The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 512 Quasi-Saint Weapons

Chapter 512 Quasi-Saint Weapons

A concerning thought struck Cain. He slowly asked, "From what it seems, these Demonic Dao Spirits seem much more dangerous and powerful than the beasts. Are they a huge problem across the God Galaxies?"

Here, Elder Heng got slightly serious. "Despite what you may think, these spirits are not infinite like the beasts. However, as you said, each of them is infinitely more powerful and intelligent. These Spirits all have the same level of intelligence as us Divine Beings, some even surpassing us. It would be best if we could co-exist with them. But, with their extreme personalities, such a thought is only a fool's dream."

"Throughout history, they have never been a complete race-threatening danger, such as Crystal Spirits or the Primal Vaisers. But we can never locate the original source of where these Spirits come from. They are small in number, but every one of them is equally dangerous. The Spirit you will be facing has a cultivation base equal to a half-step Divine Ruler. And it's been reported that it can faintly pressure a full-fledged Divine Ruler."

Elder Heng paused. She suddenly flashed the duo a grin and said, "I wanted to give you two more context before sending you off to danger. I hope this doesn't sway your decision."

Listening to everything, there still wasn't any hesitation on either Cain's or Amber's face.

Cain calmly said, "We are grateful for Elder Heng's advice, but we will still complete this mission. Though, I still want to ask, just what can we gain from these spirits? Like Dao Beasts, since they're birth from the Heaven and Earth, I'm sure they can produce something we can use."

"That's right. If you can kill a Demonic Dao Spirit, you will be able to gain their Spirit Core. Refining and then absorbing this core will enhance your foundation in both your Inner World and Spiritual Sea. It will have a greater effect if the core matches your Law affinity. Since you want to study another Law, I feel like this would be an appropriate choice for you, Lee."

As Elder Heng finished explaining, she tossed over a spatial ring to Cain.

"In here is the map to locate the Nether Yin Being. It shouldn't be too far of travel with your current prowess."

Cain caught the ring and bowed. He and Amber were just about to stand up when Elder Heng suddenly stopped them.

She asked, "By the way, have you two visited our treasury yet? From what I have seen, you two mainly spend all of your time training, right?"

Until now, it never occurred in Cain and Amber's minds that their equipment is severely lower than everyone else. Neither of them wore any defensive clothing and their weapons are still just Master Grade True Spirit.

Truthfully, the duo did feel a bit hesitant about claiming better gear in the past.

The cost of these gears goes for an immensely sky-high price. Without a proper source of income, they would wring themselves dry trying to attain powerful gear.

The Zhou Family potentially had great gear they could exchange for from their battle. But the ones that would suit them the best would've taken far too long to claim.

However, now, in a high-tier Holy Land with high access, Cain and Amber knew there was a great opportunity right in front of them.

Cain sheepishly smiled as he said, "We haven't found the right time for it, Elder Heng. But certainly, before this mission, we will take a trip over there."

"Good. Before you go, take this." Elder Heng flicked over a cloud shape badge. "With this, you will be able to purchase several Quasi-Saint weapons free of charge. Do not worry about owing me a favor. I simply want to see geniuses succeed."

Since Elder Heng clearly wasn't asking for any favors, Cain and Amber didn't refuse. They deeply bowed and simultaneously said, "We thank Elder Heng for this graciousness."

Looking back up, Cain nodded. "We will go to the treasury now, Elder Heng. Thank you once again."

With a simple smile, Elder Heng waved her hand, sending the duo out of her residency.

Alone, she quietly sighed. "At base, that boy can already match the very top of half-step Divine Rulers. With a Quasi-Saint weapon, just how much more will he grow?"


The instant Cain and Amber had left, they quickly rushed over to the Cloudsea's treasury. It was a simple journey through several transmission arrays.

Soon enough, the duo was teleported in front of a luxurious palace. Cloud runes pattern all across the palace, every rune exuding this mysterious, ancient aura.

Anyone would be able to feel the time of this place. It has perhaps been here for over tens of thousands of years, providing Cloudsea Holy Land with essential support.

Cain and Amber quickly strolled right in. As the sensations of space pulled them, they ended up in a massive, yet neatly ordered shop.

Everything here was aligned into perfect rows that detailed the item in the aisle and the rank of this row of items.

There were a considerable amount of disciples here. All who saw the duo regarded them with greater respect and reverence. The respect they had during their first days here has been amplified by dozens of degrees.

Cain and Amber didn't waste any time as they quickly scanned for the Quasi-Saint aisle.

Once their gazes landed on that aisle, they noticed there barely weren't any other disciples gathered around.

The duo promptly went over to the aisle and carefully examined the wide selection of weapons and armor hanging off the stands. Though they still didn't have any defensive gear, Cain and Amber weren't particularly looking for one.

Neither of their battle styles ever involved taking hits or prolonging their fights. They both want to achieve the best results as soon as possible.

Cain wants to specifically dominate while Amber wants to instantly rid of her problems. Their motto followed the line that the best defense was a powerful offensive.

Scanning for a couple of minutes, Cain eventually set his sights on a unique-looking sword.

The sword reminded him of someone he didn't see in months. He nearly cracked a smile, thinking to himself, 'I wonder how is Xun doing? With her intelligence, she should be able to preserve her life. She may even come across a lucky opportunity.'

Cain shook his head from the past and focused on the unique sword

The sword's bladed part was entirely pitch black, darker than the pits of the abyss themselves. But even with extreme darkness, one could still pot very intricate Dragon rune markings carved all along the bladed part.josei

,m The Dragon Runes didn't just appear on the blade part. Its sword hilt as well was designed in the same rune pattern.

The pitch black dragon sword wasn't overly long, around the same length as his Spiral Sword. It would fit comfortably in his palm without needing to expend any extra energy.

The longer he stared into the pitch-black Dragon sword, Cain started to feel an odd sensation. Something very instinctive began to gradually emerge from the depths of his beings.

He felt a natural calling from this blade. That instinctive sensation stimulated to the point where a stirring erupted from his soul.

At this time, other wandering disciples took notice of Cain's intrigue with the Dragon Sword. Nobody thought it was weird he was in the Quasi-Saint aisle. They more so had odd thoughts about the sword specifically.

"Hey...isn't it that accursed blade? I can't even remember the last time somebody used that defective thing."

"It had to be one of the Eldest direct Martial siblings. I can remember him using this blade for one match and nearly slaughtering himself and that Fire Star Holy Land supreme disciple in one move! So much power for so much risk."

"Can Martial brother Lee control this thing? I wouldn't really be surprised if he can..."

At this point, many forget that Cain's cultivation base is still in the Great Divine Sea realm. People simply associated him as a half-step Divine Ruler without even being one.

Only he could create miracles, such as destroying the absolute top-tier disciples. Perhaps he can make another one?

Cain, of course, ignored all surrounding conversation, intently focusing on the Dragon sword.

Grasping the pitch-black Dragon sword, Cain instantly felt a tingle through his palm. His eyes widened as his pupils glowed with brilliant lights.

The Dragon runes on the sword as well slightly vibrated and flickered with tiny black lights.

Inside Cain's Spiritual Sea, a swirl of black essence energy had appeared. With Cain's comprehension abilities, he was able to identify the essence energy as power from the Dragon sword's Dragon Runes markings.

Cain wasn't sure why this sword instantly latched onto him. But he didn't let the opportunity go to waste. His soul energy poured into the blade's essence energy and began to rapidly grasp its principles.

The process went remarkably smoothly for Cain. It felt as if he understood the basis of these energy principles a long time ago. He was merely filling in the blanks of what he seemingly had forgotten.

It was very faint, but his bloodline vibrated. As if it wanted to communicate with this Dragon Sword.

Cain closed his eyes for a second. His palm clenched down on the Dragon Sword. The whole entire blade started to tremble violently.

Watching this, Amber's eyes narrowed. Her Divine Sense blared out at full focus. She scanned Cain up and down but found something incredibly strange.

No overwhelming aura that can rule the world blared out of Cain. Nor did the Dragon Sword ripple with power that smashes apart space.

Nobody would be able to detect a hint of energy from the man or the blade.

The disciples passing by only held gazes of curiosity before continuing with their own tasks. After all, everyone will only know Cain's result when using it in battle.

But, for some peculiar reason, Amber felt her bloodline and soul just faintly stir. As if there was some kind calling from Cain that spoke directly to her entire being.

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