Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 200 - Plead for Pardon

Chapter 200 - Plead for Pardon

Chapter 200 Plead for Pardon
Pearl saw Tang Xia being manhandled and felt very bad for her. She pleaded to Haidala, “Haidala, is it enough if we admit defeat? We admit defeat!”

Tang Xia was running out of breath, yet she kept on struggling. She pressed her nails against Haidala’s hands and even kicked out at her, continuously.

But it was as Tang Xia had not touched her at all. Haidala did not even budge an inch. She seemed relaxed.

As for Pearl’s pleas for pardon, Haidala only felt annoyed. She slammed Tang Xia hard against the floor, without showing any mercy.

When Tang Xia fell onto the floor, she felt her whole body aching all over. However, Haidal had released the hold on her throat, and she took in deep breaths. She had been throttled for so long, that there were even tears in her eyes.

However, Tang Xia would not admit defeat yet. She tried her best to withstand the pain, as she stood up again. However, it was nearly impossible for her to stand up.

Haidala also did not let Tang Xia go as easily as that. She picked up her mace and charged towards Tang Xia and Pearl. As she swung her mace, a blood-thirsty light glowed from her eyes.

It was as if these were all games customized by Haidala, and it was up to her to define the rules of play. They were played as horribly as they could get.

After Pearl saw the mace, she curled up and hid behind Tang Xia’s back. Tang Xia, on the other hand, pursed her lips and looked at Haidala fearlessly. Even if she were to die, she would not die in a cowardly manner.

Outside of this tragic No.1 Hell, Chu Tianjiao was watching Tang Xi, through a video, together with Li Xianxian. He had so much fun watching Tang Xia’s ferocious gaze, even when she was at a disadvantage.

“See! Tang Xia is so scared that she’s already flustered! But she’s so beautiful, haha!” Chu Tianjiao laughed as he said this. Currently, there was no hint of color on Tang Xia’s face. Chu Tianjiao did not understand why Tang Xia would not admit defeat, when Pearl already did.

Li Xianxian said to him, “Tang Xia has always been such a coward. She’s only pretending to be strong in front of you. And she’s always acting. Up till now, she’s still unwilling to show you her cowardly side. Don’t be fooled by her acting.”

Her intention was to talk bad about Tang Xia, and ruin her image in his heart.

Chu Tianjiao glanced at Li Xianxian, who was leaning against him. She was indeed a beautiful woman, but he would never be interested in her. In fact, he was even a little disgusted by her.

“Then what kind of a person do you think Tang Xia is?” He really wanted to know how much Li Xianxian would badmouth Tang Xia.

“You don’t even know this. Tang Xia is just evil. That’s all I can say about her. She’s indeed beautiful, but she keeps using her beauty as a tool, in exchange for others’ hearts.” Li Xianxian did not even blink, when she told these lies.

Li Xianxian did not even know what kind of a person Tang Xia was yet, she went all out to defame her. She was a malicious person, for sure.

After saying all these, not only did she not gain the admiration of Chu Tianjiao, but he even pushed her away violently.

Li Xianxian lost her balance and fell to the ground immediately. In order not to ruin her image, she stood up instantly, but still felt a little embarrassed.

“Tianjiao…” Li Xianxian saw Chu Tianjiao walking towards No.1 Hell, and quickly followed along. No matter how often she called out his name, he would not turn back to look at her.

She chased him all the way until No.1 Hell, where Tang Xia and Pearl were still being tortured inside. Haidala had already raised her mace and was going to hit Tang Xia and Pearl, with it.

In that instant, the doors to No.1 Hell opened. Chu Tianjiao walked in and looked at Haidala, Tang Xia and Pearl. Indeed, Tang Xia looked very beautiful.

Chu Tianjiao felt that she would be even more beautiful if her fear was increased. It was a pity that he did not get to see her beautiful side.

“How was the experience in No.1 Hell, was it fun?” Chu Tianjiao had a sinister look on his face, as he stooped and looked at Tang Xia and Pearl.

Tang Xia glared at him intensely. The real devil was not Haidala. It was Chu Tianjiao.

There was a trace of blood at the corner Tang Xia’s mouth. She put on a tough front and said, “Thanks to you, it was indeed very fun.”

Li Xianxian saw that Tang Xia was putting on an act, and did not understand why Chu Tianjiao wanted to come over at this moment. Otherwise, Haidala’s mace would definitely have killed Tang Xia and Pearl. What a pity.

“Tang Xia, you really like to act tough. Don’t you know the reason why I’m here?” Chu Tianjiao looked a little frustrated, as he looked at her. How could Tang Xia not understand his intentions?

Tang Xia really did not understand why he was there. It must not be for a good cause. “How would I know why you’re here? Perhaps you just want to see how terrible my death is going to be. Perverts like you, probably enjoy seeing such stuff.”

Chu Tianjiao grabbed her by her hair. Tang Xia had to look up at him, because of the pain from the hair-pulling. Even though he was good-looking, he was really a devil.

“Exactly the opposite. I didn’t come to watch you die. Will you plead for mercy? If you ask for mercy, I will consider letting you go,” Chu Tianjiao said to her harshly. His tone sounded very evil, but his facial expression was still incomparably elegant.

Tang Xia looked at him and laughed hysterically. “Chu Tianjiao, you want me to plead with you? Dream on! Get lost!”

“Tang Xia, what did you say?” Chu Tianjiao squinted his eyes. He did not quite understand her now. “What did she want exactly? ”

“Chu Tianjiao, since you are deaf, I don’t mind telling you one more time. I’m asking you to get lost, get lost from here. I feel disgusted whenever I see you, is that enough?” Tang Xia did not try to sugarcoat her words at all. She even raised her volume.

Chu Tianjiao did not expect Tang Xia to turn down the opportunity he had given her. It seemed like she really did not know how to be grateful.

“Alright, fine. This is what you said. Don’t come crying to me, to beg me to let you go, because that will be just wishful thinking!” After saying that, Chu Tianjiao let go of her hair, and threw her forcibly against the wall.

Although Tang Xia was in pain, she still clenched her lips tightly, to hold back her cry of pain. She finally let go when Chu Tianjiao and Li Xianxian left No.1 Hell. The smell of blood in her mouth, grew stronger.

Tang Xia knew that her injuries were getting worse. She did not stand a chance now. She could only bear with Haidala’s abuse.

However, one thing she knew for sure was that she would not be beaten to death. She could tell from Chu Tianjiao’s character, that he would not kill her.

Tang Xue was right. Before leaving, he even ordered Haidala, “Remember, you can hit her everywhere, except the face.”

What was strange was that Tang Xia saw hatred in Haidala’s eyes. It was hatred for Chu Tianjiao. But since it was hatred, why was she working for him? Tang Xia did not understand this.

After Chu Tianjiao and Li Xianxian left, Haidala was free to do as she pleased. Of course, she was free to beat and torture the girls.

Tang Xia looked at Haidala and repeated, “Let us go. Otherwise, when I get out, I will definitely make your life difficult.”

However, Haidala did not care about that at all, because Tang Xia probably would not be able to get out at all. Whether or not Tang Xia would have her revenge on Haidala, the result would still be the same. The wounds on Haidala’s body would only increase indefinitely. Only Haidala herself knew the reason why.

Seeing Haidala raising her mace at them again, Tang Xia knew that she could not hide anymore. There was no place to hide.

No matter what, she was going to get hit. Tang Xia closed her eyes decisively. Perhaps, if she did not look at how Haidala hit her, she might feel lesser pain.

When Tang Xia closed her eyes, indeed, she did not feel any more pain, not a single bit. When she opened her eyes again, it was already the next morning.

Before she woke up, Tang Xia was still dreaming. She dreamt that Haidala did not let her go and the mace smashed into her face. Blood came out from her head. In fact, Tang Xia was already dead.

This caused Tang Xia to wake up in cold sweat, and lost control of herself.

A maid said to her, “You’re awake.” Her tone was not very pleasant. There was even a sense of deep disdain in her eyes, when she looked at Tang Xia.

Tang Xia wanted to sit up, but the wounds on her body was so painful that she could not move at all.

It took all her strength to sit up. She lifted up her blanket and found that her wounds had already been dressed. But based on the number of bandages, her injuries seemed very severe. There were too many wounds.

“Where’s Chu Tianjiao?” Tang Xia had to ask about that man. She now had every intention of avoiding this scary man.

The maid looked at her with a scornful look. She thought that Tang Xia still wanted to please him, even after sustaining so many injuries, and hated her even more.

“I don’t know where he is. Just take care of yourself, don’t always have these messy thoughts. Otherwise, it will be much worse than it is now,” the maid said to Tang Xia. She thought that Tang Xia was still ungrateful.

After which, the maid threw a lunch box at her.

Tang Xia opened it and saw that the dishes in the lunch box were not fresh. Also, they were starting to smell. It did not look like food meant for human consumption, at all.

Looking at these, Tang Xia burned with rage, and her gaze was filled with hostility. She wanted to ask the maid if it was for her to eat, or meant for the animals.josei

“What sort of meal is this?” Tang Xia had just finished asking the question, when the maid left the room, as if she did not hear her at all.

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