Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 255 - Noah's Ark

Chapter 255 - Noah's Ark

Chapter 255 Noah’s Ark
On the way back, upon remembering Li Xianxian’s attitude, Jiang Yu still thought it was very unfair for Tangxia. “She was so ungrateful. We saved her. She didn’t know how to return the favor, but she also had a stinky face. As if we owed her!”

“Tang Xia, why did you stop me just now? It is time to scold a person like her! It is a pity that we have wasted a serum!” Jiang Yu became angrier and turned to Tang Xia.

If Tang Xia hadn’t stopped her, she would have gone to quarrel with Li Xianxian and she would not be sulking here right now.

While thinking of this, Jiangyu looked at Tang Xia doubtfully. “I see that you are usually very courageous, and you are not a person who will eat dirt. She did the same just now, so why are you not angry?”

Tang Xia smiled and answered with a question. “Have you ever seen a cat catch a mouse?”

“Aren’t we talking about Li Xianxian? Why are you talking about a cat catching a mouse?” Jiang Yu shook her head with a puzzled look in her eyes, as if she didn’t seem to understand.

Although Tang Xia looked at Jiang Yu, her eyes seemed to have drifted into the distance. Her voice sounded a little ethereal as she said, “When the cat catches a mouse, it will play with the mouse first. When it gets bored, it will eat the mouse eventually.”

While she said this, there was still a smile on her lips. Jiang Yu suddenly had a chilling feeling. She was not angry with Li Xianxian anymore. Instead, she felt some sympathy for Li Xianxian.

Although she didn’t know what plans Tang Xia had, her intuition told her that if Li Xianxian wanted to cause Tang Xia trouble, she would only suffer from her own losses.josei

When the three of them returned to the vault, the sky outside was completely dark. Out of habit, they ate something to replenish their physical strength and began to prepare to rest.

Maybe it was because too many things had happened that day, but Jiang Yu felt sleepless and bored as he listened to the radio. She had accidentally taken this radio when she had taken things from the store before.

Jiang Yu switched a few channels at random but only heard a murmur.

“It is the end of the world, but there are still some people left to perform the show.” Tang Xia was trying to tease her, yet she suddenly heard a sound while Jiang Yu was switching channels. She quickly straightened up. “Wait, go back.”

“Eh?” Jiang Yu did not harbor any hope. Suddenly, she noticed that Tang Xia’s face was serious. Although she was somewhat confused, she did what Tang Xia said.

After several adjustments, she found the channel that Tang Xia had just heard.

The murmurs were still terrifyingly loud, but some rumors could be heard. This time, they all heard the voices and suddenly became serious.

“It seems to be telling something.” Ye Yifan took the radio from Jiang Yu’s hands and adjusted the antenna for a while. Although the sound was still intermittent, he could finally hear it.

“Human gathering place… Noah’s Ark… North City Dream Of Returning Harbor…”

Upon hearing the words that were faintly transmitted, they looked at each other, not understanding the meaning exactly. Tang Xia put her ears closer to hear more information. The radio only repeated this sentence again and again.

Jiang Yu and Ye Yifan also tried the radio and confirmed that they could only hear that sentence. Then, they put down the radio to analyze the information they got.

“Noah’s Ark? Isn’t that a myth? Does it have anything to do with this?” Jiang Yu wondered, “Isn’t that a boring prank?”

Ye Yifan indulged for a moment and expressed his denial. “Impossible. This is doomsday, so everyone is in danger. Self-protection is not easy. How can someone be so bored and exhausted as to spread false news?”

“I agree with Ye Yifan’s view. North City Dreams Of Returning Harbor is obviously an address. The person who issued the notice must have discovered something and started trying to gather the survivors.”

Tang Xia also agreed. She and Ye Yifan looked at each other with an eager expression on their faces.

Upon looking at their expressions, Jiang Yu suddenly panicked. “You don’t want to go there, do you?”

Tang Xia quickly nodded. A strong desire had been driving her to the place on the radio ever since she had heard the news. Her intuition told her that there would be something there.

“But the location is in North City. It takes a day and a night to drive there. It’s too dangerous!”

Jiang Yu blurted out her opposing view and tried to convince Tang Xia. “We are so good now. Why do we have to go so far and take risks for this news?”

Tang Xia knew that Jiang Yu had always been conservative, so she did not expect her to agree quickly. Instead, she placed her hopes on Ye Yifan. “Do you have an opinion?”

Ye Yifan only showed his attitude with a pause. “I am in favor of this.” It was rare to get any news from the radio. Thus, he shared the same opinion with Tang Xia and didn’t want to miss it.

“Fine. It’s two votes to one vote.” Jiang Yu reluctantly grinned. Every time this was the case, she was always numb while following these two radicals.

“Relax, we are with you. Whenever there is a danger, we will stand in front of you.” Tang Xia teased her and then said, “It is decided. Tomorrow, we will go to the North City Dreams Of Returning Harbor.”

Jiang Yu muttered two sentences and accepted it. Who had asked her to form a team with these two adventurous guys? From her current point of view, the results were not bad. She sighed. May this time be the same.

Thus, the three of them were ready. They set out toward North City the next morning. It would take a day and a night to travel to North City, which meant that they would be exposed to the zombie world this evening.

Tang Xia and Ye Yifan were okay, but Jiang Yu began to get scared after sunset. Upon looking at the darkening sky, she turned her head to look at Tang Xia. “Maybe we should find a place to hide first. It’s not too late to continue tomorrow.”

That way, they would not only avoid the zombies’ action time, but they could also get a short break without having to travel all the way. Tang Xia thought that this proposal sounded feasible, so she asked for Ye Yifan’s opinion.

Through the rearview mirror, Ye Yifan saw that Jiang Yu was scared to death. Therefore, he thought for a moment before he said, “We can think about it.” While saying this, he drove the car to the side of the road and stopped.

They got off and checked the situation around them. This was also a block-like place, but it was much more ruined than the vaults they hid. Many walls of the building were exposed.

Upon seeing this, Ye Yifan shook his head. “No, we should continue our journey.” Then, he got in the car first.

“Why?” Jiang Yu’s fear had just been eased a little when she suddenly heard Ye Yifan saying that they should get on their way. Immediately, she felt worried.

Tang Xia also looked at Ye Yifan strangely, not understanding why Ye Yifan had made this decision. Ye Yifan stopped and pointed to the surrounding houses. “Do you see the surrounding houses? Are they badly ruined?”

Jiang Yu still did not understand. “So what? Wasn’t the majority of the houses on our way here the same way?”Visit vi p novel. com

Tang Xia, who was reminded by Ye Yifan, immediately understood and nodded in agreement with Ye Yifan’s words. “Let’s continue.”

Jiang Yu, who was more confused, wanted to ask questions. Meanwhile, Tang Xia cautiously glanced around and said, “Get in the car first.”

Upon seeing Tang Xia’s dignified look, Jiang Yu also had to push back the doubts in her heart and follow Tang Xia to the car. Ye Yifan started the car.

While the car ran smoothly on the road, Tang Xia explained to Jiang Yu why they should keep moving.

“The more broken a house is, the more it is affected by zombies. The number of zombies must be quite amazing if a house is broken. It is safer to stay on the road than hide there.”

Only then did Jiang Yu understand this. Upon recalling these ruined houses, she felt scared. Afterwards, she never mentioned hiding first.

They drove on the road like this while the sky turned completely black. Jiang Yu couldn’t hold back the fear in her heart. Thus, she closed her eyes to get some rest. When she was asleep, she would not be afraid anymore.

Tang Xia, who felt sleepless, kept looking at the window to observe the situation. As night fell, occasionally, zombies were around. However, they were just a flash as the car galloped.

Only one zombie made Tang Xia feel uneasy. At an intersection, Tang Xia suddenly saw a zombie on the side of the road, staring at them.

At first, Tang Xia thought it was an illusion, as the zombies they had seen had basically been eyeless or empty-eyed so far. At most, when they were eating people, there would be a crazy look in their eyes. However, this zombie was different. It made Tang Xia feel like she was being watched.

As the car traveled, this feeling became more and more obvious. Tang Xia discovered that the zombie’s eyes had been watching them without moving, even though the car was moving all this time.

The reason it seemed that its eyes didn’t move was apparently that the zombie’s eyes had been following the movement of the car.

Tang Xia’s expression changed before she looked at Ye Yifan. “There is a zombie in the back that seems to be watching us all the time.” Even while she had spoken, the eyes of the zombie had never left their car.

Upon hearing this, Ye Yifan looked at the rearview mirror and saw a pair of green eyes following them closely in the night. He felt his heart tighten immediately.

Jiang Yu, who had not fallen asleep, opened her eyes and saw the zombie. She immediately got frightened.

Just as the car finally turned around the bend, the zombie was about to be left behind. Suddenly, the zombie caught up with them at a terrible speed.

Tang Xia was ready to breathe a sigh of relief when she suddenly saw this. She was so scared that her tongue almost twisted into a knot. She hurriedly told Ye Yifan, “It is coming!”

The car could only drive on a smooth road, and it needed to turn around a big bend. The zombie was directly inclined across the road without considering the road’s condition.

Jiang Yu and Tang Xia sat in the back seat, watching the zombie get closer and closer to them. Their faces were pale as they urged Ye Yifan to hurry.

Ye Yifan hurriedly stepped on the gas pedal, making the car speed up.

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