Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 243 - Ye Yifan, You're Such a Bastard

Chapter 243 - Ye Yifan, You're Such a Bastard

Chapter 243 Ye Yifan, You’re Such a Bastard
At this moment, Tang Xia’s gaze was increasingly deadly, as if she was going to eat her up. Bi Luo’s body trembled a little and she looked up carefully.

She said in a terrified voice, “Second Madam Ling Er… she actually has nothing to do with Master!” After blurting it out, she closed her eyes in fear and shrank her neck as if she wanted to escape from reality.

Tang Xia was already breaking down, and now she was not fine at all. She looked at Bi Luo in disbelief. “What do you mean by that?! Are you saying that right from the start everyone here had been tricking me?!”

Bi Luo quickly shook her hands in denial. “No, no, Madam! You have to believe me! I’m always on your side!” After which, she dashed forward to tug on Tang Xia’s sleeves.

Looking at her trying to prove her loyalty so desperately, Tang Xia felt the coldness in her heart reaching to the core.

She flung her away. “Get lost! When did I need people like you to do things for me?!”

She had never thought that everything was really caused by her. At that moment, she suddenly felt that she was really dirty. Her hands were stained with someone’s blood!

Bi Luo was flustered by her shove. She fell to the ground instantly and hit her head hard. When she registered what just happened, her eyes turned red instantly.

“Madam! How could you do this to me?! Everything I did was for you!” Tang Xia had such a strong urge to just give her a tight slap to wake her up. At this moment, Bi Luo was just like Ling Er, pretending to be weak and helpless.

Seeing Tang Xia staring at the floor and not speaking a word, Bi Luo quickly crawled toward her. “Madam! I even helped you become First Madam!”

When Bi Luo mentioned “First Madam”, Tang Xia felt her body freeze. Why was this Tang Ning so wicked? Why did she become Tang Ning?

Tang Xia took a deep breath. “What else? Continue to tell me everything.”

Bi Luo was startled and she lightened up immediately. Thinking that Tang Xia had finally thought it through, Bi Luo continued happily, “Second Madam is just a canary bred by Master. Besides, Master already knew that Second Madam had an affair…”

Tang Xia suddenly opened her eyes and stared at Bi Luo. Bi Luo’s faze faltered. “What did you say?! That guy that I caught… that was just a buffoon?!”

Bi Luo could only nod her head even though she could barely bring herself to do so. She could not deny it. It was indeed something that everyone was well aware of, she was the only one that was kept in the dark.

“But Madam… none of these are so serious. Even after all these things, as long as you go and beg Old Madam, she will definitely not take away your position as First Madam. She’ll definitely not forsake you.”

“Second Madam is not a threat at all. Madam, you can continue to be Madam!”

Tang Xia glared at her deadly. What did she mean by that? Was she telling her not to say anything and continue to live her life without giving a damn? When did Tang Xia ever do something like that?!

Just as Tang Xia was about to flare up, someone knocked on the door suddenly. Both of them were startled. Tang Xia did not respond. Bi Luo glanced at her and hesitated before going to open it.

Neither of them expected it to be the servant who served the Master. Bi Luo let him in. “Does Master have some order for us?”

The servant instantly felt like he was put on the spot as he looked up to glance at Tang Xia. Eventually, he still gave the thing in his hand to Bi Luo. “Master said that this was to be given to Madam.” After which, he turned around and left.

At this moment, Tang Xia’s heart was in a mess. Standing at one side, Tang Xia was very curious as to what it was, but she did not dare to flip it open. She passed it to Tang Xia directly.

Tang Xia accepted it. It was an envelope. It was a little heavy, as if there was something inside. Tang Xia had a rough idea as to what it was. The moment she opened it, her heart sunk. Indeed, it was the jade that she had thought up so many schemes to get her hands on.

She took it out gently and felt as if her hands could feel Chen Suling’s warmth radiating from the jade. It felt like a hot potato.

“Madam! What does Master mean by this?! He! He! He gave this to her?!” Tang Xia also frowned and said not a word. She took out the letter in the envelope and opened it slowly. Bi Luo quickly went forward. Could it be…

But when she came toward her, she understood it immediately. The two big words “divorce letter” told her everything that she should and should not know. It was all clear.

“Master! How could this be?!” Bi Luo suddenly shrieked. She suddenly found a note on the floor. Tang Xia must have dropped it when she took out the divorce letter.

After looking at the content, Bi Luo suddenly lost it and looked at Tang Xia. “Madam… Master… said that he’s giving you the jade… He asked you to…. to…. move out tomorrow….” Her voice grew gradually softer, as if she was afraid that she would break something.josei

But unexpectedly, Tang Xia held onto the jade tightly. Bi Luo quickly shouted loudly and leaned forward, attempting to stop her. “Madam! What are you doing?!” However, she was still one step too late. She saw Tang Xia holding onto the jade.

“It’s too hot! Too hot!” The jade was too hot! It contained one’s life!

At that instant, Bi Luo thought that she had gone crazy. But she was still not as fast as Tang Xia. She heard a crack, and immediately following that, the jade scattered into a million pieces. Bi Luo looked at the floor full of broken jade pieces in shock. “Madam! Are you crazy?!”

However, Tang Xia did not even look at her. She suddenly started to laugh coldly. She had no expression on her face as she mumbled, “I admit defeat.”

Suddenly, the world came to a standstill. As the broken pieces of jade had yet to fall to the ground, Bi Luo stared at Tang Xia in shock.

Tang Xia ignored everything around her. Suddenly, these words appeared in front of her eyes: “Confirm Admit Defeat?”

Tang Xia clenched her fists and showed no hint of hesitation. “Confirm.” She saw her surroundings gradually being swallowed by glaring white light. She closed her eyes slowly. All of this should end eventually.

When Tang Xia opened her eyes again, she was in a daze. She thought that she was looking at a ceiling. She rubbed her eyes and looked around. It was indeed her house.

She could not help sighing. She was finally back in the real world…

But… why did it feel so empty in her heart? She turned her head and looked at the time. It was already approaching nighttime. She lay on her bed and took in a deep breath. She pulled up the blanket swiftly and covered her head.

She had no way to lie to herself. If she was wrong, then she was wrong. Even if it was for her future, then she did not dare to agree with them.

Just as she was having a difficult time under her blanket, she heard her doorbell ring suddenly.

Tang Xia could not help feeling confused. Who would come at this time? She could only drag her exhausted body out of bed to open the door. Throwing the blanket aside, she grabbed a bottle of ice water from the refrigerator as she walked past. She twisted off the cap and took a huge gulp.

Right now, her mood was very heavy, as if there were a big rock blocking her heart. She felt like she could not breathe.

She heard the doorbell turning into a knock. The other person probably thought that the doorbell was too quiet and they were afraid that she could not hear it.

The more the person knocked, the more annoyed Tang Xia felt. With a loud bang, she put the bottle of water on the table. She went over to the door and opened it directly. Ye Yifan, who was going to continue knocking, stopped knocking and his hand froze in midair awkwardly.

“It’s already so late, can’t we talk tomorrow?” Tang Xia’s expression showed that she could not be bothered. She had apparently not walked out from the broadcast just now. After saying it, she tried to close the door.

Ye Yifan had already knocked on the door for so long, how could he just let her close the door? He stuck out a leg and blocked it. Tang Xia was startled, but since he was so insistent, she could only let him be.

Ye Yifan also noticed that she was not in a very good state. “What’s wrong with you?”

Tang Xia remained silent and made not a single sound. She went in directly and Ye Yifan followed behind her. She picked up the bottle of water again and took another gulp. “Why did you come to find me so anxiously?”

Ye Yifan saw that she was avoiding the topic and did not continue to force her. He became serious suddenly and looked at Tang Xia. “Xianxian…”

Tang Xia frowned suddenly. Why must the name of someone that she did not like be mentioned? Especially by Ye Yifan?

But she did not interrupt him and let him continue. “Li Xianxian is in a very bad state…”

Tang Xia threw the empty bottle into the trash can. “What has that got to do with me?”

Ye Yifan was startled. He did not know what was going on. It was the first time that he had seen Tang Xia have such a cold expression and attitude. He further confirmed that something had happened to her that caused her to be like this.

“I hope that in the future you can avoid Li Xianxian as much as possible…”

Tang Xia could not hold it in anymore. She slammed on the table and stood up. “For what? The victim is me! I did not do anything and yet Li Xianxian is always picking on me!”

Ye Yifan was also put on the spot. He looked at Tang Xia and walked over to pat her back gently.

He comforted her by saying, “I know. But for the sake of both of you being able to get along well in the future, I hope that you two can meet as little as possible, lest she get triggered again…”

Tang Xia shoved him away. “Li Xianxian being triggered? What can she be triggered by?!

“She’s just paying for her own actions, and that’s called being triggered? I should be the one that’s triggered! She was the one who provoked me! I merely protected myself!”

Seeing Tang Xia become more agitated, Ye Yifan seemed awkward. He did not know what to do.

Just as both of them were both silent, Tang Xia became calm again. She lifted her head slowly and said to him, “Ye Yifan, you’re such a bastard.”

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