Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 224 - News From Chu Tiankuo

Chapter 224 - News From Chu Tiankuo

Chapter 224 News From Chu Tiankuo
Just as Tang Xia was still panicking, Chu Tianjiao only made an authoritative speech, without saying a word about Tang Xia’s punishment. Finally, he took his leave in front of everyone, who were staring at him in shock.

Chu Tianjiao was letting Tang Xia off, just like that?

After realizing this fact, all the girls in the Garden of Eden were dumbfounded. Countless complicated gazes filled with jealousy, injustice, confusion and shock were cast at Tang Xia.

Tang Xia herself was so shocked, that she stood rooted to the ground. She did not understand what his intention was.

Just moments before, definitely no one believed that she would emerge unscathed. None of those who failed in their escape attempts, had ever had a good ending. This was evident by many of the bloody punishments meted out.

Besides, not only did Tang Xia try to escape, she even instigated the girls in hell to rebel. In such a situation, it was obviously much more serious than merely trying to escape.

But right now, it seemed like what was deemed impossible, had happened just like that.

All the girls looked at Tang Xia in shock, as if she was a monster.

But no matter what, this was Chu Tianjiao’s decision after all. He was the leader of the Garden of Eden, no one would dare to question his decisions.

The girls thought, “Perhaps he has yet to figure out a proper way to torture her.” After Chu Tianjiao left, they returned to their rooms soon after.

Meanwhile, the girls from hell were quickly brought away by the maids to accept their punishment. The hateful glares they threw at Tang Xia before they left, caused her to lower her head silently. She did not dare to meet them in the eye.

Soon, Tang Xia was left standing all alone. Chu Tianjiao did not punish her, nor tell her how he was going to deal with her. Tang Xia’s gaze faltered, she did not know what to do.

But soon, there was a trace of determination in her face.

Why Chu Tianjiao did not punish her, did not matter. Since he did not restrict her actions, she would make full use of this chance.

She gritted her teeth and strode towards the door.

A big reason as to why she failed this time around was due to Chu Tiankuo’s sudden disappearance. Tang Xia had to find him to get an explanation. He was the one who brought her back to deal with Chu Tianjiao, why was he the one who backed down first?

Tang Xia did not believe that Chu Tiankuo had been lying to her right from the start, but she could not accept his disappearing act either. Hence, she had to find him, to question him.

Chu Tiankuo had disappeared during the chaotic fight. Other than herself and Chu Tiankuo, those who were present included the other girls from hell, Chu Tianjiao, as well as the maids.

It went without saying that Chu Tianjiao and those maids without consciousness could not be relied on. The only way to find a clue was to look for the girls from hell.josei

Recalling their hateful glares, Tang Xia was a little hesitant. But it was just momentary. Tang Xia strengthened her resolution, and walked out without any hesitation.

Escaping would never be a solution. She was the one who had confidently said that she was going to lead them out of the Garden of Eden. She should also have the courage to bear the responsibilities of the failure.

Tang Xia thought that she was already mentally-prepared, but when she eventually reached the dungeon, she was still shocked by what she saw.

The girls were all feeling dispirited and were crouching in the corners. Several of them had wounds on their bodies from the fight. As part of the punishment, no one was there to treat these wounds.

However, the wounds on their bodies were only secondary. What was more intolerable was the despair in their eyes. There was not a single trace of life in their gazes. They were only filled with endless darkness.

Chu Tianjiao did not kill them directly. Instead, he used this method to take away their will and vitality slowly.

This kind of punishment was, to a certain extent, much more intolerable than killing them directly.

When Tang Xia appeared outside the dungeon, these eyes finally had a different emotion.

“Tang Xia, how dare you come!”

“If it’s not for you, would we have ended up like this?”

“What I regret most is believing you back then!”

“You traitor, liar!”


All the girls clutched the metal bars in the dungeon, as they roared at her furiously. If looks could kill, she would already be dead.

“I’m sorry…”

Tang Xia could only repeat these words, non-stop. Seeing the situation they were in, her eyes teared instantly. Even her voice was trembling.

“So what if you’re sorry? Just a ‘sorry’ and we will be able to escape from Chu Tianjiao’s punishment?” One of the girls retorted angrily. She brushed aside Tang Xia’s apology.

“Hmph!” Another girl snorted. She was not even willing to take another look at her. “Why are you still talking to her? Anyway, she will not be punished, how could she understand how we feel?”

“Alright, stop talking now. Save some energy, we don’t have much water.”

The girls only stopped scolding Tang Xia, when they heard this low and hoarse voice. But the eyes that were fixed on Tang Xia, were still filled with hate.

Not only did Chu Tiajiao limit their food, but he also limited their water.

“Tang Xia…what are you doing here?” After the majority of the girls quietened down, a weak and hoarse voice came into Tang Xia’s ears. She then noticed Haidala, who was in a half-lying position in a corner.

During the fight, Haidala was the first at the frontline, so she also sustained the most injuries.

When she saw Haidala, Tang Xia could not hold it back anymore. Tears rolled down her cheeks. “I’m sorry…it is all my fault for causing you guys to be locked up here.”

When the girls saw Tang Xia’s tears, they sneered, and their gazes were filled with contempt. Compared to what they had suffered, her tears were useless.

“It’s alright, I don’t blame you.” Haidala paused for a while, before saying that. She was the only one that held no grudge against Tang Xia.

Tang Xia’s heart was warmed, and her tears fell down uncontrollably. Right now, the girls from hell were all so hostile towards her. Only Haidala was still willing to talk to her.

Thinking about her purpose here, Tang Xia asked anxiously, “By the way, during the fight, did you see where Chu Tiankuo went? He’s the guy who came with me to find you.”

Haidala knotted her brows as she tried to recall. Eventually, she shook her head helplessly, “It was too chaotic back then, I did not notice.”

Hearing that, a disappointed look flashed across Tang Xia’s face. Following this, she turned to ask the other girls. However, none of them answered her. Some of the girls even turned their backs towards her, as they did not want to look at her.

“I think you should go…they won’t talk to you.” Seeing the situation, Haidala was also hesitant. She had already received a few eye-rolls for continuing to talk to Tang Xia.

Looking at the other girls, Tang Xia knew that Haidala was right. After a few more tries that were to no avail, she finally stood up and prepared to leave.

“No matter if you guys believe in me or not, I will never give up.”

Before leaving, Tang Xia looked at the girls for one last time with a heartfelt gaze. Her eyes were still red from crying earlier. But her gaze was filled with a stubborn determination.

After which, she turned her head and left, without waiting for their response.

“Get lost quickly, you are not welcome here!” Behind her came an angry and suppressed voice.

Tang Xia clenched her fists subtly. She knew that whatever she said at this moment would be useless. But sooner or later, she would prove through her actions, that she had yet given up on the hope to bring them out of here!

Her most important task right now, was to find Chu Tiankuo. Although she did not gain any clues from the girls, she was not discouraged. She grumbled a little, and headed toward the big auditorium.

Her instinct told her that if she could meet that mysterious man once again, perhaps she might get some valuable information.

Tang Xia had this thought, and she went speedily to the big auditorium. Like the last time that she was here, the curtains were flapping in the breeze from the sea.

Tang Xia tried to close her eyes and open them again, just like the last time. She even climbed onto the window sill. However, the mysterious man did not appear this time around.

The spot behind the curtain was empty. There was no trace of that mysterious man at all.

Why? Tang Xia lowered her head in disappointment. Just as she was about to take one step further to try, a scornful female voice came from behind. “Why, are you trying to escape again?”

Tang Xia turned around and saw Li Xianxian’s delicately-drawn face. To be honest, her beauty was quite appealing. But now when Tang Xia looked at her, she only found it disgusting.

The scornful look she had right now, made Tang Xia feel even more uncomfortable.

Tan Xia looked away dully. Her expression became cold. “What are you doing here? I don’t want to fight with you right now.”

Li Xianxian was triggered by Tang Xia’s cold attitude. A trace of intense hatred flashed across her eyes. If you looked carefully, you could even see that it hid a trace of jealousy.

But soon after, this expression was covered up by her mocking smile. “Oh? Don’t you want to know Chu Tiankuo’s whereabouts?”

Li Xianxian raised her voice as she saw how Tang Xia’s face changed, after she heard the three words.

“Where is he?” Tang Xia asked anxiously. Li Xianxian chuckled and pulled out a tablet calmly. The image showed that he was also being imprisoned.

Tang Xia’s gaze darkened. It turned out that Chu Tiankuo did not leave on his own. He was also being controlled by Chu Tiankuo. Before she could take a closer look, Li Xianxian put back the tablet.

“Why? You’re still not willing to give up?” Li Xianxian looked at Tang Xia in satisfaction, and her tone was confident.

Chu Tiankuo was Tang Xia’s biggest help, in passing through so many novel worlds. Now even he was locked up, what else could she do?

Hence, she should just admit defeat now. And as for Li Xianxian, she would be the final winner. Thinking about this, the corner of her lips curled into a satisfied smile.

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