Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 220 - Returning to the Garden of Eden

Chapter 220 - Returning to the Garden of Eden

Chapter 220 Returning to the Garden of Eden
Just as the fans watching the livestream were going to lose their patience, the lengthy instant noodle advertisement finally ended. A brand new Tang Xia appeared in front of the fans.

Unlike her usual sweet image, Tang Xia was wearing a well-cut exquisite suit. She wore a pair of gold-framed glasses on top of her small, high nose. She also had a clean-cut short hairdo and looked very youthful.

However, she did not only look cool. Her eyes were still clear and feminine. They contained the purity and innocence of a young girl and exuded a soft light.

If Tang Xia was considered beautiful in the past, then her beauty had undoubtedly reached another level! She had subtly broken the gender barrier and displayed the charm of both genders.

Right now, Tang Xia was the epitome of neutral beauty.

July’s eyes lit up and the fans watching the livestream went crazy.

“Go write an article about her new image right now, this instant! I want to see this news on the main page of the broadcast room before tomorrow!”

July ordered her assistant immediately. She jumped up from her chair because she was overly excited.

“Yes.” Upon hearing July’s instruction, the assistant quickly got up to prepare it.

Although July was talking to her assistant, her eyes were glued tightly onto Tang Xia, who was doing a live broadcast. July did not want to miss a single scene.

Tang Xia was indeed Tang Xia; she did not disappoint her. Looking at Tang Xia on the screen, July’s eyes were shining.josei

At the same time, in the virtual world—

Tang Xia stood in front of the mirror. She was still a little unused to her new image. She gently pushed her glasses up her nose, completely unaware of the fact that this action had sent the bunch of male fans watching the livestream screaming.

“Ah! My feelings for Tang Xia are changing every day!”

“This kind of a refined rascal look is totally my type!”

“Tang Xia looks so good in this outfit, she’s both handsome and beautiful!”

Of course, there were a few traditional fans who did not like her new image. However, the majority of her fans quickly accepted her new outfit and expressed their support.

“Is it really okay for me to wear this?” Tang Xia could only ask for Chu Tiankuo’s opinion after she did a turn in front of the mirror. She was still a little unaccustomed to it.

Chu Tiankuo saw that she had finished changing into the outfit, and a tint of pleasant surprise flashed across his eyes, although he covered it up quickly. His deep gaze was once again left with indifference and coldness.

“Hmm.” Chu Tiankuo responded faintly. After thinking about it for a while, he added, “It’s not bad.”

If this came from someone else, this “not bad” would have sounded a little forced. However, Chu Tianjiao was obviously different from others. Tang Xia knew very well that he was very picky. It was already a huge compliment to hear him say “not bad”.

Tang Xia looked in the mirror again. She was also very satisfied with her new image. She made a handsome pose subconsciously, which caused the fans watching the livestream to scream again.

“Let’s go if you’re done.” Chu Tiankuo rushed her. Without waiting for her response, he walked up to her and carried her up bridal-style and walked out.

Tang Xia was so shocked by the sudden move that she let out a shriek, causing several people near them to cast curious glances at them.

Tang Xia’s face turned bright-red immediately. Although Chu Tiankuo had carried her in like this, it did not mean that she was already used to it.

No matter how many times he did it, she would never get used to it! Besides, she had already recovered some strength, so she could already walk on her own.

“I can walk on my own!” Tang Xia cried out anxiously with her face still burning red. Why did this guy like to carry people suddenly so much?

Tang Xia struggled in his embrace restlessly. However, it did not disrupt Chu Tiankuo’s steady pace at all.

“Too late.” Chu Tiankuo furrowed his brows as a response.

Seeing more and more people casting them curious looks, Tang Xia could only give up struggling.

But either Chu Tiankuo was too thick-skinned or he had a strong psychological endurance; he carried her out of the mall directly, as if none of those affected him.

Tang Xia did not know where to look, so she could only bury her head in his embrace. He had carried her in using the same method, but she was still not used to it at all.

Tang Xia thought angrily, “Seriously, how could I get used to something like this!” She also wanted to let him experience what it felt like to be lifted up and carried suddenly. However, the difference in their physical strength caused this to remain just a thought.

At least he did tell her beforehand this time around. This was how Tang Xia comforted herself, which helped her to become calmer.

Luckily, Chu Tiankuo had long legs and he walked fast. It only took a short while for them to get out of the mall, after which he threw her into the back seat of the car.

“Start driving, to the Garden of Eden,” Chu Tiankuo ordered the driver in a harsh tone. Hearing his order, the driver promptly started the car and set off smoothly toward the Garden of Eden.

However, Tang Xia’s face had turned extremely pale upon hearing the destination. Was Chu Tiankuo really going to send her back?

Thinking about the last time when she failed to escape and was caught, even her teeth were shivering.

Seeming to have noticed her fear, Chu Tiankuo turned to look at her. His tone was gentler when he said, “To make him pay for his actions.”

Hearing Chu Tiankuo’s explanation, Tang Xia then heaved a sigh of relief. But when she thought about returning to that horrifying place, a tint of fear still lingered in her gaze.

But why did Chu Tiankuo react so strongly when she told him about Chu Tianjiao and what happened in the Garden of Eden? Thinking about what happened before, the more she found it to be strange. She could not help but ask.

“Do you control your little brother?” Tang Xia asked as she looked at him curiously.

She saw him freeze for a little while upon hearing her question. His face then turned gloomy. He kept his lips glued together and did not say a word.

It was not the first two days that Tang Xia had interacted with Chu Tiankuo, so she naturally knew what his reaction meant. However, she did not expect him to give her an answer anyway. She then turned to look out of the window.

Seeing that they were getting closer to the Garden of Eden, Tang Xia’s heart thumped faster. When she saw the castle from afar, this fear finally reached an extreme.

“Can we not go?” Tang Xia’s face was pale and she pulled the corner of his shirt. She thought that she could overcome the fear in her heart, but the trauma that the castle had given her was much worse than she imagined.

When she saw the architecture from afar, her body started uncontrollably shaking gently. If Chu Tiankuo was not by her side, she would have fled directly.

Chu Tiankuo only realized that her face had turned scarily white after he heard her voice. Her body was also trembling uncontrollably. As if a part of his heart had been triggered, his usual cold gaze started to dissolve.

“Don’t be afraid.” Chu Tiankuo paused before he said this to her gently in a low and hoarse voice. Seeing her body shaking uncontrollably, a hint of pity flashed across his eyes. He pulled her into his arms directly.

“I’m here, no one can hurt you,” he continued. His determined tone made it sound like a promise.

His voice was not loud, yet it had the power to comfort one’s heart. Under his assurance, Tang Xia’s uneasy heart calmed down gradually.

The car headed into the outermost section of the Garden of Eden very quickly. Along the way, those patrolling maids did not stop them.

Upon reaching the castle, both of them got out of the car. Chu Tiankuo prepared to lift her up. This time around, Tang Xia was prepared. She stopped him beforehand and said, “No need, I can walk on my own.”

Tang Xia’s face was still a little pale, but her eyes were full of stubbornness. Chu Tiankuo looked at her, and after making sure that she could really walk, he did not insist.

Both of them walked to the castle’s door side by side. After opening this door, they would see the Garden of Eden. Tang Xia looked at the heavy door and took a deep breath.

This was the door that separated her and the other girls in the Garden of Eden from the outside world. It caused them immense torture from Chu Tianjiao.

Thinking about him, she could not help trembling slightly. This showed how much trauma he had given her.

And in the next moment, Tang Xia saw Chu Tiankuo opening the door without hesitation. From her perspective, he was not merely opening a door but also demolishing the high wall that isolated the girls from the outside world.

In this moment, Chu Tiankuo was as dazzling as a god in her eyes.

To the old Tang Xia and every girl in the Garden of Eden, this door was like a big insurmountable mountain. But now, it was pushed open so easily by Chu Tiankuo.

“Go on in.” Tang Xia snapped back to reality upon hearing his voice. She nodded at him determinedly. At this point in time, she finally let go of her fear of this place and Chu Tianjiao.

That was because now, Chu Tiankuo was here to destroy it.

Tang Xia followed Chu Tiankuo into the castle without hesitation. The appearance of a foreign male created a big to-do in the castle just as expected. All the girls looked at him curiously and with a little fear.

There had always only been one man in the Garden of Eden, and that was Chu Tianjiao. “Who is this guy?” The girls all looked at Chu Tiankuo in surprise, and then when they saw Tang Xia beside him, no one dared to go up to them.

Chu Tiankuo could not help frowning when he saw this scene. He frowned even deeper when he noticed the scars on the girls’ exposed skin. He turned to Tang Xia and asked, “Did Chu Tianjiao did all of this?”

Tang Xia nodded. Thinking about the torture she had suffered here, her eyes turned red subconsciously and tears glistened in her eyes.

Although she did not say it explicitly, Chu Tiankuo could guess the bulk of it just by looking at her face. Recalling how terrified she was before coming here, his heart pained for her even more.

Judging by her behavior, it was not hard to imagine how much pain she had suffered here. Chu Tiankuo started to regret a little that he did not show up earlier and had caused her to suffer pain for so long.

“Don’t be afraid, no one will dare to hurt you now,” he said in a gentle voice as he wrapped her in his arms. The eyes that were looking at her were filled with a rare gentleness and pity.

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