Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 257 - Tang Xia Was Shot

Chapter 257 - Tang Xia Was Shot

Chapter 257 Tang Xia Was Shot
Jiang Yu was a simple little girl who had eaten so that she would have an oily look. After hearing this, she touched her mouth. “Shall we go back and find them? We should let everyone know about this good place.”

While speaking, she was still stuffing food in her mouth. She did not notice the strange look Tang Xia gave her after hearing this. Ye Yifan did not answer.

Tang Xia put down her food and forced a few smiles. She then said hesitantly but seriously, “I don’t agree about going back. This is a competition after all. We are now competing with them, so there is no need to share everything.”

“This is nothing more than a match, and that doesn’t mean we will connect with each other anymore. If there is such a safe place, why not tell them the news?”

Upon hearing what Tang Xia said, Jiang Yu was somewhat dissatisfied. “We are also competitors. If you really think that, don’t take me with you anymore. I am a burden after all.”

Somehow, Jiang Yu also remembered some unpleasant things and sneered. Even the food in front of her could not hold her interest now.

“I didn’t mean that,” Tang Xia explained, also sounding a little impatient. Jiang Yu was good, but sometimes her mind was too simple and she was occasionally stubborn.

While looking at the two people suddenly arguing, Axon was listening to the clouds in the fog. He grabbed this chance and asked, “Wait, what do you mean? Is there anyone else outside?”

Tang Xia, who could not communicate with Jiang Yu clearly, just gave up and turned to answer Axon’s question. “Yes, but they don’t know about this place yet.”

“Really? Great, tell me the exact location.” Upon hearing this, Axon got excited and grabbed Tang Xia’s arm, his beard twitching along with his lips.

Tang Xia was really excited to see him acting like this. It was a bit strange. Axon explained, “According to a rule the founder of Noah’s Ark has set, the more members one finds, the better one will be treated.”

Tang Xia hadn’t expected that there would be such a rule here. She no longer had any doubts. She nodded at Axon and then apologized to Jiang Yu. “Sorry, you are right. We should send news back.”

Jiang Yu’s anger came quickly and disappeared quickly. Upon seeing Tang Xia take the initiative to apologize, she wasn’t angry anymore. They quickly reconciled. After simply packing up, they were ready to go back with Axon’s team.

That road might have been so tiring that Jiang Yu’s physical strength couldn’t stand it. Upon noticing that she was too tired, Tang Xia asked her to rest at the base.

“Then you should be careful at the base.” After telling Jiang Yu as much, Tang Xia and Ye Yifan left the castle with Axon’s team.

There was a total of five people in Axon’s team, all of whom were fully armed. After Tang Xia and Ye Yifan joined them, they also got two submachine guns that were much stronger than the submachine guns they had used before.

When he saw Tang Xia sigh upon getting the gun, Axon smiled and pointed at the gun. “This is not a big deal. If you have been in Noah’s Ark a long time and you have reached a certain level, more powerful weapons will be waiting for you.”

Tang Xia and Ye Yifan nodded. It seemed that the members of Noah’s Ark were also using a hierarchy, so the higher the level of the members, the more resources they could use.

After leaving the North City Dreams Of Returning Harbor, Axon led Tang Xia and some other people to an armored car and pointed to it. “Let’s drive in this car.”

As soon as he said this, a tall teammate took the initiative to sit in the driver’s seat and start the car. Axon led the others into the car. Tang Xia and Ye Yifan also followed them.

It was the first time both Tang Xia and Ye Yifan used such a car. They used to watch such cars during the military parade on TV. They couldn’t help looking at it for a while.

This car was much better than the ordinary family car they had used before. There was also a hidden machine gun design, and the engine could attack when necessary.

If Tang Xia and the others had been driving this car at the time, they would not have been so embarrassed upon encountering a large number of zombies on the road.

On the way, Tang Xia and Axon had a chat casually. While observing the internal structure of the car, Tang Xia asked Axon, “Can this protect us against zombies?”Visit vi p . com

Axon smiled. “A small team is still okay, but it will not work if there are too many. If you encounter a large number of zombies like you did before, it will be very difficult.”

During this chat, Tang Xia also told Axon what had happened when they had arrived. Upon hearing that, Axon was also surprised. Tang Xia had not known that being sieged by so many zombies was not a common occurrence.

Axon also gave Ye Yifan a thumbs-up. “It was a nice job. Being able to get out of a siege of so many zombies is amazing.”

Ye Yifan smiled modestly and felt proud. “We were forced to do so.”

“That’s not easy either.” Axon’s wild eyebrows made him look a little dissatisfied with Ye Yifan’s modesty. He was a direct man who liked to be straight and admired people with skills.

The three of them chatted, unknowingly getting familiar with each other. Meanwhile, the other teammates were playing poker. This hard time was passing a lot faster.

Axon’s armored car was modified. Thus, not only had its defense and attack power improved, but its speed had also been optimized. The same distance was crossed faster than when Tang Xia and the others had crossed it.

However, because they set off in the afternoon, it was also necessary to spend the night outside.

Tang Xia and Ye Yifan used this opportunity to see the true power of this armored car.

The members of Axon’s team were also experienced in combat. The submachine guns in their hands swept over, causing most of the zombies to fall down. Tang Xia and Ye Yifan were really happy to see this.

Thanks to their shots, Tang Xia and Ye Yifan hardly needed to do anything. They just cheered.

They returned to the city before noon the next day. Axon took the team members to the place where Tang Xia had told them to look for other people. Tang Xia and Ye Yifan went back to the vault to check.

Upon seeing that the door of the vault was open, Tang Xia looked confused. “I remember locking the door before I left.” Had the zombie broken the door?

Tang Xia and Ye Yifan looked at each other and went to the door to check. Only then did they find that the lock was levered. Zombies did not possess this much sanity. It could only have been done artificially.josei

The things they had left in the vault had also been turned upside down. Although they had taken most of the useful materials before leaving, this situation was still very uncomfortable.

“Someone has been here.” Ye Yifan looked dignified, even though the person in question had broken the lock and made a mess. Obviously, this had been no good guy.

If they hadn’t left and successfully found Noah’s Ark, if they had stayed here instead and their hiding place had been destroyed like this, they would have found no other safe place. In the evening, they would undoubtedly have been exposed to danger.

Whoever had done this was obviously ready to push them to death.

While looking at the levered lock, she couldn’t help doubting her previous decision. Should she have brought Axon’s people here to rescue them?

Even if she was willing to put down the game for a while, judging by the fact that the lock of the vault was levered, other people would not be able to get along with Tang Xia peacefully.

However, no matter what, she had already brought Axon. Tang Xia and Ye Yifan discussed it and decided to go to the places where the other anchors broadcast.

They met Irene on the road. When Irene saw Ye Yifan and Tang Xia appear, she said with hostility and an alert look, “What are you doing here? You are not welcome here.”

Tang Xia told her about Noah’s Ark. “We accidentally heard the news on the radio. Most of the humans who survived are in the North City Dreams Of Returning Harbor, where there is no need to worry about zombies…”

Tang Xia hadn’t finished talking yet when she was interrupted by Irene. “What the hell did you hear on the radio? What Noah’s Ark? Tang Xia, what games are you trying to play?”

Her voice was full of mockery. “You set up the trap to eliminate JOJO and Cheng Ye before, and now you want to trick us?”

While mentioning JOJO and Cheng Ye, she looked at Tang Xia even more resentfully.

“It’s not like that. Listen to me…” Tang Xia just wanted to explain, but Irene had already called Skye and another anchor over.

Skye did not harbor any good feelings for Tang Xia and Ye Yifan either. No matter what Tang Xia and Ye Yifan said, they wouldn’t believe it. They not only would not appreciate it, but they would sneer at Tang Xia and Ye Yifan.

Tang Xia’s explanation was useless, and her temper gradually flared as she argued against the opposite. The situation on both sides became increasingly tense. No one knew exactly who suddenly shot at the opposite side. However, Tang Xia, who had been unprepared, was hit in the arm.

“Ah!” Tang Xia screamed, only to see blood on her arm.

“Tangxia, what’s wrong?” The situation was too confusing. Ye Yifan didn’t pay attention. When he heard the gunshot, it was already too late. Tang Xia bit her lower lip, and the arm shot by the gun trembled constantly.

Axon and his team were already nearby. When they heard the gunshots and saw what was going on, they couldn’t help frowning. “What happened?”

“Tang Xia was shot. They did it!” Ye Yifan clung to Tangxia, biting his teeth and pointing at Irene and her team. He looked extremely angry.

Upon hearing Ye Yifan’s words, Axon looked at Irene and the others. His eyes were sharp. When Irene saw that a team of well-trained people like Axon had suddenly appeared beside Tangxia, she panicked.

While the eagle-like eyes of Axon stared at her, Irene couldn’t help stepping back and wanting to leave.

“Still want to go?” Axon snorted and gestured at the other teammates. Two of the teammates understood and immediately grabbed Irene and tied her unceremoniously.

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