Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 355 - Setting Out

Chapter 355 - Setting Out

Chapter 355 Setting Out
Everyone let their guard down and rested for a while. After all, what they were going to face would be more severe. Hence, everyone had to prepare in advance. It would be terrible if they did not have enough strength when an accident happens.

Early in the morning, everyone packed up their bags, took their own supplies with them, and was ready to go.

Before leaving, Tang Xia, Mu Chengxuan, and Ye Yifan held an emergency meeting again.

“This time, we are still divided into two groups. Some of us will go out with ‘Gu Ze’ to the town in the north, and just in case, the rest will still be responsible for guarding the castle,” Tang Xia said.

“Let me go with you this time. What happened last time was too dangerous. I’m still worried about you. I will definitely keep you safe when I’m around you,” said Ye Yifan.

“What? You’re saying that I’m not as good as you, and I can’t protect Tang Xia, right? I really don’t know what makes you so confident to think that you’re better than me.”

Mu Chengxuan did not expect Ye Yifan to not trust him. He was very angry.

“I didn’t mean that. You should understand what I mean. Why must you twist my words?” Seeing Mu Chengxuan was all worked up, Ye Yifan could not help but quickly explained himself.

“How is this twisting your words? Just now you were clearly hinting that I’m unable to do my job well and protect Tang Xia. Why? Do you think that in this current situation I can still hurt Tang Xia deliberately?”

One could say that Mu Chengxuan’s temper was really hot.

Ye Yifan said, “I’ve never thought that way. What happened before was an accident and you were also injured. Of course, I would not think like that. I just wanted to stay with Tang Xia so that l can be less worried.”

“What? So you will be worried if she stays with me?” Before Ye Yifan could finish his sentence, Mu Chengxuan spoke again.

“That’s enough! Don’t you guys know what’s going on now? Why are you still arguing here? You’d better save the energy to deal with emergencies instead of quarreling. Can you don’t be so childish!” Tang Xia was very angry.

Tang Xia knew that Ye Yifan was thinking for her good, and she also knew that Mu Chengxuan had no bad intentions. However, it was really not appropriate for them to quarrel in such a situation.

Tang Xia was already feeling frustrated. Now, she was even more frustrated because of them.josei

“I don’t care what it was like before. Today, you must listen to me no matter what. If today’s plan fails because of you two, I will wait and see how you two will compensate for the efforts of all of us have put in the past few days!”

Tang Xia knew that if she did not say something malicious now, the two of them would not be able to listen to her obediently.

As expected, when they saw that Tang Xia was really angry, they did not dare to speak and remained silent obediently. Both of them knew that Tang Xia was the only one who was the soberest right now. Both of them were all flustered by the things that happened in the past few days.

Hence, Mu Chengxuan and Ye Yifan looked at each other, lowered their heads, and stopped talking. They waited compliantly for Tang Xia’s arrangement.

Having seen that the two of them finally stopped arguing, Tang Xia knew that her method worked. Hence, she calmed herself down and prepared to make arrangements for later.

“Mu Chengxuan and I will still be leading the teams. Ye Yifan will stay here with a team.” After finishing her sentence, she lifted her head and glanced at Mu Chengxuan and Ye Yifan.

Tang Xia saw that Mu Chengxuan’s eyes suddenly lit up while Ye Yifan’s gaze faded a little. He looked at Tang Xia plaintively.

She could tell that he already knew that this would be the result.

Mu Chengxuan was really surprised when he heard the arrangement. Although what happened last time was an accident, it was true that he did not protect Tang Xia well.

However, Tang Xia still trusted him so much this time around. This made him feel a little more grateful.

Of course, Mu Chengxuan was grateful for Tang Xia’s trust in him.

No matter what temper Mu Chengxuan had, he was a nice person by nature. In addition, Tang Xia trusted him so much regardless of what happened before. Mu Chengxuan told himself that he must protect Tang Xia this time no matter what happened.

However, Ye Yifan felt even more upset. Tang Xia was afraid last time because he was not by her side. This time around, he was still not by her side, which made him more worried.

Ye Yifan knew that Tang Xia’s intension was to protect him and she did not want to owe him anything more. However, he knew that he did not need her guilt towards him. Instead, he just wanted her to be safe. This was the best result for him.

Tang Xia knew that both of them were undergoing emotional turmoil, but she did not mess up her thoughts.

“Mu Chengxuan, when we go out this time, we must bring people who are equally good in both combat skills and reflexes. Otherwise, I am afraid that we can’t deal with it like last time. After all, the distance to escape is not short this time.”

After hearing that, Mu Chengxuan nodded.

“Ye Yifan, we definitely need to choose better people to stay at the castle. You definitely can’t be careless. You must follow all signals that we send out. Don’t act on impulse, understand?” Tang Xia reminded Ye Yifan again and again.

Seeing the determination in Tang Xia’s eyes, Ye Yifan could only nod and agree.

“Don’t worry, I won’t be careless, but you must protect yourself no matter what happens. If anything goes wrong, bring everyone back as soon as possible. Don’t be rash. When there is life, there is hope. Do you understand?”

“Don’t worry, I won’t be rash. Besides, Mu Chengxuan will be there too. Everything will be okay.” Tang Xia smiled and comforted Ye Yifan.

While they were talking, Mu Chengxuan picked their teammates and got ready to set off.

“Tang Xia, these people all fit your requirements. When should we set off?”

“We should not delay this. Let’s go now.” After saying that, Tang Xia glanced at Ye Yifan with a deep gaze. Then, she turned around and left with her group of people.

Ye Yifan looked worried and silently watched them leave. He only stopped looking when Tang Xia and the others disappeared in his sight.

Mu Chengxuan and Tang Xia led their team to advance quickly and chase after the system-assigned men without stopping.

Thankfully, they had a good rest last night. Otherwise, they would not be able to take all of this without resting.

They kept going on like this from morning to afternoon. Finally, Tang Xia and the rest saw the army of system-assigned men led by “Gu Ze”. Tang Xia and Mu Chengxuan looked at each other and did not make any big movements.

They quietly followed behind the army of system-assigned men. They were careful and cautious for fear that they would be besieged like before.

The team followed the system-assigned men and moved towards the town slowly.

After a while, Tang Xia, Mu Chengxuan, and the rest saw that the army of system-assigned men had already entered the town. Tang Xia waved her hand, signaling everyone to stop.

Just like that, the army of system-assigned men entered the small town slowly. Meanwhile, Tang Xia and Mu Chengxuan led the team to stop in a place not far outside the town. They did not go forward.

Tang Xia said to everyone cautiously, “Let’s not enter first. We will wait and see. If there are any changes, this distance is enough for us to have enough time to react. if the town is not as peaceful as we thought, we will also not be besieged.”

“Okay, no problem. We’ll still listen to your commands this time. Still the same thing, we must be alert in knowing what’s happening around us so as to avoid being surrounded again.”

Obviously, Mu Chengxuan still had a lingering fear of what had happened last time.

While they were talking, “Gu Ze” had led the army of system-assigned men into the town. They were now searching everywhere.

Meanwhile, “Gu Ze” was still saying “Mu Mu, Mu Mu…” faintly as if he was in a dream.

The small town was abnormally quiet at this time, and no other system-assigned men were spotted. This caused the atmosphere of the town to be eerier.

This strange silence was just like the calm before the storm. Tang Xia and Mu Chengxuan kept on feeling that the gale was raging and the storm was about to burst. This feeling made them even more uneasy.

Everyone was more nervous because no one knew what would happen next.

To tell the truth, Mu Chengxuan felt that this feeling was as silent as death. Or one could also say that it was a huge trap waiting for the prey to walk into it by themselves.

Such silence made everyone worried, especially Tang Xia. This was because, in her consciousness, this town had a very important special significance.

Seeing how anxious Tang Xia was, Mu Chengxuan asked, “Shall we go in and have a look? It feels strange. I’m afraid it won’t be so simple.”

Tang Xia asked him back, “I don’t know either. I also feel that something is wrong. Shall we wait and see? What do you think?”

While Tang Xia, Mu Chengxuan, and the rest were still worried about the situation inside and could not decide if they should enter and have a look, chaos erupted in the town.

A lot of system-assigned men suddenly appeared from nowhere. They were like a swarm of bees that were densely packed together. Tang Xia shivered when she uncontrollably thought of the scene where they were surrounded by the system-assigned men.

However, the only difference was that they were not the ones being surrounded.

Tang Xia and Mu Chengxuan were both in cold sweats and felt a lingering fear.

Fortunately, they did not enter impulsively earlier. Otherwise, they would be facing the attacks by the system-assigned men from both sides. After all, the system-assigned men did not know which side they were helping.

The two groups of system-assigned men became entangled in a fight just like that. The scene was very chaotic. Since they were not close to them, Tang Xia and Mu Chengxuan could only quickly take out their binoculars to observe them.

Tang Xia and Mu Chengxuan found that the system-assigned men led by “Gu Ze” were fighting with another group of system-assigned men that came out from nowhere. The fighting scene was chaotic and primitive as they used their bodies as weapons to attack the enemies directly. This caused Tang Xia and Mu Chengxuan to burst into cold sweats.

It had to be said that such a battle scene was really rare. It was simply a hand-to-hand fight.

They landed each punch and kick heavily, sparing not an ounce of strength. No matter where these punches hit, they would certainly leave a painful mark.

Perhaps it was because the army of system-assigned men that “Gu Ze” led did not respond to their enemy that sprang out from nowhere in time. At this moment, “Gu Ze” and his army were slowly losing and falling into a disadvantage.

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