Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 254 - Li Xianxian Was Bitten

Chapter 254 - Li Xianxian Was Bitten

Chapter 254 Li Xianxian Was Bitten
There was no window in this old-fashioned residential building. Even in the daytime, it was dark and opaque. After the end of the world, it had become the best place for zombies to hide in the daytime.

Li Xianxian rushed in without bringing anything. It could be estimated that it was ominous. Ye Yifan hurried to follow her. Tang Xia paused for a while and followed too.

As soon as he entered, Ye Yifan encountered a zombie. Ye Yifan had entered in a hurry, and only then did he find that there were no bullets in the gun he was carrying. While he was struggling to deal with it, Ye Yifan suddenly heard a gunshot and the zombie fell.

Looking back, he saw Tang Xia, so Ye Yifan was a little surprised. “Why did you come?” Tang Xia and Li Xianxian did not get along with each other well, which could be seen without saying.

Tang Xia handed Ye Yifan a full magazine. “That’s not a horse of the same color. Take her out first.”

The voice had not yet fallen, and a few zombies rushed out in the corner. Ye Yifan quickly changed magazines, and both of them worked together to battle the zombies. And it was much easier.

There was a sudden scream from the distance, which sounded extraordinarily mournful in the empty corridor.

“It is Li Xianxian!”

Tang Xia and Ye Yifan’s expressions changed at the same time, speeding up the process of eliminating the zombies in front of them. They rushed in the direction of the scream and saw that Li Xianxian was entangled by two zombies. Ahe was resisting by instinct, which looked extremely embarrassing.

Without hesitation, Ye Yifan hurriedly stepped forward to kick the two zombies away from Li Xianxian. Without waiting for them to move further, Tang Xia pulled the trigger. The bullets accurately shot their heads, rendering them completely harmless.

Ye Yifan rushed to Li Xianxian’s side and asked worriedly, “Are you all right?” He couldn’t see Li Xianxian’s expression because the light was dim, so it was unknown whether she was injured or not.

“Yifan!” Li Xianxian threw herself in Ye Yifan’s arms the moment she saw him. Ye Yifan’s body was stiff, but it was not good to push her away at this time. Thus, he stayed still and let her hug him.

Worried that there were zombies around, Tang Xia said to Ye Yifan, “Go out first and talk later.” Ye Yifan nodded and just wanted to get up. Li Xianxian clung to him and did not let him go. Ye Yifan had to hold her out.

When out of the residential building, the light instantly brightened. Ye Yifan put Li Xianxian on the open space. Jiang Yu, who was waiting for them outside, rushed to them. “You finally came out. If there was no news, I couldn’t help going in!”

Although Jiang Yu waited outside, it was not easy for her. The gunshots inside had never stopped since they had entered. She had been worried about their safety, and she only felt a little better now.

Tang Xia simply told her about the situation inside. When listening, Jiang Yu felt terrible and couldn’t help blaming Li Xianxian for this. It was fine to run to wherever she wanted except this place. Wasn’t it fast enough to die?

While thinking, Jiang Yu heard Li Xianxian suddenly crying. Jiang Yu turned her head and saw Li Xianxian licking her face, the tears could not stop spilling from her fingers.

A long wound on the arm was clearly visible. The wound was different from normal ones. The blood flowing out was not normal blood red, but was blue black, and it also exuded a rotten smell.

“She was bitten by a zombie?!” Jiang Yu opened her mouth and couldn’t conceal her surprise. She had just thought about it, but she didn’t expect it to be true.

Everyone here knew what it meant to be bitten by a zombie.

At this time, Tang Xia and Ye Yifan also saw the wound on Li Xianxian’s body. Their faces suddenly turned solemn. No one spoke at the moment, only Li Xianxian’s intermittent crying could be heard.

At the same time, the fans in Tang Xia’s broadcast room started to flood the screen with comments.

“It seems that Li Xianxian will be eliminated.”

“What a pity! I was quite optimistic about her.”

“It isn’t a pity at all. It was she who wanted to die. Who doesn’t know that the zombies are hiding in these places during the day?”

“Yes, there are many places. Why did she go to the place where there are zombies?”

“Didn’t you see that? She obviously had a dispute with Ye Yifan, and then she angrily rushed in.”

“It is because she is stupid!”


In the broadcast room, many fans were debating because Li Xianxian would be eliminated. There was a fan who interrupted. “It is uncertain whether she will be eliminated. Ye Yifan had gotten the serum, hadn’t he?”

The serum could purify the zombie virus, which was basically equivalent to a life in the end of the world, but it was extremely precious. If this wasn’t the case, Tang Xia and others would not be targeted by so many people because they had obtained the serum.

The disputing fans thought of the existence of the serum. When they recalled the preciousness of the serum, their sound of the rebuttal was generally sizzling.

“The serum is so precious, of course, it will be left for themselves. How can they use it for Li Xianxian?”

“Yeah, what’s more, Li Xianxian rushed there on her own accord. Ye Yifan and Tang Xia were risking their lives to save her. They had already done everything possible. How can they waste the serum?”

“The relationship between Tang Xia and Li Xianxian is bad. Even if Ye Yifan takes his relationship with Li Xianxian into consideration, and is willing to take out the serum, Tang Xia will not agree.”Read more chapter on v ip novel. com

“Yes, it’s certain that Li Xianxian will be eliminated.”


The fans debated heatedly, and soon their sentences drowned the original voice.

Although there were controversies in many aspects, one thing was recognized, that was, Li Xianxian would definitely be eliminated.

After all, if someone was bitten by a zombie, only the serum could resolve it. However, the only serum was in the hands of Tang Xia. No matter from the aspect of competitors or from personal relationship, there was no reason for her to use it to save Li Xianxian.

However, at this time, what happened next made everyone fall through their glasses. Ye Yifan and Tang Xia looked at each other. Tang Xia nodded slightly and took the serum out. She handed it to him and signaled a gesture to her, showing that Li Xianxian could use it.

“It can’t be true. They really want to use the serum on Li Xianxian?”

“Tang Xia did agree!”


In the broadcast room, there were voices of surprise and doubt. At the same time, Ye Yifan did not hesitate to inject the serum into Li Xianxian.

With the injection of the serum, the blue black color on Li Xianxian’s wound dissipated at a visible speed. Obviously, the zombie virus was suppressed by the serum, which meant that Li Xianxian would not be eliminated.

Seeing that Ye Yifan had actually used the only serum on her, Li Xianxian was shocked first. Then, she grabbed Ye Yifan tightly. “Look, I know that you still care about me, otherwise you would not have given me such precious serum!

“Yifan, don’t get rid of the marriage contract, okay? I will forget what you have said before, okay?

“I love you, Yifan!”

Li Xianxian spoke incoherently. She was still crying, but her expression was laughing. Here were the tears of joy, not only because she was still alive after the disaster, but also because Ye Yifan had saved her, making her rekindle hope .josei

“Li Xianxian.” Ye Yifan paused for a moment, looking at Li Xianxian’s unconcealed love. He was a little helpless, but he still did not hesitate to push her away, pulling the distance between them.

Li Xianxian’s smile was stiff on her face, and she was awkward about Ye Yifan’s attitude toward their distance. “Yifan…” She wanted to act like a spoiled girl like before, but Ye Yifan’s serious expression made her unable to continue.

“You don’t need to say it, I understand. You see, you have given me the only serum. You must love me, right?”

Subconsciously, Li Xianxian wanted to stop Ye Yifan from saying what he would say next. Thus, she spoke indiscriminately. She did not know whether to convince Ye Yifan or to convince herself.

“No, I don’t love you.” Ye Yifan looked at Li Xianxian calmly. The sound of no ups and downs was like a pot of cold water pouring out Li Xianxian’s self-deception.

The light in Li Xianxian’s eyes quickly dimmed, and she said puzzledly, “Why did you save me just now?”

There was only one serum, and it was very likely that there would be no chance to find any more. Ye Yifan had given her the serum, which was equivalent to giving her a life. In Li Xianxian’s view, Ye Yifan obviously cared about her.

Looking at Ye Yifan, she had a look of hope in her eyes. Maybe Ye Yifan only had a hard mouth and refused to admit it. She gave an excuse for the words just now, but all the hopes were crushed by Ye Yifan’s next words.

“I just didn’t want to see that you got eliminated because of me,” replied Ye Yifan. The “just that” expression made Li Xianxian’s heart completely cold.

“And the serum was not my own. If Tang Xia hadn’t agreed, I wouldn’t have taken the serum to save you. If you have to thank someone, she is the one you should thank.”

As if he did not notice Li Xianxian’s pale face, Ye Yifan spoke like that. At the same time, he cast a grateful look to Tang Xia.

Li Xianxian looked at Tang Xia with her gaze and was a little surprised at Ye Yifan’s words. It seemed that she did not want to accept the fact that Tang Xia had saved her. She quickly moved her eyes, and for a long time, she did not say a word.

The sky gradually got dark. Jiang Yu whispered to Tang Xia, “Should we go back?” If they didn’t leave, the zombies would come out to act.

Tang Xia nodded and signaled to Ye Yifan. He understood, and the three of them were ready to leave. However, they saw Li Xianxian stay still in the same place.

Tang Xia couldn’t help reminding her, “It’s getting dark, and you should go back to find your teammates.”

This sentence was kind. However, Li Xianxian did not appreciate it and glared at Tangxia. “I don’t care about your reminder. Tang Xia, do not think that you have helped me, I will not hate you anymore,” she said coldly with hostility.

“How can you say something like this?” When hearing this, Jiang Yu thought it was unfair for Tang Xia, so she wanted to go up and reprimand Li Xianxian. “Don’t you know how to return people’s kindness?”

Tang Xia pulled her back and shook her head. “Forget it.” Then she turned to Li Xianxian/ “Whatever! It’s up to you!” After that, she took Jiang Yu and left.

Jiang Yu still wanted to say something more. Seeing Tang Xia’s unscrupulous attitude, Jiang Yu had to give up, but she was dissatisfied with Li Xianxian.

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