Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 248 - Not the Right One

Chapter 248 - Not the Right One

Chapter 248 Not the Right One
The night fell and the city was quickly enveloped by the darkness.

The power supply had already been cut off. There was only a lonely moon hanging in the air, elongating the shadows of the few people on the streets.

From a distance, they were no different from humans. But looking closely, one would see that there was something off about these shadows.

They were slow-moving, stiff and emit rancid stench. The most terrifying thing was their faces. There was not a single chunk of flesh that was good. There were even spots on their faces that exposed their bones inside.

Other than their human-like skeleton structure, they were more rotten than a rotten body.

Zombies, the nightmare of the world, act at night. If the singled-out survivors do not find a suitable hiding place, it would only be a dead-end if they encounter zombies.

The most frightening part was that as time goes by, the strength and quantity of these zombies were constantly growing. The house that was able to resist the zombie attack the day before might be attacked the next day.

In this situation, everyone was afraid all the time. No one knows when they could live until.

“Ah!” A sorrowful scream pierced through the night sky. The store that a young man was hiding in could not withstand the attacks by the layers of zombies. They had already created a hole.

Before the young man could recover from his shock, the zombies had already invaded like crazy. There was not even time for him to struggle before he lost the strength to cry for help.

Fresh blood started spreading on the ground. The plain eyes of the zombies started lighting up like crazy. They devoured the young man’s body into pieces and then headed off to their next spot.

Such screams were heard time and again throughout the night. Tang Xia and Ye Yifan were hiding in the extreme corner of the vault. The torchlight that was placed against the wall was emitting a weak glow.

Outside the door, the sound of zombie striking and scratching continued way past midnight. It was mixed with the deep roars of the zombies. Tang Xia crouched down subconsciously and hugged her own arms.

The vault could block the zombies, but it could not keep this bone-chilling coldness outside the door. Tang Xia warmed her hands by blowing hot air onto them. She could not stop her body from shuddering and she sneezed.


A man’s voice filled with concern came from her side. Tang Xia had just turned around when Ye Yifan had already taken off his own jacket to put it on her. Since it was just taken off, it was still filled with his warmth.

Tang Xia was stunned and she subconsciously wanted to return it. However, when she saw his deep gaze, she stopped. His gaze was filled with concern. The gentleness in it was stronger than his words.

The dim light of the flashlight shone on his face, bringing out its paleness. Yet, it caused his facial features to look even more well-defined. It was the beautiful face that Tang Xia had waited to see on livestreams countless times.

Since and unknown point in time, the sound of the zombies banging on the door had stopped. The vault was very quiet. Tang Xia could only hear her heart beating.

It was then that she realized this atmosphere between both of them was a little special. If it was not doomsday, one could probably describe it as loving.

The men’s coat seemed big as it draped on her body, yet it managed to keep away the coldness. Tang Xia unknowingly hugged onto it tighter. The complicated emotions came out again.

If I don’t ask now, it wouldn’t be convenient to do so in the future, right? After a long while, Tang Xia finally gritted her teeth and turned towards Ye Yifan and asked, “You and Li Xianxian’s marriage contract…”

Halfway through her sentence, the torchlight flashed and there went the faint light. The vault entered complete darkness. Based on his memory, Ye Yifan found the torchlight and he tried meddling with it. His voice was filled with helplessness, “It’s out of battery.”

The second half of Tang Xia’s sentence was stuck in her throat. She could not continue, nor could she stop herself from wanting to say it. Her face was full of awkwardness. Luckily, the surrounding was pitch-dark. He could not see her expression.

After a moment of speechlessness, the room became silent again. There were only their breathing sounds that were loud and clear.

Just as Tang Xia was pondering whether or not to open her mouth again, Ye Yifan’s voice suddenly rang, “I won’t marry her.”

So he heard it. Tang Xia’s heart suddenly missed a beat. She could not help but glance at him. The room was pitch dark. She could only see his shining gaze, but could not figure out the emotions inside it.

“Does your family agree to it?” Tang Xia asked. The moment the words left her mouth, she regretted it slightly. Wasn’t that bullshit? If the Ye elders were so easy to convince, then Haizi would not have specifically told her about Ye Yifan being forced to get married.

Sure enough, after hearing those words. Ye Yifan paused for a while. When he started talking again, there was a tint of self-pity in his tone. “Of course not, I moved out of the house after I had a big fight with them. Even my bank card was cut off.”

Tang Xia listened to him speaking of it so lightly, yet she could faintly tell how difficult he had been the past few days. No wonder she rarely saw him in the company these days. He must be taking care of these things.

“Why?” Tang Xia suddenly understood Ye Yifan’s difficulty which Haizi told him about and could not help but ask. At first, Ye Yifan and Li Xianxian went along well, no? Why did he do it knowing that his family would suppress him?

There was a bold answer in her heart that she did not dare to think about. However, Ye Yifan did not answer for a long time. Feeling confused, Tang Xia turned her head towards him. Her eyes met his deep gaze. It was like entering a deep lake. She almost drowned in it.

“Because she is not the right one.” Ye Yifan fixed his gaze on her. His voice was husky.

Tang Xia’s heart started beating very quickly. For a long time, she said not another word.

The night was dark. Only the young lady’s troubles flowed silently. Tang Xia did not even know what time she fell asleep.

When she woke up the next morning, the sun was already hanging high up in the sky. Tang Xia then realized that she had been leaning against Ye Yifan’s shoulder. She quickly got up.

“You’re awake?” Ye Yifan’s voice traveled from above her head. He must have woken up earlier but did not want to wake her.

Tang Xia replied with a ‘hmm’ and she looked embarrassed.

Luckily, Ye Yifan had no intention to continue this topic. He stood up to stretch and said to Tang Xia, “We only found a place to hide and did not find any resources. Let’s go out and take a look.”

The sky was now bright and there was no need to worry about zombies’ attack. Tang Xia nodded. She had the same idea as well. The most basic resources were food and water. Following which, tools like torchlight were essential as well.

Both of them got ready and headed out. Once they stepped foot outside, they then realized how bloody the zombies’ attack was last night. There were even deep vents on the metal gate of the vault.

The streets outside were in a greater mess. The glass windows of the stores were shattered. Every now and then, they could see broken limbs on the streets. There was a faint blood smell lingering in the air.

Tang Xia and Ye Yifan looked at each other and could not conceal the shock in their eyes. The situation was way worse than they thought, If they had not found the key to the vault yesterday, they were most likely in a very bad place right now.

They also met some survivors on the streets, but everyone was focused on finding resources for themselves. Their gazes were filled with strong vigilance.

At first, Tang Xia wanted to find out more, but before she got near, the other party already ran away. If not, they would be holding onto a weapon and warning her, their faces full of distrust.

“Seems like it’s impossible to enquire about anything.” Tang Xia sighed and continued to walk with Ye Yifan. She thought that humans would become more united because of the zombies, but it was the exact opposite.

Ye Yifan’s silent and calm gaze was filled with an answer. “This is doomsday.”

Not only do they have to face the threat of zombies, they also need to fight with their kind. In such an extreme situation, it was possible to see humans eating each other, let alone what just happened.

Many stores on the streets have already been raided. They were not the only ones who needed supplies urgently. There were people who fought over them.

Tang Xia and Ye Yifan were unwilling to fight over supplies. They walked a few streets down before they found a convenience store in a remote corner. There was no one inside.

“Here!” Tang Xia waved at Ye Yifan excitedly. There were many food and water that had yet to expire. They should last them many days.

Ye Yifan followed the sound and followed her in, not forgetting to close the curtains, in case other people come and fight with them.

Both of them took a backpack each and started stuffing as much food and water inside the bags as possible. No one knew what was going to happen next. These supplies were the most basic thing that would ensure their survival.

After preparing the food enough for a few days, Tang Xia started searching for other tools. Although the convenience store was small, it had everything. There were basic necessities and Tang Xia even found a sleeping bag under the cashier.

They only needed two torchlights, but more batteries. When Tang Xia walked to a corner to continue searching, she suddenly heard a scratching sound.

Tang Xi froze. After confirming that she was not hallucinating, an alarm went off in her heart. She quickly motioned to Ye Yifan with her eyes.josei

Ye Yifan was searching for things on the other side. Seeing the situation, he quickly put down his bag and came to Tang Xia. Both of them walked towards the corner carefully.

“Don’t… don’t eat me!” A young girl was crouching in the corner and her voice was hoarse. Her pale face was filled with the look of terror and there were even traces of tears on her face.

Tang Xia and Ye Yifan’s eyes were wide opened. They did not expect this. At this moment, Tang Xia recognized the girl. It was Jiang Yu. She was also a contestant in the Celebrity Battle. Tang Xia saw her livestream before. She was a very cute girl.

“Don’t be afraid, the zombies are gone.” Tang Xia immediately let loose her tightened emotions. She put down the baseball bat that she had just picked up casually and comforted in a gentle voice.

Jiang Yu seemed to have gotten quite the scare. Tang Xia had to repeat it several times before she dared to lift up her head. “Really…really?” The pair of wet eyes were still looking out onto the streets.

Are those zombies who eat people really gone?

“Really.” Tang Xia said with affirmation. After another round of comforting, Jiang Yu finally believed that the zombies were gone. She then started crying uncontrollably and even plunged herself into Tang Xia’s embrace and started bawling.

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