, Tang Xia was furious but she held it in. Looking at Haidala and her body, she knew that she would not be able to defeat Haidala so easily.

But if the hard approach did not work, she could still use the soft approach. Tang Xia said, “Haidala…you’re name is Haidala, right? I want to make a deal with you. Can you let me out?”

On the other side of the room, Pearl chanted soullessly, “Devil, Haidala, Devil, Haidala.”

“You’re a slag, rubbish!” Haidala did not answer Tang Xia, and instead hurled vulgarities at her.

No matter how good-tempered Tang Xia was, there was only so much she could take. “Listen, I’m not a slag, nor am I a piece of rubbish. I just want to get out. Let me out, right now.”

Tang Xia spoke sternly to Haidala. However, it was of no use at all. On the contrary, Haidala became even angrier. Perhaps she did not like being controlled or ordered around, at all.

“Defeat me!” Haidala told Tang Xia fiercely.

Tang Xia thought that as long as she could defeat Haidala, she would be free to go. That was really the question of the century. She was so slim and small-sized, a big contrast to Haidala’s body. It was impossible for her to defeat Haidala.

“Let me go, if you let me go, I can then let you go.” When it came to using brute force, Tang Xia knew that she was at a disadvantage, so why not try to make a deal with her. Seeing the scars on her body, she must have been in a lot of pain, too.

“Pearl, get up, don’t lie on the floor.” Tang Xia saw that Haidala did not answer, so she definitely was not agreeable to let her go.

Tang Xia might not be able to defeat Haidala on her own, but she could drag Pearl along to try. What if Haidala’s muscles were fake? Otherwise, why were there so many scars on her body? Was there anyone else that could defeat her?

“No, I’m doomed for sure, I can’t defeat her. She will beat me to death. I’m doomed.” Pearl’s world was filled with pessimistic thoughts. Tang Xia could not rely on her at all.

Tang Xia also tried to look for Haidala’s vulnerable spot. She still needed to try at least. However, it did not bother her at all. It caused her no harm.

On the contrary, Haidala strangled Tang Xia’s neck at once and pressed her against the floor. She was angry at her and also scornful. “Let you go? Do you know how these scars on my body came about? Don’t ever dream of making me let you go. I will make your life more terrible than mine!”

Tang Xia screamed in pain. Hearing Haidala’s words, her hairs stood up on her arms. However, she was being held by Haidala and could not break free from her at all. Haidala was really too strong. Even a few men might not be enough to fight her.

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