Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 384 - 384 Why Can't I Get Rid Of It?!

Chapter 384 - 384 Why Can't I Get Rid Of It?!

Ming city.

In the Ailin Hospital 

Su Mengsi went to the emergency unit and Yan Ruomin was brought to the ICU. She was very worried and grabbed Xiao Lian Chun's arm when the doctor was going to enter the room. 

"Xiao Chun, my girl isn't in a good sense. She has suffered a lot because of Sheng Ruming. Please don't take her words to heart…" Su Mengsi said with a pained face and grabbed his arm tightly. She didn't want the young doctor to hold any grudges against Yan Ruomin. 

After all, it won't do any good if someone is on bad terms with his/her doctor. 

Who would save her if the doctor himself would wish for her to get worse?

Xiao Lian Chun nodded with a calm face, "I understand, aunt Yan. Don't worry. She will be fine."

Afterwards, he entered the room. This time, Yan Ruomin went through many tests. The first thing which was glaring was 'malnutrition'. It was a known fact and he didn't even bat his eyelids when he saw but when the actual results came out, even though others were unfazed, Xiao Lian Chun wasn't. 

The young doctor looked down on the report in hostility. His eyes held obvious disgust and contempt. Those negative emotions came and went away in a mere instant. 

After Yan Ruomin was given an IV drip, she woke up soon. The first thing she saw was the back of the young doctor. When she moved, the nurse who was in the same room noticed her. 

"The patient is awake." The nurse said in a low voice and gave a kind smile.

Xiao Lian Chun turned towards Yan Ruomin and upon looking at the woman, his eyes flashed with hatred, all his heart and might, only hate. The woman lifted her head and glanced at him but she only saw a smiling face. The other nurses left when they got the doctor's signal. josei

Xiao Lian Chun adjusted his eyeglasses and went beside her head. Then, he asked with interest but the man's eyes were cold, "Classmate Yan, are you perhaps married?"

Yan Ruomin stared at him in irritation. Her whole face creased into a frown as she spat out while rubbing her belly, "What rubbish?! I have yet to get a man first!"

Xiao Lian Chun's face darkened. His eyes looking at Yan Ruomin changed demeanour. The brown eyes bent into crescent moons as he declared with a mocking smile, "Congratulations, Miss Yan."

Yan Ruomin frowned and asked, "Congratulations? For what?"

"Why don't you see for yourself?" Xiao Lian Chun said and then handed her the report of the physical examinations. As soon as she saw the result her eyes widened into horror. 

[PREGNANT] was written in bold red colour.

"Impossible?! How can I be… " Yan Ruomin didn't dare to believe what she was seeing. She grabbed the report tightly and murmured with wide eyes, "It must be a wrong report. You go and check if it was swapped with someone else's…"

"Miss Yan, you watch too many dramas. Such a thing happens to one out of millions. This report is definitely yours." The doctor's voice was mocking but the woman failed to notice. She was currently in too much shock, beyond shocked, and it was filled with too many useless things. So she didn't even see the disgust in Xiao Lian Chun's eyes. 

This was totally insane!!!

Yan Ruomin grabbed her head tightly, her eyes staring at nothing but wide in disbelief as she curled up on the bed frustrated and bewildered! Her mind was in chaos and thought in fright, 'How can it be?! Just how?! Also, I didn't get to eat properly for many days. How is this thing alive?! Is it a monster?!...' 

Xiao Lian Chun saw how vulnerable she became so suddenly. Even though he knew he shouldn't behave like a jerk, he couldn't help but feel delighted when he saw the woman who dared to insult and slap him. 

He asked as if he was just curious, "Miss Yan, your mother is waiting outside. I think she should know this…"

"No! She can't know! Don't you dare to tell her!" Yan Ruomin panicked. She wouldn't dare to let a third person know about this, let alone her mother. The nurses, those were another matter. 

Xiao Lian Chun paused and then stared at her. When she saw he had stopped, Yan Ruomin calmed down. She didn't even hesitate and said firmly, "I… want to get rid of it!"

The doctor was stumped for a moment. After all, nobody would utter the words of getting rid of their unborn baby so easily. He stared at her unyielding gaze and then said, "Unfortunately, we can't. If we do, you will die."

"Wh… why?!" Yan Ruomin was flabbergasted when she heard. 

"Because you have poor health now and the baby is months old. In short, you will suffer a lot. It will be best if you just give birth and if you don't want it…" Xiao Lian Chun dragged his words with hidden intention while Yan Ruomin heard him quietly, "... Just put it in an orphanage."

'Why can't I get rid of it?! So much trouble!' Yan Ruomin frowned. She looked around the room and then concentrated on her belly. When she touched it, she felt the obvious bump. Before she thought that she had gained a little bit of weight and thought after a few days, she would go on a diet but now...

Her hands clutched her skin as she thought of the culprit, Feng Shaoling's foreign friend Jonas. 

'Didn't think that the one night stand would drop me in such a disgusting state!' Yan Ruomin's eyes turned red as she pinched her belly tightly. The woman even ignored the pain she felt from it. 

She hated being in this state! She hated the fact that she was bearing someone seed whom she never intended to be with, heck, she didn't even want this! 

"All is that bitch Luo Lixi's fault. Since she has come into my life, it has begun to ruin and go out of control…" Yan Ruomin mumbled angrily, "Also that Sheng Ruming. I…"

"Sheng Ruming?" Xiao Lian Chun caught this word from her words. In his mind, he had already made a bloody scene of a vicious love triangle. "Is he 'the man'?"

Yan Ruomin lifted her gloomy eyes and looked at the young doctor but she didn't let the reply out, rather inside, she hissed, 'If it was the case, then I would be more than glad to keep this monster!'

"You…" Xiao Lian Chun took her silence as confirmation. But the knot on his forehead went deep and he turned away from her while pondering, "Why does the name seem so familiar?"

After thinking for some moment, he remembered a matter. Many days ago, some doctors were called into a meeting room. They discussed a tricky matter about a coma patient. Even though he was badly experienced, the old man let him join it for him to gain experience.

"Luo Lixi?" He whispered but Yan Ruomin successfully caught the words. 

"You know her too? Such a coincidence! Why does everyone know her? Because she is trash and bitch?" Yan Ruomin sneered and said whatever came to her mind. 

"You… hate her so much?" He raised his eyes and saw her distorted face. 

"Heh! Hate? He snatched the man I wanted. To make her miserable, I am willing to do anything!" Yan Ruomin's current expression was of a crazy ghost who was willing to kill thousands to avenge herself!

Xiao Lian Chun shook his head because of her vain personality. He left the room and saw Su Mengsi who was waiting outside for who knew how long. As soon as she saw him, the worried woman rushed up to him, "Xiao Chun, is everything okay?"

"Yes…" The man replied with a smile then he said, "I have other matters to attend to. Aunt Yan can go in and see her. I have to leave."

When Su Mengsi moved aside and gave him a path, he left hurriedly. Su Mengsi went inside and saw the young woman on the patient's bed who was staring at the front wall blankly. 

"Minmin…" Su Mengsi sighed in relief when she saw her awake. Yan Ruomin woke up from her trance and was momentarily startled because she didn't realize earlier that someone had come in. 

She smiled wryly and sneakily hid the report. Su Mengsi's hawk-like eyes saw everything but she didn't mention it. 

"Ma!" Yan Ruomin cried out. Her voice sounded as if she got back her life supporting source!

Su Mengsi hugged her head and patted her with a pained face, "All will be fine. Ma is here. After you recover from her weakness, we will go to the best beautician to treat your scars."

"Hmm." She replied softly and closed her eyes. With her hand which held the report, she crushed the paper into an unrecognisable thing and threw it under her bed. 

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