The Complete Guide to Rearing an Alien Boyfriend

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Like the First Meeting
“Three days later, they finally released me. They claimed that they were too high and too tired, and that they would continue next time. Just thinking about them finding me once more caused me to lose all hope in life. I knew that they come from families with a strong background. Even if I called the police, they wouldn’t be able to fight them. I want to turn into a ghost and take my revenge. So I chose to hang myself when the clock strove 12 and I even wore my red dress. And you, Yan Wangchuan, I hate you!” The bloody tears in Xu Xian’er’s eyes surged even more.

“I am really sorry. I have been regretting it ever since and been suffering from my conscience’s punishment.” Yan Wangchuan’s excuse lack energy.

“Oh? Really? When the police came to the school to investigate, when my parents came to the school to make a fuss, why didn’t you speak the truth?”

.”It’s no use. We can’t fight them. Do you think I haven’t tried going against them? There’s no use. Their background is too strong, their hearts are too hard, and their actions are too evil. The more you fight, the more you will suffer. They enjoyed this process,” Yan Wangchuan said helplessly.

“I am only involved in this because of you! Which black shop did you buy this fake amulet from? You think that it really works?” Xu Xian’er gave off an eerie smile.

The amulet started burning and turned into ash in a blink of the eye.

Yan Wangchuan seemed to have made a decision in that split second. His voice trembled as he said, “I will give you my life. Let her go!”

Long Xi’s eyes were filled with tears. She said, “Brother Wangchuan, I think you’ve returned back to who you were in the past.” When they were younger, she always called him that and it had been a long time since she last did that.

Yan Wangchuan gave off a warm smile that had not been seen on his face for a long time. “Yes. They turned me from a human into something that’s neither man nor ghost. And you, you pulled me back from the cliff and made me return to a human. Thank you, Long Xi! If there’s an afterlife, I will repay you greatly!”

Long Xi’s tears burst out.

Yan Wangchuang said, “I’m sorry, Xiao Longnv. Back then, my father did not let us say goodbye to your family. He did not let us write to you as well and even burnt all of your phone numbers and address. Then, I started to get bullied by them and slowly shut off myself from the world. I did not want to meet you again. I did not want to let you see my terrible state!”

Long Xi replied, “You can’t be blamed. You had a rough time!”

Xu Xian’er laughed coldly. “So touching! Are you guys acting a drama? Pfft! Yan Wangchuan, is my love nothing to you as compared to hers? No, I love you more than she does! You even caused me to die, but I still love you. Did you think that I would really bear to hurt you? I was just trying to scare you. Actually, my goal is her! I want to use her body to come back to life. Brother Wangchuan, leave her here and go. Once my spirit enters her body, I will go find you. We can still be together!”

Yan Wangchuan shook his head. He spoke bravely with his chest up high, “No, you can use my body instead. I cannot let you hurt her.”

“Boom!” The door of the dormitory fell over with a loud bang.

A tall man walked in by stepping onto the fallen door. His hair was black, like a black jade. He was wearing British-style casual wear, which accentuated his heroicness while giving off a relaxed yet elegant feel.

With a wave of his hand, two balls of green flames flew onto Xu Xian’er’s hands.

She started screaming at the top of her lungs and sparks immediately appeared on her hands.

The sparks spread very rapidly and expanded gradually like a burnt hole on a piece of paper. Soon, flames spread everywhere.

The skin and flesh on her hands were swallowed up by the fire, leaving behind her bare bones. It was a disgusting scene.

Xu Xian’er fell to the ground and tried to distinguish the fire. The fire only got bigger. She put her arms around herself and started making weird noises that sounded like a beast’s pitiful scream.

Long Xi looked towards the stylish man who could throw flames from his hands. She saw his perfect side view; his high nose, deep gaze, extra clear eyes and lips that were slightly pressed together.

The handsome man’s obsidian-like dark and shiny eyes also turned towards her. His lips turned into a small smile that made him look so handsome, even the heavens would be mad at him. He was very eye-catching.

Long Xi could not understand what had just happened. “Does this man know fire spells? God, did I travel into a fantasy novel again?”

Just when she thought that everything was over, Xu Xian’er struggled to stand up without her hands and quickly flew to Long Xi. Her pale face showed that she was struggling and her features all twisted together.

She opened her blood-filled mouth and exposed her sharp fang as she went in for a bit on Long Xi’s neck.

“I’m ending my life here tonight?” Long Xi was not going to give in.

The handsome man went in front of her and acted as her shield.

Xu Xian’er seemed to be very afraid of him and backed up step by step.

He walked towards her, step by step. His gaze was filled with a none-fearing radiance that could destroy heavens and destruct the earth. He was like an alien, like hell’s Shura.

He stretched out his hand suddenly and pushed Xu Xian’er’s forehead with a finger.

In a blink of an eye, Xu Xian’er evolved into a black smoke that died with the wind.

Long Xi’s mouth was wide-opened. She was completely stunned.josei

The handsome man gave off a sinister and captivating smile. “Student Long Xi, how are you going to repay me?”

“Who are you exactly? How do you have this kind of power?” Long Xi asked in a trembling voice.

“My name is Mo Kun, I am a new teacher and I’ll be teaching Science in your class.” Mo Kun winked his left eye at Long Xi.

As if she was electrocuted by a high voltage current, Long Xi’s heart started beating faster…

That part of her memory was deleted. She did not remember that his eyes and hair were actually icy blue. He put on something like contact lenses to make his pupils look black. He also dyed his hair black. All these were done to make him look no different than the people of Z country.

“Why do you have the power to throw fire flames,” asked Yan Wangchuan, who had such a scare that his soul left his body, had finally come back to his senses.

“I was born with super powers!” Mo Kun broke into a perfect smile. In reality, there was no ghost, nor could he throw fire. There was a smart chip inside the duo’s brains that made them see things that he created using the smart technology.

In the next moment, their environment became the Year One Class Three classroom again.

“Wei Wei, Yu Lanjie, I’m back.” Long Xi ran towards them to give them a hug but realized that their actions and facial expressions were very strange.

The two of them were leaning against each other and blushing. They looked very intoxicated and full of affection, as if they were cuddling with their lover.

Wei Wei said shyly, “Xiao Lu, you’ve finally confessed to me. I’m so happy!”

Yu Lanjie, on the other hand, kept swallowing back some words that she wanted to say. Her gaze was full of affection.

The other students were also in a bizarre state.

Li Li, who resembled Taiwanese actor Wang Dalu, seemed to be finding his way through a misty fog. Hua Yanyan seemed to have seen something scary and would not stop banging the door and yelling at the top of her lungs.

Man Shahua was changing her clothes and her body was twisting like a water snake. Her gaze was extremely flirtatious.

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