Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 263 - Ye Yifan Was Bitten

Chapter 263 - Ye Yifan Was Bitten

Chapter 263 Ye Yifan Was Bitten
When Tang Xia saw the apologetic look on Jiang Yu’s face, she paused and consoled her. “It’s alright, you didn’t mean it.”

Jiang Yu only heaved a sigh of relief when she heard Tang Xia’s words, and her expression eased a little. However, her fingers still subconsciously fiddled with the corners of her clothes, and she seemed as if there was something that she wanted to say but was hesitant because of some concerns.

“What’s wrong? Is there something else that you want to say?” Tang Xia asked patiently.

Under Tang Xia’s encouragement, Jiang Yu carefully looked around them, and after she saw that nobody noticed them, she then said slowly, “Actually, during the past few days in the North City Dreams Of Returning Harbour, I realized that it wasn’t very safe.”

Jiang Yu looked serious when she said that, and she was obviously not paying lip service. Tang Xia and Ye Yifan’s expression changed at the same time and they looked at Jiang Yu in shock.

Ever since they had been at the North City Dreams Of Returning Harbour, there would be guards on patrol on the inside and outside of the fortress, so they had never worried about safety. But Jiang Yu’s words inevitably made them have second thoughts.

Tang Xia’s expression became more serious, and she continued to press on and ask, “Why do you say so?”

“There was one night when I couldn’t sleep, so I went out to loiter about. I inadvertently saw the patrol team carrying many things and throwing them into the sea. At first I did not take it seriously, but afterwards, I found out that it was not just that day. They would do it every night.”

Jiang Yu then added, “Furthermore, they were always very careful whenever they carried things. It was as if they were hiding something. I always felt that there was some secret in those bags.”

When Jiang Yu finished speaking, she noticed that Tang Xia and Ye Yifan did not show much response, so she asked with slight skepticism, “Am I thinking too much?”

Tang Xia shook her head solemnly. “I just find it very strange, and I’m thinking through it.” She then turned her gaze and looked at Ye Yifan to ask for his advice, “What do you think?”

“It was indeed rather against the norm.” Ye Yifan supported his chin and looked thoughtful. “If it only happened once, we could reason that they were throwing garbage away. But based on Jiang Yu’s description, it was obviously not so simple.”

“I think so too.” Tang Xia nodded her head in agreement.

Ye Yifan then turned to look at Jiang Yu again. “Do you remember where they threw those bags at?”

“Do you want to go there directly to investigate?” Tang Xia instantly understood Ye Yifan’s thoughts and asked in a baffled way, “Even if Jiang Yu still remembers, those things would probably not be in its original location, right?”

The seawater constantly changed, and those things had probably been washed away long ago.

When Jiang Yu heard that, she was also a little bit surprised, but she first answered affirmatively, “I can find the general direction.” She then continued to speak with slight hesitation. “But Tang Xia is right. Even if we went there, we might not find anything. ”

Ye Yifan had a resolute expression. “We still have to give it a try.”

After a round of discussion, the three of them eventually decided to take a look at the place that Jiang Yu mentioned. After they arrived at the beach, there were indeed many black bags floating on the sea, but they were too far away to reach.

Tang Xia was discouraged. “As expected, it doesn’t work.”

Just when they were about to leave, Ye Yifan suddenly held her back. “Let’s wait a while more.”

“What are we waiting for?” Tang Xia paused with a slightly stunned expression on her face.

Ye Yifan pointed his finger at his watch. “The high tide will come soon.”

The high tide and low tide followed a certain pattern. It could be deduced when combined with some information about the geographical location. Tang Xia was weak in geography and did not consider this aspect, but when she heard Ye Yifan’s words, she then waited by the side doubtfully.

After about ten minutes, the seawater indeed rose and the few black bags of items drifted towards the shores along with the tide. However, as the tide receded, they drifted back to the center of the sea and floated from place to place.

“Now that it’s much closer, let’s find a pole and fish it over when it’s closest to us,” said Ye Yifan as he stood up.

Tang Xia and Jiang Yu saw the feasibility of the idea, and their attitude towards this became more positive. The three of them acted together and quickly found a pole to fish a black bag up.

The black bag was heavy and Ye Yifan and Tang Xia only managed to drag it up the shore when they joined forces. However, their expression loosened up a lot because, right now, they only needed to open the bag to find out its contents.

Tang Xia opened the bag and saw that there was another layer of inflated inflatable bag inside, and it was difficult to tear it open by hand.

“Let me do it.”

When Ye Yifan saw this, he took out a spring knife, which he kept for self-defense, and began to slice it open from the top. Tang Xia and Jiang Yu watched closely from the side. They were both nervous and eager. After all, the mystery that had troubled them for so long was finally about to be solved.

As the sharp tip of the blade sliced the bag open slowly, the inflatable bag quickly flattened.

At that moment, Tang Xia noticed that something was moving in the bag. Ye Yifan did not touch that area at all, so it could not have been caused by Ye Yifan’s touch.Updates by vi p

Tang Xia’s heart suddenly sank. She had a very bad hunch and blurted out almost without any hesitation, “Danger, duck quickly!

As soon as she said that, a zombie growled and poked its head out of the bag. When Ye Yifan heard Tang Xia’s voice, he hurriedly retracted his hands, but he still did not manage to avoid in time, and his finger was bitten by the zombie.

At the same time that Tang Xia gave the reminder, she quickly pulled out her gun and shot the zombie dead before she kicked it back into the sea. Then she quickly rushed over to Ye Yifan. “How is it? Are you alright?” Her expression was full of anxiety.

Ye Yifan lifted his hand up with a bitter smile. There was a visible wound on his finger and although it was very small, the result was the same as long as one was bitten by a zombie. It was only a matter of time.

“It seems like I’ll be making a move first.” Ye Yifan placed his hand down. It was hard to tell the expression in his lowered his eyes. “I was still prepared to be with you right till the end.”

“No, no.” Tang Xia stared at the wound on Ye Yifan’s hand, and she could not accept that the situation had suddenly developed into this.

Now, they no longer had the mood to think about why the patrol team would put the zombies into bags and throw them into the sea every day.

When Jiang Yu saw this scene, she already panicked and began to blame herself for the mistake. “It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have mentioned about the patrol team and bring you all here. If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have…”

Halfway through her sentence, she turned pale as she saw Ye Yifan hands turn black quickly and could not find it in herself to continue to speak.

Ye Yifan looked at her and continued to smile gently. “It’s not your fault. Don’t blame yourself. Nobody would have expected the bags to contain zombies that still had the power to attack.”

As Ye Yifan spoke, he frowned. “It’s increasingly strange. It seems that you’re right. The North City Dreams Of Returning Harbour is indeed rather unsafe.”

He analyzed calmly as if the person who had been bitten by a zombie and who would soon be eliminated was someone else and not him.

Tang Xia could not stand Ye Yifan’s calm acceptance of the situation, and her eyes turned red as she interrupted him, “Don’t say anything. Let’s leave it till later.”

Ye Yifan looked at her helplessly. “There would not be a later. You know what happens to a person who was bitten by a zombie…”

“I will not let you become like that.” Tang Xia directly refuted what he was about to say.

Ye Yifan sighed and his expression dimmed. “Tang Xia, stop behaving like a child. Li Xianxian had used up the only bottle of serum previously. What else can we do?”

He handed the gun to Tang Xia and said in a gentle voice, “Kill me before I’m infected by the zombie virus.”

Tang Xia took the gun and before Ye Yifan could heave a sigh of relief, he saw her throw the gun to the ground furiously. There was an unprecedented toughness in her tone of voice. “I will not allow you to give up until the last second!

Ye Yifan still wanted to say something, but Tang Xia directly pulled him up and walked towards the fortress with a firm attitude. “Go find Axon. They must still have serums in the fortress!”

“Yes! Axon might have a solution.” Jiang Yu’s eyes sparked hope after she heard Tang Xia’s words.

Axon had no serum and Ye Yifan knew that. If there was any, they would have given it to that player previously. But when he saw Tang Xia’s stubborn expression, he did not have the heart to say it.

Although Tang Xia appeared to be gentle, she was extremely stubborn deep inside. Since the zombie virus would not spread fully for a while, I could stay and accompany her for a while.

If it really does not work, then I will let Axon kill me personally at that point in time. Axon understands the importance of the matter, and he would not hesitate to take action.

As this thought crossed Ye Yifan’s mind, he followed Tang Xia back to the fortress. Tang Xia dashed straight to Axon’s room and asked anxiously, “Axon, do you have any serum?”

“Why, who’s in trouble?” Axon looked baffled when he saw Tang Xia’s anxious expression. Right after he said that, he saw Ye Yifan raise his hand with a bitter smile from behind her.josei

As the zombie virus was spreading, Ye Yifan’s bitten arm had begun to turn black and rot.

Axon’s face instantly changed. “What happened?”

Tang Xia tried to repeat the matter as succinctly as possible and when Axon learned that they had taken the risk to do such a thing, he reprimanded them furiously, “Nonsense! “How could you be so reckless?”

Tang Xia and the other two also regretted their decision now, but things had already happened, and it was useless to regret. Tang Xia looked at Axon and begged.

“I know that we lacked consideration this time, but now that Ye Yifan has been bitten, I can’t just watch him turn into a zombie like this. Please.”

After Axon finished scolding them, he also knew that it was not the time to press on about this matter. so he sighed. “I don’t have the serum.”

Ye Yifan had already anticipated this, so he did not seem surprised. However, Tang Xia and Jiang Yu’s faces turned pale instantly. Surprisingly, Axon’s subsequent words reignited their hopes.

“I don’t have it, but Mr. Chu should have it. I’ll take you to him,” added Axon.

Since Axon was willing to help, Ye Yifan could be saved. The trio looked elated, and they followed Axon to the outside of Mr. Chu’s room.

Mr. Chu had once said that he would not meet women, but they could not bother about this anymore during times like this. Axon brought the three of them to Mr. Chu’s room, but they did not barge inside recklessly. Instead, he knocked on the door first. “Mr. Chu, it’s me, Axon. I need to see you urgently.”

Probably because he heard Axon’s voice, the person inside the room opened the door readily without any hesitation. Just when Tang Xia was about to go in, she looked up to take a good look at Mr. Chu’s face and she was startled.

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