Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 208 - DIY Gown

Chapter 208 - DIY Gown

Chapter 208 DIY Gown
Tang Xia felt her abdomen go numb from that kick. What was left after the numbness went away was a faint sharp pain. This kick had not been gentle at all!

Tang Xia could not help but complain internally. However, she was also very nervous. Was Haidala going to report her? Then, all of her effort, including being beaten up, was going to go down the drain.

As she remained silent and pretended to pass out, she heard Haidala’s voice.

Haidala looked at Tang Xia, who did not budge an inch after getting kicked by her. She suddenly felt that she was trustworthy. Her determination showed that… she would definitely do great things! Haidala then turned around, looked at the camera and shouted at it.

“She passed out!”

Within two seconds, the door was opened with a bang by the maids. The corners of Tang Xia’s mouth twitched. Chu Tianjiao was really watching her all the time! Luckily, she had spoken to Haidala at a dead angle.

Two maids carried Tang Xia’s whole body. They did not treat her gently at all. They pressed directly against her abdomen.

Tang Xia’s whole body was sore. However, the instant before she left the room, she opened her eyes and looked at Haidala. When she blinked her eyes, they both nodded at each other.


Tang Xia suffered so much pain due to the two maids’ treatment that she passed out. When she woke up again in a daze, she could feel that she was back in her own room.

Even though she could not see clearly, she was still certain that this was her room. She blinked her eyes slowly to get used to the lighting in the room.

After all, the lighting in hell was very dim. It seemed as if she was really in hell. Upon thinking about it, she shuddered. Chu Tianjiao was a pervert! He really put in a lot of effort to hurt little girls!

Where did all the money he used so lavishly come from? She sighed. This was a rich person’s mind. Indeed, perverts were usually rich people.

Tang Xia moved her limbs slowly to check out her injuries. This trip to hell had not been in vain. She had gained a lot.

After remaining silent for a split second, she felt that there was nothing wrong with her limbs. However, her organs had almost been kicked out of her abdomen. She stretched out her hand to touch her abdomen and only felt sharp pain. Haidala had really gone all out.

Just as she was complaining about Haidala in her heart, a big head suddenly hovered above her face. Tang Xia, who got a big scare, stared at the person with her eyes wide open.

“You’re finally awake!”

Tang Xia then noticed that there was someone beside her. How long had she been here?

La Chapelle looked at Tang Xia with tears in her eyes. She seemed apologetic. Tang Xia was a little confused. She did not understand why La Chapelle was here. Tang Xia looked at her in confusion.

La Chapelle, who noticed Tang Xia’s confused look, smiled awkwardly. “I’m here to thank you for helping me. Otherwise, I would have been lying in bed like you right now.”

Tang Xia remained silent. While looking at La Chapelle, she suddenly wanted to chase her out. Was she here to mock her for being beaten up like that? She instantly wanted to hit her. After staying silent for a while, she held back the pain in her abdomen and tried to sit up.

La Chapelle was quick-witted. She knew that she wanted to sit up, so she quickly took the pillow by her side and placed it behind her. She even helped her up.

Tang Xia was not used to La Chapelle suddenly treating her so well. She only helped her because she suddenly felt like doing so. La Chapelle had originally treated her as an enemy, which was totally different from the situation right now. She was currently treating her as if she was showing respect to her parents.

Tang Xia waved her hand. “You don’t have to do this. Just treat me as usual. I’m not used to this.”

La Chapelle was shocked by her words. “What are you talking about? I was treated like a princess ever since I was young. If I was locked up in hell, I would most likely die! If you had not pulled me back, I would have really died in there!”

La Chapelle really did not know how to repay Tang Xia, especially when she looked at her state right now. Tang Xia had been beaten up so badly that she looked like she only had one more breath left in her. La Chapelle now treated her as carefully as her savior.

“Are you hungry? Can you eat? Should I get you something to eat?”

Tang Xia felt goosebumps all over her body. She shook her head. “Do what you have to do. You don’t need to take care of me.”

La Chapelle slammed the table and stood up, shouting loudly, “How can I do that?”

Tang Xia got scared. She suddenly thought of a question that she should have thought of when she had first woken up…

“Why are you here?”

If she remembered clearly, girls were not allowed to mingle with each other. Everyone had to stay locked up in their rooms. They could only go out when there was a game.

La Chapelle had been about to say a whole bunch of words before she was cut off by Tang Xia. La Chapelle sat down slowly with a sigh and said, “I am Chu Tianjiao’s cousin, so I have some privileges.”

Tang Xia was shocked. This perverted young man had relatives? She’d thought he was made out of stone! She remained silent for a short while. She felt like she had just been struck by lightning and did not know what kind of expression she should adopt.

However… La Chapelle was not a pervert. She was still considered a normal person. Why had Chu Tinajiao been born with a brain like this? It seemed like it was not hereditary. His upbringing must have been to blame.

La Chapelle looked at Tang Xia’s ever-changing expression in confusion. What is she thinking about?

“If you are his relative, why are you locked up here?”

He would not even let go of his own relative. Chu Tianjiao was really a pervert! His own cousin was a part of his harem! Tang Xia found it increasingly harder to understand the world of a pervert.

La Chapelle looked like she did not want to mention it. She avoided Tang Xia’s gaze and stared at her abdomen without saying a word.

Tang Xia did not really want to know. After all, there were so many people here that she had the luxury of asking them one by one to find out why they were here. She suddenly looked at La Chapelle with a serious expression.

La Chapelle got scared by her solemnity. She stared into Tang Xia’s eyes without blinking.

“I suppose that you know about Chu Tianjiao’s background?”

La Chapelle fell silent instantly. After thinking about it for a long time, she could not gather any information. There seemed to be nothing in her mind that was relevant to Chu Tianjiao.

She shook her head slowly and said, “I don’t know. The Chu family has always been very mysterious.”

Tang Xia sighed disappointedly. After all, even a sudden relative who had some sort of blood connection to him did not know his story. What kind of a person was he?

No one knew about his background? Was he really made of stone?

Just as the two of them were thinking about this matter in silence, the door was pushed open suddenly. A maid walked in and pulled La Chapelle away without saying anything. Both of them were shocked, and La Chapelle quickly turned around to look at Tang Xia.

“Have a good rest! I’ll come and see you again if I have the chance!”

Tang Xia could not stop the corners of her lips from twitching. Since when was their relationship so good?

The maid dragged La Chapelle out and left without forgetting to close the door behind her. The room fell silent all of a sudden. Tang Xia sank deep into thought.

Right now, her goal was to escape this perverted castle with all the girls in order to save them all from becoming the next Pearl, who was now neither like a human nor like a ghost.

By entering hell once, she had gotten support from Haidala, the strong assistant. On top of that, La Chapelle could be considered Chu Tianjiao’s cousin.

What she needed to do right now was trigger the desire to escape in those girls’ hearts and gather more help to allow them all to escape together!

Tang Xia was determined. She was about to get up to get her meal when a notification popped up on the tablet beside her. Ding-dong!

Tang Xia was startled. The hand that had reached out toward her meal froze. Perhaps another game was starting?

She quickly turned to get the tablet. However, her action was too strenuous, so she pulled her abdomen. The pain made her take a deep breath. Tang Xia turned her head and saw the tablet beside her. She stretched her hand out slowly to retrieve it.

Then, she saw the mission displayed on the screen.

“Everyone will get a bunch of materials to make their own dress. There will be a fashion show tomorrow.”

Tang Xia was instantly dumbfounded. What kind of a mission was this? She had not even studied fashion design! How could she possibly make a gown? What a joke!

Tang Xia held onto the tablet and sat there in a daze. She felt like she had just been struck by lightning. Chu Tianjiao was indeed the most perverted boss she had ever met.

Not only did he like to capture beautiful women, make them part of his harem and watch them fight, but he also liked to punish them with a wooden stick! Chu Tianjiao had refreshed Tang Xia’s perspective of him. He even had some kind of gown fetish…

On her first day here, her clothes had been stripped off her and she had been forced to wear a gown in front of everyone. Now, he even wanted them to make their own gowns. He really knew how to torture people!

However, the broadcast room got lively all of a sudden. The audience and the fans were very excited to see what kind of an end product Tang Xia and Li Xianxian would come up with, as they were both inexperienced. They wanted to see how they would perform.

Both fandoms were also excited to see what their idol would come up with.

The mission had just been announced and Tang Xia was still complaining about Chu Tianjiao, when the door was suddenly opened and a maid came in carrying a tray. There was a piece of cloth on the tray.

Tang Xia thought that this had to be the material. They were very fast! She had yet to react, but the maid had already placed the tray down and walked out before closing the door behind her.

Tang Xia looked at the tray covered with the cloth suspiciously. Why did they make delivering materials so mysterious?

When she lifted the piece of cloth, she was instantly dumbfounded…

There was only a pair of scissors and a piece of cloth on the tray.josei

Tang Xia picked up the cloth angrily and made a cut.

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