Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 354 - Stalk

Chapter 354 - Stalk

Chapter 354 Stalk
The system-assigned men followed behind Gu Ze and moved towards the town in the north.

However, not long after, Tang Xia realized that they were moving very slowly, almost as fast as a snail.

Following behind them, Tang Xia was feeling very anxious.

She had been following behind them for two hours and they had only moved one kilometer. Tang Xia was a little devastated.

At this rate, when would they be able to reach the northern town?

Tang Xia initially thought that she could count on Gu Ze and the other system-assigned men to help them a big favor. Who would have known that their speed was so slow?

It would not work for Tang Xia to keep on following behind them like that.

She glanced at Mu Chengxuan, who was also very helpless, and a plan came to her mind suddenly.

“Mu Chengxuan, you see, we can’t continue following behind them like this. Why don’t we go back to the castle first?”

Tang Xia discussed with Mu Chengxuan whether or not they should go back to the castle first and tell others the news.

“I think it might work. Why don’t we go back first and discuss about this? Let’s listen to Ye Yifan’s suggestions.”

Mu Chengxuan felt that based on the system-assigned men’s speed, it would not be difficult for them to catch up with them when they come back. He did not see why they should not go back to the castle first.

With one more person, there would be one more brain to think of a solution. Perhaps there might be a better way.

Actually, it was very obvious that Mu Chengxuan and the others had already treated Ye Yifan as a friend. Seeing that Mu Chengxuan had agreed, Tang Xia gave up following Gu Ze and the system-assigned men. The two of them went back to the castle.

After returning to the castle, Tang Xia told Ye Yifan everything, hoping that he could give them substantial suggestions.

She also believed that Ye Yifan could do it.

After hearing the news, Ye Yifan pondered for a while.

He did not think that Tang Xia would directly lure Gu Ze and the system-assigned men to the northern town.

Ye Yifan found the map and looked at it. Then, he wrote and drew on his notebook. No one else knew what he was scheming.

“Tang Xia, I didn’t expect you to be so smart.”

Ye Yifan looked at Tang Xia and praised her sincerely. Being praised by Ye Yifan so suddenly, Tang Xia blushed like a ripe apple.

Seeing that Tang Xia was shy, Ye Yifan stopped teasing her.

However, the smile on his face did not fade away. He just lowered his head and continued to calculate.

After a while, Ye Yifan asked Tang Xia to gather all the streamers in the castle. He had something to say.

Tang Xia knew that Ye Yifan must have come up with a new idea. Otherwise, he would not have made such a big fuss. Although Ye Yifan was famous, he was very approachable and rarely ordered others around.

Since her idol was planning something, Tang Xia naturally went to gather everyone obediently.

Tang Xia was always very hard-working when it came to running errands.

She knew that she was still a rookie. A rookie should act like one. For something like this that required no technical skills, of course she would not bother her master to do it himself.

Not long after, Tang Xia gathered everyone.

Tang Xia’s execution ability had always been top-notch. Besides, this was what her idol had asked her to do.

When all the streamers gathered together, the hall which initially looked spacious suddenly seemed crowded.

Everyone was discussing among themselves. They did not know why they were suddenly gathered together.

“Please be quiet, everyone.”

Ye Yifan showed up at the right time. As soon as he spoke, the hall became silent in an instant.

Ye Yifan’s popularity and talent were all noticeable. Everyone had witnessed his abilities.

“According to the information provided by Tang Xia and Mu Chengxuan, we are no longer threatened by the system-assigned men as we stay in this castle.”

Everyone let out a sigh of relief after hearing the news.

In the past few days, everyone’s spirits were extremely tense, and many people were about to be defeated.

Now, without the threats of players of the system-assigned men, everyone could relax a little.

“This is all thanks to Tang Xia. Her smartness helped us to lead the system-assigned men to the small town in the north.”

After hearing that, Tang Xia was stunned. She thought that everyone here felt that she was just a popular streamer who relied on others to gain popularity. She felt that whatever she did was insignificant.

Ye Yifan totally could have not mentioned anything at all, but he did not. Instead, he chose to tell everyone about it. Tang Xia’s heart was filled with gratitude.

The way everyone looked at Tang Xia also changed.

Some admired her, some were puzzled, and some were grateful, and so on.

All this did not matter. After this incident, Tang Xia’s name will be in all the streamers’ hearts.

“Since we are no longer receiving threats from the system-assigned men, we have much more freedom to carry out activities in the castle.”

Everyone nodded in agreement. Before this, everyone had to stay here because of the system-assigned men.

“For our priority right now, I would suggest that we replenish some more supplies. What do you guys think?”

Ye Yifan knew very well how important having supplies was, so the first thing to do was to ensure that they had them.

“Then are we still going to stay here?” Someone in the crowd asked.

“Of course not, we’re going to the town in the north.”

Ye Yifan knew that everyone would be worried about that.

“Before, the system-assigned men caused us to be unable to gather a complete set of supplies. There are still many things that we don’t have.”

Ye Yifan persuaded them patiently. Right now, the most important thing to do was to take care of everyone’s emotions.

In the current situation, they could only escape this predicament if everyone stayed united.

“According to what Tang Xia and Mu Chengxuan told us about how fast the system-assigned men are moving, it will take them at least three or four days to arrive at the northern town.”

This was what Ye Yifan had been calculating before this.

“For us, we only need a day to get there, so we can wait until the last day to set off.”

By calculating the precise timing, it could minimize the amount of time they would have to waste on the road. The time saved could be used to prepare for other things.

Tang Xia thought in her mind, “He’s indeed my idol. His strategy is really so outstanding.”

Tang Xia’s infatuated thoughts for Ye Yifan increased uncontrollably. Her admiration for him deepened.

“This way, we can save time and quickly get out of this predicament.”

Ye Yifan’s words were forceful and powerful.

His logic was clear and coherent. These a few words that he said almost bought over all everyone’s hearts.

After Ye Yifan finished speaking, he especially glanced at Mu Chengxuan who then nodded his head.

After assessing the situation, everyone felt that there was no reason to refute his suggestion and all agreed with him.

Seeing that everyone had agreed, Ye Yifan divided them into several groups to gather supplies.

Powered with hope, everyone became quicker in their actions. Everyone immediately went to check what kind of supplies they were lacking. They collated all the missing supplies so that they could go gather them with a purpose and hence save time and energy.

Without the threat of system-assigned men in the castle, everyone was able to move about more freely.

Collecting things became much more convenient and they no longer had to do it fearfully. Everyone’s spirits were uplifted a lot and they were not as anxious as before.

Tang Xia and Ye Yifan were in the group that was mainly in charge of collecting weapons.

Being in the same group as her idol, Tang Xia was overjoyed.

Tang Xia had been extremely proactive while collecting supplies in the past few days. She went to places with armed weapons like the police station to gather weapons.

Because Tang Xia had almost taken up all the tasks, there was nothing left for Ye Yifan to do.

He spent all day sitting idly in the castle while guarding the array of weapons that Tang Xia had collected.

He classified all the weapons and distributed them based on everyone’s characteristics.

After three days of searching, they had lots of gains. Everyone gathered together to share the results of what they had collected in the past three days.

A smile began to appear on everyone’s faces.

On the night of the third day, Ye Yifan gathered everyone together again.

“According to the timeline, the system-assigned men led by Gu Ze should be nearing the northern town.”

As soon as he finished his words, the smile on everyone’s face faded away and the atmosphere became dense.

“We should set off soon. In just a moment, I’ll allocate the supplies and distribute the weapons to everyone.”

Upon hearing Ye Yifan’s words, everyone felt much more relieved.

With Ye Yifan as their backbone, everything became simpler.

Tang Xia did not expect Ye Yifan to have made so many preparations. He had even thought about the distribution of weapons.

Her feelings towards him were now more than just infatuation. However, it was not anything near liking him. Perhaps it was just pure admiration.

“Everyone, have a good rest tonight. We will set off tomorrow morning.”

Ye Yifan’s words seemed to have magic. After hearing his words, everyone seemed to regain their fighting spirit.josei

Ye Yifan was really a natural-born leader. No matter what kind of difficulties he was facing, he had a way to solve them.

Tang Xia helped Ye Yifan to distribute the gathered supplies to everyone.

No one had any objections due to unfair distribution. Tang Xia was very curious how Ye Yifan managed to do it.

“Put yourself in their shoes.”

Ye Yifan knew what Tang Xia was thinking about and he only gave her these few words.

Ye Yifan knew that Tang Xia was kind-hearted and was not good at being scheming. For something like this, all it took was to guess what the other person was thinking.

“Put yourself in their shoes?”

Tang Xia repeated these words, but she did not figure out what it meant. When she was about to ask him, he had already gone to bed.

Tang Xia had also been busy the whole day, so she was also a little tired. She looked around her and saw that almost everyone had fallen asleep except for her.

Lying on the bed, Tang Xia closed her eyes. She was physcially exhausted but in good spirits.

Actually, Tang Xia was going through a turmoil. She did not know what to say about the man behind all this.

It was as if a movie was playing in Tang Xia’s mind. Everything was about Chu Tiankuo.

Every frame was full of his back view.

All the scenes of her first mission filled her mind and would not go away.

Although Tang Xia did not see Chu Tiankuo these days, she would still think of him from time to time.

Tang Xia did not know what was happening to her, but she had a strange feeling.

Tang Xia hoped that the person behind all this was Chu Tiankuo, but she also hoped that it was not. She was very conflicted.

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