The Complete Guide to Rearing an Alien Boyfriend

Chapter 103 - A Broken-hearted Song

Chapter 103 - A Broken-hearted Song

Chapter 103 A Broken-hearted Song
In the evening, Long Xi watched the video on her mobile phone, and sure enough, she saw from the video that Cheng Yimei was holding a press conference.

At first, Cheng Yimei tearfully tried to absolve herself. Later, without any further explanation, whether it was due to her taking the wrong medicine or some other unknown reason, she suddenly admitted that she was the one who killed Jiang Dahu. She even told the press about her entertainment company’s tax evasion activities, and presented the evidence to the public.

Such startling news naturally became the “hottest” topic. Afterward, there were reports that Cheng Yimei had been arrested by the police.

This time, the evidence was sufficient, and Cheng Yimei confessed to the crime.

Long Xi knew that it could only be the work of Mo Kun, and it seemed that she needed to reward him again!

The next evening, Long Xi, as usual, had dinner in the dining hall, and brought back the food she bought for Yu Lanjie, to the dormitory.

When she was nearing the dormitory building, she saw a familiar figure under the white poplar, that of Yan Wangchuan.

He stood there with a brownish-red maple violin in his hand, as if he was waiting for someone.

He gazed at Long Xi, his eyes were melancholic and seemed to contain thousands of messages.

These days, it seemed that Yan Wangchuan was a different person. He took a private art singing training class, which was outside of the school. As soon as school was over, he went for the training, and when he came back, he practiced the violin in the music room, on the campus.

It seemed that he really wanted to take the art examination.

Long Xi felt that he was there to see her, so she stopped and looked at him, quietly.

Wordlessly, Yan Wangchuan put the violin on his right shoulder, and played a tune, putting his whole heart into the song.

Long Xi recognized the tune. It was the graceful, sweet and famous violin song “Love’s Greeting”, which Yan Wangchuan had taught her, in the past.

The melody, which was filled with deep meaning, soared in the air. It was so touching, like a couple of lovers pouring out their feelings to each other, and there was also a trace of sadness in it. It also seemed that the person was complaining about their lover’s absence for such a long period of time.

The slender figure and the pretty face of this handsome boy, were all interwoven with the shadows of dusk, under the tree. It formed a perfect frame for a beautiful picture.

Long Xi was also familiar with the violin. When Yan Wangchuan was a child, Ai Meiqi lived frugally and managed to buy for her son, his first violin.

At that time, Yan Wangchuan used it to play the first complete song, in his life. He also taught Long Xi to play the violin.

The past was gone, like a puff of smoke, and made people sigh in nostalgia!

Master Wangchuan had many fans, some from their class and some from the neighboring class. At this time, some of them poked their heads out of the dormitory windows and stared boldly, while some hid behind the windows and peeped out, at what he was doing.

When she was a child, Long Xi had listened to Yan Wangchuan playing the violin many times, but this was the first time that she heard him playing it with so much feeling.

At that time, Yan Wangchuan and Long Xi were still young and did not know what love was about.

“While young, I knew no grief; I just wrote new verses with false despair. I know what grief is now that I am old, but only to say I am glad that autumn was cold.”

After playing “Love’s Greeting”, Master Wangchuan said nothing, just smiled at Long Xi, and then turned away, with a trace of shyness and loneliness.

Long Xi looked at his defeated back and felt a pain in her heart, without knowing why.

Over the next few evenings, this scene was repeated. The only things that changed were the songs that Yan Wangchuan played. Some songs were very cheerful, recalling his happy childhood, while some were very sad, like mourning for a lost love.

It was getting colder and colder, and it rained continuously for several days.

Even in the misty rain, Yan Wangchuan insisted on playing without the shelter of an umbrella, and did not leave until Long Xi listened to his performance.

Of course, Long Xi was touched, and she felt sorry for him. But Yan Wangchuan never indicated that he was playing solely for Long Xi. He never said a word to her from the beginning to end, so Long Xi dared not tell him to stop doing that.

It was still raining on Friday evening.

Yan Wangchuan finished playing Liebesleid, and left in the rain, without saying a word.

Thunder rumbled, a flash of purple lightning lit up the sky, amidst the dark surrounding. The rain poured down, like a waterfall, soaking him to the skin.

This time, Long Xi finally could not help going up to him with an umbrella, calling out to Yan Wangchuan and stuffing the umbrella into his hand.

Yan Wangchuan hurriedly sheltered himself and Long Xi, with the umbrella, then said faintly, “I intend to apply for the Music Performance Department of the University of Film and Television in City B.” “Xixi, I remember that on my seventh birthday, you folded a bottle of lucky stars and gave it to me, and inside each lucky star, there was a message. I am not asking for much. I just hope that you can send me another bottle of lucky stars, before I go for that exam. Is that alright?”

Long Xi was a girl who cried easily. At this time, she became bit tearful as she was deeply moved, from the bottom of her heart.

She nodded her head vigorously, to show that she would do that

Yan Wangchuan’s eyes were full of glittering tears.

Long Xi wiped away her tears. Without taking the umbrella, she turned and ran back to the dormitory.

Yu Lanjie, who saw this scene from the windowsill, saw Long Xi coming back and asked with some concern, “Little Xi, do you still have feelings for Yan Wangchuan? It’s unfair to brother Mo Kun!”

Long Xi closed the door, put the lunch box on Yu Lanjie’s desk and said, “No, my heart only belongs to Brother Kun. But brother Wangchuan is not only my first love but also my good friend, my brother, and a part of my childhood. He just asked me to send him a bottle of lucky stars. How could I refuse that request?”

Yu Lanjie sighed and said, “In fact, Master Wangchuan is also pathetic! Actually… I used to… that’s… I also liked him when I was a freshman in high school!”

“Ah?” Long Xi was surprised. “Really? How come I didn’t know? You never mentioned anything!”

“At that time… we were not as close as we are right now. Besides, I know he’s your first love. How can I tell that to you? Later, he was together with Man Shahua, and I slowly gave up hope.” Yu Lanjie’s voice was almost inaudible.

Long Xi thought for a moment and asked, “What about now? He’s broken up with Man Shahua. Do you still have feelings for him? Actually, I think you two are a good match. He’s able, you’re beautiful, and you both like music.”

Yu Lanjie said shyly, “I thought I had no feelings for him. I felt that I was in love with an illusory person, the Lord of Yulin, in the illusion. But these days, Master Wangchuan plays the violin so beautifully every evening, and I find myself feeling a little…”

Long Xi laughed and went into the bathroom. She closed the door, took off her wet clothes and shouted through the door, “Dear, would you like me to pass on the message for you? You see, Weiwei used to love Xiaolu and it was an unrequited love. She pursued but failed to get him, it was so painful. Now, isn’t that a good result? When it comes to Love, we must take the initiative to fight for it!”

Yu Lanjie stopped eating and said hurriedly, “Don’t do that. His mind is on you now, how will I ever catch his eyes? Besides my presence is so low-key, he might not even see me.”

Long Xi put shampoo on her long hair and said, “Who said that? You’ve got character, just like a pure, white and elegant jasmine, a quiet and beautiful girl.”

Yu Lanjie smiled and said, “Stop talking about me and let my affairs take their course! The weather forecast says it will be sunny on Saturday. What do you think? Could it be the wrong forecast? Doesn’t brother Mo Kun’s Star Invention Exclusive Sale Company officially open at nine o’clock on Saturday morning? As the company’s nominated vice president, you have to attend the ribbon-cutting and opening ceremony!”

Long Xi stood washing her hair, and said, “I’m a little worried, too. What attire should I use to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony? I do have a white suit jacket, that goes with a black lace dress. It’s my design, elegant, fashionable, and magnificent. But I can’t afford diamond buttons or anything of that sort, so the dress is suitable for civilians and for ordinary white-collar workers to wear. But I’m now the nominated female vice president, and it’s such an important occasion for a new company. I heard Brother Kun saying that he’ll be inviting reporters from the TV station, so I should wear a better outfit, befitting the style of a female vice president. Moreover, I have to match the outfit with a suitable hairstyle, and jewels! I don’t have any of those things! However, Brother Kun says that he’ll deal with it and told me not to worry.”

Yu Lanjie laughed and said, “Since brother Mo Kun said that, then it should not be a problem.”

She used to harbor secret feelings about Mo Kun, but later she also figured out that what she liked was actually the Lord of Yulin, which was illusory, like a dream like a bubble!

Now, she saw that Long Xi and Mo Kun had deep feelings for each other, and Long Xi treated her so well. That was when she made up her mind to put away that short and hopeless one-way secret love!

After taking a bath, Long Xi came out and saw Yu Lanjie, trying on a pair of new shoes.

It was a pair of white smiley face shoes.

On the tip of each smiley shoe, was a small opening, like a little mouth. Next to the little mouth there were a few mouse whiskers printed on it, and above the mouth, there was a pair of small eyes. It looked like a smiling face of a little mouse.

Yu Lanjie smiled and said, “My daddy bought these smiley shoes when he went to Spain to direct a movie. They’re cute, aren’t they? It’s said that this kind of smiley shoes was first invented by a famous Spanish designer, several years ago. Aren’t they lovely?”

Long Xi laughed and praised them, “Lovely! Your dad loves you very much! Did he go to Spain to direct his films? You mentioned previously, that he was a film director?”

Yu Lanjie said, “Yes, but he’s not very famous. Have you heard of him? His name is Yu Zhengrong!”

Long Xi said, “Oh, it’s him! I read in the newspaper that he recently directed a film that was shot in Spain. The film is called The Beautiful Sorrow of Spain. The film is now a commercial success, a box office hit. Besides, it’s said that it may win awards. Your dad has now become a new favorite of the film kingdom, a hot property.”

Yu Lanjie said, “Yeah, he seems to be riding high recently, feeling like he’s going to fly to the sky! He’s like the Buddha at home now, and my mother dotes on him, too!”josei

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