Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 244 - Removing His Halo

Chapter 244 - Removing His Halo

Chapter 244 Removing His Halo
Tang Xia’s words echoed in his ear, causing his expression to turn horrible.

He had never thought that Tang Xia would say something like that to her. Ye Yifan looked at her with a complicated gaze and then left without saying anything.

After he left, the house became quiet again. Tang Xia stood rooted to where she was for a while before she walked to the table and poured herself a glass of water. The ice-cold liquid glided down her throat smoothly.

For some strange reason, she felt a great sense of relief.

Even she herself was shocked by what she just said, let alone Ye Yifan. It seemed as if those words did not run through her brain and she just blurted them out so naturally.

Tang Xia thought that perhaps she had really kept it inside for too long. Contrary to what she had expected, there were no strong emotional fluctuations.

When did it start? Ye Yifan had gradually lost that halo of a god in her eyes. What accompanied that was everything that had been previously covered up by his halo being exposed one by one.

Unknowingly, there were too many things that tainted her feelings for him. As time passed, right now, Tang Xia herself could not even say what kind of feelings she still held for him.

Was it love? She thought that she did once love that broadcast master whose user ID was Hell Shura. But tearing this layer of identity apart, what did she feel for Ye Yifan in real life?

Her heart would flutter because of one line of encouragement or a casual smile. She would also rejoice over some contact with him in her daily life, but that was about it.

When their distance grew smaller, more problems surfaced, especially when Li Xianxian came in between them. Tang Xia realized that she was not this patient.josei

She admitted that she was too rash when she said that one line, but the feeling of relief in her heart was not something that she could ignore.

If this could not explain anything, then when Ye Yifan left, she was certain that she did not have the desire to make him stay.

Tang Xia lay on her bad and her thoughts roamed everywhere. His face came into her mind and she quickly shooed it away.

“So be it.” That was Tang Xia’s last thought. She used a vague statement to conclude her relationship with him.

She was never one to think too much, just like how she had joined the Time-travel Broadcast Room because of him. She wanted to, so she did it. It was that simple. As for other things, she would think about them later.

Time passed quickly, and it was already late. Tang Xia had just closed her eyes and started to feel sleepy when her phone started ringing.

The flashing light from the phone seemed extra glaring in the dark. It was accompanied by a noisy ringtone. Tang Xia stretched out her hand annoyedly and saw that the caller ID was Ye Yifan.

What was he doing calling her at this hour? Was it because of Li Xianxian again? Tang Xia’s face fell. She wanted to just decline the call, but somehow she found herself pressing accept.

“Hello? Is this Miss Tang?” A foreign male voice came from the other end.

“Is this not Ye Yifan’s phone?” Tang Xia placed the phone next to her ear hesitantly. “Yes.”

“It’s like this, I’m calling from the Rescue Bar. This sir had gotten drunk alone. We are closing soon and you’re the last person he contacted. Would it be convenient for you to come and pick him up?”

Ye Yifan had always been one to stay calm and take care of himself. Why would he go and drink alone and even become so drunk? Tang Xia was startled but still replied in a cold tone, “It’s none of my business.”

After which, she hung up the phone directly without waiting for the bartender’s response. She shut down her phone.

If he was drunk, then let him be. What did it have to do with her? Tang Xia pulled the blanket over her head and prepared to go back to sleep.

However, she did not feel sleepy anymore. Because of the phone call just now, she was even more flustered. All of her sleepiness was gone.

There was no more noise from the phone, and the room had already become dark and silent again. Yet for some reason, the silence caused her to panic.

Her mind was full of the bartender’s words and the image of Ye Yifan’s back when he left silently. She could not get them out of her head no matter what. She was still lying on the same bed, but it felt like there was now a layer of needles. It did not feel comfortable no matter what.

“Did Ye Yifan drink because of what I said today?”

Tang Xia could not control herself from thinking about it. It had only taken a moment, but it felt like it was as long as a century. After a while, Tang Xia finally gave up resisting. She flung off her blanket, crawled out of bed swiftly, and changed her clothes.

When she turned on her phone again, she realized that it had only been a few minutes. She scoffed at her herself. Was she going to let go of him or not?

She warned herself, “Pick him up and leave after taking him home.” Following the address that the bartender had given her, she drove over.

It was already late, but this city’s noise was far from being done. When Tang Xia parked her car at the entrance of the Rescue Bar, the whole city was still bustling and lively.Read more chapter on vi

All kinds of neon lights decorated the dark sky, almost turning it into daytime, but the mysterious dark sky added a hint of mysterious attraction as the background.

Tang Xia stayed at home often. Although she was young, she did not like to hang around in such places. After getting out, she headed straight to the Rescue Bar.

She had come over in such a hurry that she only casually put on a coat. Her chic short hair had been blown messy by the night wind.

Her bare face also contained a tired look. She was just about to enter the bar to start looking for him but froze when she saw who it was at the door.

Li Xianxian had apparently reached this place before her. She was currently trying to carry the drunk Ye Yifan out of the bar with the help of a bartender.

Ye Yifan was indeed very drunk. His footsteps were all empty. If it was not for Li Xianxian and the bartender holding one arm each, he probably would not be able to even stand still.

One party was about to go in, while the other had just come out. And they met so coincidentally at the door. Both were slightly startled and stood rooted to the spot.

Judging by how Tang Xia was in a hurry, it was not hard to guess who she came for.

Li Xianxian was first startled, and when she saw Tang Xia, there was a hint of pride in her gaze. The smile on the corners of her lips turned sarcastic. “You still claim that you’re a loyal fan. There’s been an incident and it took you so long to get here.”

As she spoke, she seemed to subtly turn Ye Yifan toward her, and because he had already blacked out, he unconsciously leaned his head against her shoulder. Amidst this commotion, his lips almost touched her cheeks. There was close intimacy.

Tang Xia silently witnessed all these small details. She said dismissively, “Don’t try to stir things up.” After which, she did not take a second look at her and prepared to leave.

Since Ye Yifan already had someone to pick him up, there was no need for her to remain there and look at her face. However, she felt pissed that she had made an empty trip.

“Luckily, he did not depend on you, otherwise, god knows how much longer Yifan would have had to wait.”

Li Xianxian’s persistent voice was heard, accompanied by an exaggerating high pitch. Tang Xia turned around and saw her gently fixing his hair on his forehead, seemingly trying to declare that he was hers.

Tang Xia suddenly laughed. “Li Xianxian, you’re not confident at all, right?”

A sudden yet clear voice came to her along with the wind. Li Xianxian’s face fell immediately. Her lips twitched. “What did you say?”

“Isn’t that the case?” Tang Xia’s voice was slow and steady. The gaze staring at Li Xianxian tightly was extremely sharp. “Otherwise, why are you trying to put on such a show for me?”

As Tang Xia spoke, the corners of her lips were curling. In Li Xianxian’s eyes, it was extremely irritating and sarcastic.

As if being exposed, Li Xianxian’s delicate face became twisted immediately. She lost the calm facade she had and started scolding her. “You shameless… Out of all things, why must you come and seduce my fiance?”

Her harsh and pricky tone was extra glaring at night. Even the thumping beat of the music coming from the bar next door could not cover it up. The spinning disco light shone onto Li Xianxian’s face, illuminating the growing wickedness and cunning in her eyes.

“Fiance? Does Ye Yifan admit it? Li Xianxian, stop giving yourself so much credit,” Tang Xia replied calmly, not concealing the sarcasm in her voice at all.

Li Xianxian was extremely pissed. She raised her hand and was about to slap Tang Xia. Her long fingernails formed an arch across the night sky. It was going to land on Tang Xia’s face in just a bit, but she could not advance.

Li Xianxian could not believe her eyes when she saw a well-defined hand on her wrist. Ye Yifan had woke up at an unknown point in time. A hint of soberness had returned amidst his hazy gaze.

“Yifan, this woman…” Li Xianxian’s face turned white. She was just about to complain to Ye Yifan when his hand fell down again, as if that bit of soberness was just temporarily.

“Go home.” Ye Yifan leaned against Li Xianxian’s body. His warm breath that was mixed with the smell of alcohol brushed against her face. His voice was low and husky.

As his warm breath brushed against her ear, it seemed to calm her down as well. A hint of delight formed on her face. She replied obediently, “Okay, let’s go home.” She could not control her voice from becoming high pitch.

After which, Li Xianxian even looked at Tang Xia with a meaningful gaze. It was full of the arrogance of how Ye Yifan had chosen her earlier.

No matter how Tang Xia looked at her, she seemed like a despicable person that was delighting over her dirty tricks. Tang Xia could not tolerate her arrogant look anymore and turned to leave after glaring at her.

As she turned, she purposely knocked her in the shoulders. Li Xianxian was unprepared and she stumbled. Tang Xia got into her car swiftly and prepared to start the engine and drive off.

Through the rearview mirror, she could still see the loving image of Li Xianxian and Ye Yifan sticking with each other. Li Xianxian regained her balance and stretched out her hand and stuck up a middle finger in Tang Xia’s direction. Her face was full of provocation and arrogance.

Tang Xia looked away angrily. Without hesitation, she stepped on the gas and the car drove away, emitting a trail of exhaust and leaving both of them far behind.

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