Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 230 - A Change Of Style?

Chapter 230 - A Change Of Style?

Chapter 230 A Change Of Style?
She had been removed from the novel world and returned to the broadcast room.

The broadcast room was filled with messages from Tang Xia’s fans congratulating her for conquering yet another novel world. Tang Xia selected the most interesting comments and interacted with them, but for some unknown reason, the face of Chu Tiankuo which she had seen before she left, flashed in her mind.

After it had ended, July’s assistant came to call Tang Xia for a meeting. Tang Xia adjusted her mood and upon arriving at July’s office, discovered that only July and Li Xianxian were inside.

Li Xianxian had arrived earlier than Tang Xia and it seemed that she had been lectured by July for quite some time.

“What’s wrong with you? How could you screw up like that during the livestream?”

July slammed the table and stood up with a furious and dissatisfied look on her face. Li Xianxian looked embarrassed as she stood before the office desk in silence, while July continued to reprimand her.

“I know that you usually like to play dirty tricks during the livestream. As long as you don’t cross the line, I won’t bother you. I always thought that you knew your place, but this time, you really disappointed me!”

July continued to speak angrily, his face flushed red with agitation.

In front of him, Li Xianxian’s face continuously changed. She bit her lip, as if she wanted to speak, but stopped, “July, I…”

“You don’t need to say anything else,” July stopped her with an agitated wave of his hands. He held his forehead as if he had a headache. “The company will not be able to help you this time. Think about how you are going to explain it to your fans!”

Li Xianxian lowered her head and appeared crestfallen, a hint of remorse in her eyes.

Tang Xia stood at the door of the office. It was rather awkward for her to witness such a situation and at that moment, she felt she could neither enter nor leave.

Just when Tang Xia was thinking about whether or not to come back later, July noticed her and unconsciously smiled. “Tangxia, you are here.” Even his voice softened, growing slightly gentler.

When Li Xianxian heard July’s voice, she turned her head and saw Tang Xia. A look of jealousy and hatred appeared in her eyes, when she noticed July’s change in attitude, her teeth gnashed even harder as if she could not wait to swallow Tang Xia into her stomach.

Tang Xia could only bite the bullet and entered the room under the murderous gaze of Li Xianxian. She greeted July and July warmly praised her, “Tang Xia, you did a great job this time.”

Wittingly or unwittingly, July glanced at Li Xianxian when he said it.

Li Xianxian instantly felt slightly indignant. She straightened her back and pointed angrily at Tang Xia. “July, it is rather unfair of you to say so. Wasn’t Tang Xia just relying on Chu Tiankuo?”

Li Xianxian’s face was full of displeasure as she mentioned Chu Tiankuo. If Chu Tiankuo did not appear suddenly to help Tang Xia to deal with Chu Tianjiao, how could she be so thoroughly defeated?

Randomly being mentioned together with Chu Tiankuo caused Tang Xia’s face to change, but she did not speak.josei

July shook his head. “Chu Tiankuo is a special case. Furthermore, Tang Xia’s clothes were not in disarray like yours were during the livestream.”

Li Xianxian’s face was pale but everything that July said was true and there was no way for her to refute it. She could only bite and crack her silver teeth and swallow her feelings into her stomach.

“Alright. Go back and reflect on your actions. Beyond that, you should not do another livestream again this month.” July waved his hand at Li Xianxian signaling that he was done lecturing her.

“Forbidden to do a livestream for a month?” Li Xianxian’s face was already pale from earlier and when she heard these words, she could not help but yell out before she quickly backed off. “Isn’t the duration of this punishment too long?”

Even Tang Xia, standing to the side, turned her eyes slightly when she heard this and looked at Li Xianxian with sympathy.

Not to mention a month’s duration, a restriction on livestream would imply zero exposure and heat for the anchor, and it would have a significant impact on the anchor’s popularity.

When July heard this, he sneered, “I think that you are still unaware of the seriousness of the matter.”

As July spoke, he took out a tablet with a webpage already open on it and casually typed in three words “Li Xianxian”. Immediately, a series of news reports about Li Xianxian’s inappropriate conduct during the livestream appeared along with photos of her messy attire and appearance during the livestream.

“Take a look for yourself. Could such a terrible impact cool down in less than a month?” July said coldly as his fingertip tapped on the offending news.

When Li Xianxian saw the content with her own eyes, her face changed and she no longer had the confidence to rebut July. At that point in time, she was already so regretful she felt nauseous. However, things had already happened so what was the use of regret?

Li Xianxian glared viciously at Tang Xia clearing blaming her for the incident. If it wasn’t for Tang Xia, she wouldn’t be so caught up by victory and defeat during the livestream to the point that she would do this kind of foolish thing.

The thing that was the hardest for her to let go of, was obviously still the final result. She had clearly dedicated so much and yet she still lost to Tang Xia. How could she be willing to accept this?

“Sooner or later, I will get you back for this,” Li Xianxian thought angrily and left July’s office. Before she left, she could still vaguely hear July speaking in a soft, gentle voice to Tang Xia and it made her even more jealous and hateful towards Tang Xia.

It wasn’t until Li Xianxian left the office that the frost on July’s face faded away slightly. After a few more words of encouragement to Tang Xia, the subject suddenly changed, “Have you considered a transformation?”

Transformation? Tang Xia was stunned for a moment, and for a while, she did not understand what July meant. July smiled meaningfully, an intriguing look in his eyes. “You can take a look on Weibo first.”

She had just finished her livestream and had only rested for a short while before she came to July’s office, so naturally she had no time to pay attention to Weibo. Puzzled, she opened the hot search.

Much to her surprise, among the top three topics was the topic “Tang Xia Short Hair”. Tang Xia pondered the information for a moment before she clicked on it. Inside the link were images of her dressed in a suit with her hair cut short in the livestream.

It seemed that she had started a trend of an androgynous style of dressing on Weibo. Many netizens even sent photos of themselves imitating her style.

“What do you think? If you extend the style beyond your livestream, I think you will be able to maintain this heat.” July continued to speak as Tang Xia finished looking at the images, his eyes shining. It was obvious that he was looking forward to it.

However, there was a hesitant look on Tang Xia’s face. Although it was a good choice to try a new style, she had also noticed some posts in the comments which were not optimistic about it.

It was obvious that this style was still very controversial.

Most importantly, she did not know if Ye Yifan would like her to dress like that. Tang Xia bit her lip and remained silent for a moment before she eventually shook her head.

“Why?” July was slightly disappointed by her reaction, but he did not give up and continued to persuade her, “Several fashion magazines have contacted me these past few days because of these style images. They are interested in photographing you for the cover. Are you really not going to consider it?”

Ye Yifan’s face flashed across Tang Xia’s mind. She shook her head firmly and politely smiled, “I will keep this for now.”

When July saw Tang Xia’s firm attitude, he did not persist any further but his expression seemed slightly regretful. “Alright then. I respect your opinion but do inform me if you change your mind.”

“Alright.” Tang Xia readily agreed and left July’s office.

When she passed the public office area, there was a buzz in the crowd.

The atmosphere in the Time-travel Broadcast Room was relaxed. Usually, when there was nothing to do, the staff would play games with each other and crack jokes to liven up the atmosphere. However, it seemed that the situation was slightly different today.

As this thought crossed Tang Xia’s mind, she could not help but stop in her tracks, curious, she directed her attention towards the content of their discussion. As Tang Xia stopped, the sound of the staff’s discussion immediately reached her ears.

“I heard that July banned Li Xianxian from doing livestream for a month. I think that she is completely finished this time.” A woman’s voice said in a slightly gloating manner.

“One month? That’s really long. Is July ready to give up on her?” Another gossipy woman’s voice joined the discussion.

“I don’t know, but even if he does not give up on her, it shouldn’t be far from that.” The previous woman’s voice said.

“Even if this is the case, who can she blame? She was the one who did not keep her behavior in check,” a man’s voice said disdainfully.

“Not that I want to say this. It doesn’t matter that she behaves like this usually, but she does not even know that she should restrain herself during livestream. She really deserved it,” the woman chuckled with a hint of mockery in her voice.

“If I were her, I would have dug a hole and buried myself in it. How does she have the cheek to remain in the company?”

“Only a shameless hussy like Li Xianxian could stay on in the company as if nothing had happened.”


Li Xianxian was usually arrogant and conceited in the company based on the fact of her popularity. This had already stirred up many people’s dissatisfaction, but at that time, no one dared to offend her.

However, things were different now. The fact that Li Xianxian almost got banged during the livestream was the talk of the town and she had even been banned from livestream for a month as a result. As the saying goes, everyone hits the man who has fallen. When people saw that Li Xianxian had lost the upper hand, the people who were previously bullied by her would naturally appear.

Although Tang Xia and Li Xianxian had previously had many conflicts, Tang Xia’s heart still could not bear to hear so many people comment about Li Xianxian.

“Li Xianxian is out.” One of the sharp-eyed staff immediately yelled out to tip the others off when he spotted Li Xianxian coming out of the washroom.

“So what if she’s out?” A woman’s voice asked disdainfully. Taking advantage of the fact that there were many people, not only did they not restrain themselves, the discussion became even louder as if they were afraid that Li Xianxian could not hear them.

As expected, Li Xianxian’s expression changed when she heard their voices and she walked up to the center of the crowd with a dark expression. “What did you all say?”

The few people were initially stunned and it seemed that they did not expect Li Xianxian to confront them directly. Subsequently, a sea of laughter erupted.

“We are talking about your shameless behavior.”

“Why, do you still think that you are a popular anchor? Who are you showing that stinking face to?”

“Haha, why are you still putting on airs here?”

The group commented back and forth until it made Li Xianxian’s face turn ashen with rage. She almost wanted to fight them.

Tang Xia could not bear to listen further and stepped forward, “Guys, quit it.”

In her opinion, while Li Xianxian was certainly wrong, it had not reached the point where she should be universally condemned. She could not help but feel slightly sympathetic towards Li Xianxian particularly when these people were going increasingly overboard with their remarks.

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