Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 247 - Teaming Up with Ye Yifan

Chapter 247 - Teaming Up with Ye Yifan

Chapter 247 Teaming Up with Ye Yifan

With the sound of old furniture creaking, the half-closed door was slowly pushed open. A black figure then appeared behind the door. Tang Xia gritted her teeth, held the pan up and smashed it on the black figure.

There was a loud bang, but it turned out that she had hit the door instead. The black figure was fast and alert. Once he realized that something was not right, he immediately stepped back.

Tang Xia was startled. Did zombies have such quick reflexes? She could not care more about anything else. She lifted the pan again, preparing to hit. This time around, she had only lifted it up half way when someone grabbed hold of her wrist.

“Is this how you greet your teammates?” The incoming person curled the corner of his mouth. His gentle facial features added a few tints of evil attractiveness.

“Ye Yifan?” Because she was too shocked, Tang Xia did not notice the particular wording he had just used. After putting the pan down, she examined him carefully.

After confirming that it was indeed Ye Yifan that was standing in front of her, Tang Xia could not conceal the shock in her eyes anymore. “What are you doing here?”

This competition was a personal contest. By right, the 10 streamers would be assigned to different landing points. How was it possible for her to meet Ye Yifan right when she came in?

Ye Yifan’s voice was faint and emotionless. “I came in a little later on purpose.”

However, Tang Xia’s heart started to beat faster with the end of his sentence. It meant that Ye Yifan had specially came in late just to join her. Looking at Ye Yifan, Tang Xia suddenly did not know what to say next.

Ye Yifan seemed to be unaware of the strange atmosphere between the two of them, and he continued naturally, “Let’s go find a hiding spot first.”

“This place is indeed not suitable to say for long,” Tang Xia replied as she looked at the surrounding torn-down walls and windows. She then followed Ye Yifan out, as if it was logical to do so.

After following Ye Yifan and taking a few steps, Tang Xia then realized what was going on. Did the earlier conversation mean that they are in the same team? Thinking of his marriage contract with Li Xianxian, Tang Xia could not help but feel strange.

“Aren’t you afraid that person will get jealous that you teamed up with me?” After hesitating for a while, Tang Xia could not hold it back anymore and asked.

A smile seemingly hung from the corner of his lips. His voice was low and husky as he said, “Not anymore.”

Not anymore? What does that mean? Did it mean that he did not care about Li Xianxian, or did it mean that they had canceled their marriage contract?

Hearing Ye Yifan’s answer, Tang Xia was even more confused. She was just about to continue asking when she realized that Ye Yifan was already very far away. She quickly caught up to him, leaving the rest for later.

While running, Tang Xia realized that her body had become a lot lighter. She used to be unable to breathe when running 800 meters, but now she did not feel burdensome at all. She caught up with him easily.

“Did you notice that our speed seems to have improved?” Tang Xia looked back. In just a few minutes, the house that had come out of was already nowhere in sight.

Ye Yifan nodded. “Not just speed, but also response and strength.” ”The system must have added all these to make us more similar to the zombies.”

Having said that, Ye Yifan looked down and glanced at Tang Xia with a smile. “Or else I wouldn’t have been able to hide from your pan earlier.”

“That’s because I thought you were a zombie!” Tang Xia blushed out of embarrassment. During then, she had just entered the zombie world and was easily frightened by some slight movements. How could she have expected the person to be Ye Yifan?

Now that she thought about it, Tang Xia then discovered the benefits of working in a team. More people meant more people to take care of each other. At the bare minimum, she would feel much safer She could also discuss many things with him.

Ye Yifan looked up at the gray sky and his face became solemn. “It’s getting dark.”

Tang Xia nodded and her gaze became more cautious. The setting here was that zombies will be walking around at night. If they do not find a suitable place to spend the night before night falls, then it would become very dangerous for them.

But on the way, all they saw were run-down residential buildings and ordinary shops. Even ordinary people would be able to break in easily with some tools, let alone zombies.

Although they still did not how strong the zombies are, they would not go wrong with being careful. Tang Xia pondered for a while and her eyes suddenly lit up when she saw the ATM at the side of the road. “Bank!”

“Bank?” Ye Yifan looked at Tang Xia, his eyes full of doubts.

“Yes, the bank.” Tang Xia nodded assuredly and there was joy on her face. “What could be safer than the bank vault?”

The bank’s vault was always heavily protected. There were armed policemen watching the entrances and exits. Although there were no armed police in this zombie world, the structure of the iron wall of the vault itself was enough to protect them from the zombies’ attack.

Ye Yifan understood what she was trying to say very quickly and cast her glance of praise. “Yes, the bank vault is a good place to hide.”

Without further ado, the two confirmed their goals and the search that followed became easier. Landmark buildings like banks were not hard to find. Very quickly, Ye Yifan and Tang Xia found a small bank.

Other than the fact that there was no one, everything inside was still complete. There was even countless cash in the counter. However, in the world they were in, the cash could not help in their combat.

The two looked at each other and headed straight to the vault. The entrance to the vault was in a corner of the bank and was not difficult to find. The hard part was that the door was locked.

The construction of such a lock was complicated. Without a key, they had to break in by force, which was extremely difficult. Tang Xia’s eyes could not help but become darker. This felt like she had just struck a 10-million lottery ticket but could not get the money because the lottery ticket was damaged.

“Don’t be discouraged, everything else is in good condition. The key is probably here.” Ye Yifan saw her face fell and became silent for a while before saying.

That one line ignited hope in her again. In order to save time, both of them divided their work and searched in the bank separately. They did not overlook a single drawer and each small corner. However, the key was still nowhere to be found.

“Found it!” Tang Xia suddenly screamed in surprise, and there was a silver key in her hand. She quickly went to the vault to try it out, but the key did not even fit into the keyhole. It was obviously not the right one.josei

“How could this be?” Tang Xia’s face became pale and she almost sat on the ground. What was worse than sorrow was an empty joy. She thought that she had found it, but it turned out to be an empty hope. This was the most torturous.

This was already the last drawer she had found. She saw that the sky was getting darker and darker and even heard a faint sound made by an unknown creature. She could not help but start to feel impatient. If they do not find the key soon, all of their efforts would be wasted.

“Don’t rush, it should be here, just that we have yet to find it.” Ye Yifan was steady and calm as always. Instead of looking through the drawers again, he calmed down and observed the structure of the bank.

Having failed to find the key after so long, Tang Xia was getting impatient. Her voice was filled with helplessness. “But I’ve already looked through all the drawers, where else can I look?”

While saying so, Tang Xia went out. It was already late. If they do not find the key any sooner, no matter how reluctant, they must give up the bank and find somewhere else to stay.

Without the key to the vault, the bank was a half-open place. It was not any better than the dilapidated house that she first entered. At least the doors and windows of that house could be closed.

“It’s too late.”

Ye Yifan’s voice came from behind. Tang Xia looked at the darkening sky outside and could only stop in her tracks. Ye Yifan was right, they have been delayed here for too long. If they go out and find another place now, they would only die faster.

Instead of going out and bumping into everywhere like a headless fly, it was better to concentrate and search for the key. Tang Xia gradually calmed down and returned back to the bank to search for it.

“Tang Xia, where is the key that you just found?” Ye Yifan suddenly asked Tang Xia as he searched.

Tang Xia took out the silver key helplessly. “It’s no use, I’ve tried it, this is not for the v…” Before she finished her sentence, Ye Yifan had already hurriedly taken the key from her hand and ran towards the other corner opposite the vault.

Tang Xia was startled. Was he driven mad and trying all sorts of methods possible? Judging from the previous live broadcasts, Ye Yifan was not such a person. After pausing for a while, Tang Xia followed after him.

She found that there was another room in the corner which was also locked. Ye Yifan inserted the silver key that Tang Xia found and it fit perfectly.

But this was not a vault after all. There was no strong defense inside it. Even if they opened this room, it could only protect them for a while.

As night fell, there were more and more strange sounds outside. Tang Xia’s brows furrowed tighter. She voiced out her concerns to Ye Yifan.

Ye Yifan smiled at her. “Look what’s written outside this room?”

Tang Xia paused. She did not pay attention to it just now, but what does this have to do with the key to the vault? This was what Tang Xia thought as she listened to him and looked at the words carefully. Sure enough, she found a few blurred words on the door: “Manager’s Office”

Tang Xia was the type of person that could understand a situation once enlightened. She was impatient just now, but now that she was reminded by Ye Yifan, she understood it very quickly.

The key to the vault was usually kept by the bank manager. Of course the manager would put it in the office. No wonder they could not find them outside, because the key was in here!

Realizing this, Tang Xia became alive again right away. The manager’s office was small. They worked together and quickly found the key in the pocket of a coat hanging on the wall.

Tang Xia took the key to try outside the vault. It matched!

At the same time, the sky darkened completely. Through the window, they faintly saw the group of zombies walking around on the streets. Tang Xia and Ye Yifan did not dare to hesitate. They quickly hid in the vault and locked the door.

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