Tempest of the Stellar War

Chapter 731 - Definitely a Female

Chapter 731 - Definitely a Female

Chapter 731: Definitely a Female

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

When Rara Durai opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Wang Zheng. He smiled. “Ada, am I dead?”

Wang Zheng was exasperated, and rapped him on the head. “If you’re dead, and you can see me, doesn’t that mean I’ve kicked the bucket too? You swine. Check yourself and see if there are any more problems.”

Rara Durai sat up, and rotated his neck. “Eh, seems like I’m all recovered now. Ada, you’ve saved me again.”

“You punk, you’re a feisty one. If you died, Shan Meng would have followed you as well. How many times have I told you that there’s always someone stronger? There are strong people abound in the Milky Way, and you can’t be careless.”

The emotional state of giants, in Wang Zheng’s eyes, was just like children.

Rara Durai rubbed his head ashamedly. Titans were only like that in front of Wang Zheng.

“Shan Meng, tell Mu Sen, and put their worries at ease. I need to talk to Rara Durai for a while.”

“Yes, Ada.” Giants were also simple creatures. Seeing Rara Durai’s recovery, Shan Meng immediately leapt up like a child. Only, he was too boisterous, and his head crashed into the ceiling, shaking the entire room.

From outside the door, a cheer erupted.

Wang Zheng wanted to understand the fight details from Rara Durai. Hearing Rara Durai’s narrative, Wang Zheng started to get a headache.

In Rara Durai’s fight with the opponent, it was not that he could not keep up with the opponent’s actions, but that the opponent was consciously testing Rara Durai’s strength.

Which meant that Rara Durai’s current situation was completely unable to test the opponent’s ability.

This was a sticky situation. If such a killer could not be quickly dealt with, then Tita Star would have no rest.

“Ada is here now! I have no worries!” Rara Durai grinned. He was clearly happy, and looked like a big burden was off his mind.

Wang Zheng was not sure whether to laugh or cry. Why were they still fooling around like kids?

But Wang Zheng knew Rara Durai’s personality all too well. Tita people were naturally free, and now they had to shoulder too much. The cooperation with humans, to the primitive Tita people, was a burden. This was something that Rara Durai, as a Titan, had to accept whether he liked it or not, and above that, perform well.

This matter needed to be discussed for good with everyone. It had to be prioritized.

In the meeting room, Wang Zheng was introduced to everyone. The good cheer that had ensued from Rara Durai’s revival quickly dissipated.

“Boss, are there such monsters in this world?” Yan Xiaosu asked, mouth open in surprise. In his worldview, humans were normal, weak. But in Wang Zheng’s introduction, such a cohort of unimaginable monsters actually existed, who could snatch victory and walk out from 10,000 soldiers alive.

“Basically when one reaches the Earth Grade, they’re not someone that can be easily defeated by numbers. And this person is at least a Earth Grade. I’m afraid he was not trying to kill Rara Durai, otherwise Rara Durai would not even be alive now.” Wang Zheng said.

Mu Sen nodded. “Although we Tita people do not understand humankind’s ability X, but I can feel that the life force of Titan is currently fading. The enemy’s goal is to strike terror into our hearts, and eventually cow us.”

Everybody also understood that Rara Durai’s life had been completely in the enemy’s hands. When it came, Mu Sen had no choice but to bow to the power. Only, the enemy had slipped up. They still had the ace in the hole, Wang Zheng.

“Boss, since you could disperse the opponent’s ability, that means you must be stronger than him. Let’s find him and finish him!” Tyrant Su’s declaration was full of admiration. From young, he had depended on Wang Zheng in fights. He always rushed in bravely, knowing that someone great had his back.

Wang Zheng shook his head, smiling bitterly. “Although I could undo his ability, but you must know that the caster was not here. That person would be at the top, even in the Elite Academy.”

“Then what can we do? Must we compromise?” Yan Xiaosu said blankly. This was completely different from his business world. The opponent did not even play negotiations with you, but went straight for your life. Yan Xiaosu’s clever brain had no space to shine.

“Compromising is out of the question. Firstly, we must determine the enemy’s identity. Such a set of skills cannot possibly not have a name!”

Wang Zheng said “As long as we know his identity and unique abilities, there must be a way.”

Everybody had their weaknesses, otherwise these killers would have ruled the world long ago.

“I’ll take care of that.” Lan Ling said. The Lan family was not closed off from the world. They had their links with the outside world, and also had their own networks. And this was something that Yan Xiaosu and Ye Zisu were far from being able to match. This was the inside advantage of aristocrats.

But in fact, the Lan family was nothing much within the Milky Way Alliance.

“Lan Ling, send me a copy of what you have as well. I’ll look for some friends to check it out as well.” Wang Zheng said. “Everybody, please be careful. We’re out in the open, and the enemy is in the shadows.”

Everybody nodded. This deserved caution. Such an opponent was even scarier than an army. You had no idea where he was, when he would appear, and who his target was.

“Elder Mu Sen, Lan Ling, the two of you must be especially careful. I think that person must know his plan has failed. He might act again soon.” There was much that Wang Zheng wanted to say. Old Zhuo had taught him much. Not just in terms of using ability, but also some tactics to specifically deal with Earth Grade opponents, and these had honed Wang Zheng’s perception.

The scariest thing in this world was not the opponent’s strength, but that you did not know how much stronger the opponent was.

“Oh, Lan Ling, did you check the entry records? How did the killer’s mecha enter?” Wang Zheng asked.

Lan Ling frowned. “I’ve put someone on it, but there have been no developments recently. Perhaps an inner agent from Tita Star supplied it.”

Ye Zisu shook her head. “I’ve seen that mecha’s basic movement and feel. It’s a top class standard in the galaxy, and impossible for Tita Star’s current technology to produce. It’s too unrealistic to say that the opponent has been preparing this for that long.”

Ye Zisu’s analysis was on point. Tita Star in the past was not worth bringing in such people.

Tita Star’s information network was insufficient. This was not something that could be built overnight, but this matter was pressuring Mu Sen and the rest to find a solution.

Tita Star needed to find some real friends in the Milky Way, and in a balanced environment.

As the meeting ended, everyone parted with heavy hearts. Each hurried off to do their own preparations, and Mu Sen could not possibly avoid meeting people. It was precisely at these situations when one could only fortify the guard. Unless the killer would create a public bloodbath?

This was precisely what Wang Zheng was afraid of. He understood that person’s strength. Day and night were of no difference to him. The key was in the opponent’s goals.

Of course, even the strongest person was still only human. In Tita Star’s environment, the penalty against other Ability X was high. Even if the opponent was Earth Grade, he could still act freely.

In the room, Yan Xiaosu was sprawled messily all over the sofa. “Boss, why is it that the more we grow, the smaller we feel? Damn, this outside world is one tough nut to crack.

Although she was a girl, Ye Zisu did not change much. “Wang Zheng, how do you intend to deal with this matter?”

Ultimately, the Tita people had no way out, but they did. If things looked hopeless, they could actually abandon Tita Star.

“Zisu, you wouldn’t be thinking of leaving this place, would you? If we leave Tita Star, we’ll be back to maggot status.” Yan Xiaosu postured belligerently. He was unsatisfied.

“No, even if it was not for these, I would still not abandon Rara Durai and the rest.” Wang Zheng shook his head.

“D*mn, I knew you were that type. Right, Lan Ling seems to have some kind of life-debt with you, the kind that one must give one’s heart and soul to repay.”

Yan Xiaosu teased. He was thick-skinned. If he could not solve it, he would just not think about it.

“How about I bequeath it to you?”

“Sure, sure. We’re 2 brothers in this world, there’s no you and I.” Yan Xiaosu laughed.

“Careful Lan Ling doesn’t castrate you.” Ye Zisu said.

Tyrant Su shivered. “Girls shouldn’t be so cruel, ok?”

“Wang Zheng, if things turn sour, we might still have to retreat. Other things can be earned back when lost, but we only have one life.” Ye Zisu was still calm about this. Wealth was outside of her concerns. All she cared about was Wang Zheng. Given another few years, she believed that such a person would not faze him, but Wang Zheng was still young, and had only been at Elite Academy for a semester. As long as he had the space to develop normally, Wang Zheng could have a bright future. In this aspect, Ye Zisu was being completely selfish.

Wang Zheng smiled. He knew both of them cared about him, and he replied kindly. “With the two of you around, I’m unwilling to die as well. But this matter might have a result really soon. Besides, it’s not like I’m without my own sources of help.”

“That’s right. Boss, you must have made friends with many pros at the Elite Academy right? Call up a few to scare that killer to death.”

Wang Zheng did not know whether to laugh or cry. “Do you think I’m the founder of Elite Academy? And with this person’s standard, he would be at the top even in Elite Academy.” josei

If there was a chance of victory, he would ask Zhang Shan and Meng Tian for help. But first, he had to confirm the opponent’s identity. If it was really hopeless, he would have to think of something else. If worse came to worst, he might have to ask Butcher for ideas. All he knew up to this point was that everyone in Genesis Coffee looked like a normal person, but each was someone important. Only at the crucial moment would he trouble them.

“Who did you give the information to?” Ye Zisu asked curiously.

“A classmate.” Wang Zheng smiled.

“A girl! It must be a girl!” Yan Xiaosu immediately leapt up.

“Tch. How is your nose so sensitive.”

“Ha. If it were a guy, you would have said so immediately. I know you!” Yan Xiaosu said smugly.

“Ai Xiaolu, you know her as well. From the Ai Shi Financial Group in the Hail Cloud Alliance. The space program only made it thanks to their intervention.” Wang Zheng said. This person was someone that Yan Xiaosu and Ye Zisu both knew. At that time, they had been strapped for cash. Of course, the Ai Shi Financial Group had made their own tidy sum in the end.

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