The Complete Guide to Rearing an Alien Boyfriend

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Such First Glance
On the evening of September 27, 2022, in the outskirts of X City, Z Country, the back hill of Yulin High School, X City.

The moon overhead was smiling surreptitiously and implicitly.

Long Xi, a female straight A student in Class three, Senior Three of Yulin High School, stood in a trident maple forest halfway up the back hill. Her long, soft hair was like inky silk, dancing with the breeze. She leaned on the trunk of the tallest maple tree and watched the WeChat message on her mobile phone, without saying anything.

It was in late autumn that maple leaves were as red as blood. And her heart was also bleeding.

“How does her brother Wangchuan become like this? Is he still her brother Wangchuan?”

She turned off her cell phone and went back sadly, ready to return to the girls’ dormitory and then complain to her roommates.josei

Who knows that even water gets stuck in one’s teeth when unlucky. As she walked, she suddenly dropped into a hole with a “plop”.

The hole was not very deep. She rolled a few times, hit her head against something hard and sharp, and then fainted immediately…

An indefinite period of time later, she finally woke up in the darkness and found that her head was bleeding and her right eyes were pasted. Her shoulders, elbows, hands, knees and even several places on her back had been hit by something hard, and the blood was flowing out all the time.

The cave was cold, filled with a sepulchral chill.

She felt cold in her heart, so she fumbled to stand up, trying to get out of this hell place.

After a few limping steps, she looked up at the top of her head and saw the faint light of the moon permeating the hole.

She was stopped by a huge platinum metal cabinet, that obliquely inserted into the earth and looked very odd. It was a bit like a coffin made of platinum.

“Is this really a coffin?” Long Xi had seen coffins made by jade, sarcophagi, wooden coffins, but she had never seen coffins made by metal.

One end of the “coffin” was inlaid with a bone-white skull. And from the inside of the skull, there was a huge, red flower, wickedly beautiful. Its petals had a warm ruby-like luster, and the shape of the whole flower was a bit like a red rose carved out of jade. The flower had lots of petals, stacked and overlapping. Visually, there were at least one thousand petals.

One of the petals of the rose was stained with blood which should have been the blood from her head when she had just hit it here.

“Dudu!” The petals glowed ghostly green.

Whatever it was, it was scary enough. So she backed up in a panic and ran away.

After a few steps, she tripped over something again and fell to the ground, extremely terrified.

She tried to stand up again, but her hands and feet were so weak that she had to crawl to the hole on all fours.

Her palms and knees were lacerated by the gravel on the ground.

Even more frightening, she heard a small voice behind her, “drip, drip, drip.”

She was so frightened that she dared not look back or move again.

It took her a long time to turn back, trembling and shocked. She saw that the rectangular lid of the odd metal cabinet was like a refrigerator door, with one end still connected to the cabinet and the other opening automatically.

Clouds of white mist rose from the inside, which was so cold that the temperature in the cave dropped rapidly.

“Are there really ghosts in this world?”

She was so cold and scared that she was unable to control herself. She climbed up, leaned back against the stone wall, curled up in a ball, and began to cry.

Suddenly, she remembered the plot of the TV series, and then she knelt down to the coffin, kowtowing three times. When her forehead hit against the gravel, she felt the sting.

She folded her hands and said sincerely, “Are you Lord of Yulin? I came here just by mistake, neither intentionally offending you, nor stealing your treasure. I hope that Your Royal Highness will forgive and forget the mistake, and let go of the little girl. I know that I am wrong, and from today on, I will burn the ghost money for you every night.”

Ten thousand platinum light penetrated the white mist and shot out from the metal cabinet.

For a moment, the cave was full of overflowing light, becoming dazzled.

At the edge of the “coffin”, a platinum robotic hand protruded.

“What the hell is this? And why is it totally different from what she imagined!”

Her body was shaking more violently, and her facial expression was already unmanageable. She looked around for a place to hide, but there was no place for her to hide.

Once again, she crawled on her hands and feet toward the entrance of the cave.

There was a babble of voice behind her, which was clear, full of affinity and penetration. It sounded like that a teenager is talking, but Long Xi didn’t know what he was talking about specifically.

“Is this the ancient language of Z Country? Aren’t they supposed to be some archaic words like Zhi Hu Zhe Ye?”

She was so curious that she could not help looking back.

A platinum Jaeger about two meters tall rose from the “coffin”, looking a bit like the Iron Man in the movie, only with one more object shaped like the Khufu Pyramid of Egypt on the top of his head.

“Oh my goodness! Is this a robot or a machine beast? Or is there someone operating the Jaeger?”

The head, arms, and legs of that thing moved several times as if it were exercising bones and muscles. And then it jumped out of the “coffin” and walked towards her step by step.

Long Xi was too frightened to crawl with her weak hands and feet. Her teeth chattered and her voice trembled violently, “Please don’t, don’t come, please, don’t come.”

As if he could not hear, he walked up to her step by step, and looked down at her as the monarch of the world.

“DiDi!” The two small rectangular armor pieces on his face retracted to the left and right sides, showing a pair of good-looking and deep eyes.

The ice-blue star-like eyes looked like the sea, looking down at her with a sense of inquiry. There was something else in his eyes, like grateful?

After a while, he held out his robotic hand to Long Xi.

She looked up at him, and her first instinct was that he wanted to strangle her like an ant, thus she shrank back in horror.

A second later, his robotic hand gave off a strange anesthetic-like smell. After smelling it, she lost consciousness.

It took her an unknown time to finally wake up.

On her white, clean and pretty face, her eyes slowly opened, and the pupils in the pure and limpid eyes were full of confusion and panic.

She found herself lying on a dry meadow in the trident maple forest halfway up the back hill.

“Where am I? Why am I here?” she asked herself in her heart.

She looked up at the silver diamonds scattered in the ink-like night sky and blinked her eyes. And then she found that it was the boundless, star-studded sky at midnight, deep and quiet.

“Hey, you wake up.” A low voice sounded, ethereal and lazy, as if the owner of the voice was just beside but also far away, so that Long Xi thought it was an illusion.

The tone of voice sounded a bit strange, like a foreigner learning Chinese. The sweet voice seemed to have a boundless enchantment.

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