The Complete Guide to Rearing an Alien Boyfriend

Chapter 178 - Sorry, I Can't Wait For You

Chapter 178 - Sorry, I Can't Wait For You

Chapter 178 Sorry, I Can’t Wait For You
Bai Bing said, “Ruthless but touched? This seems to be a line in ‘A Dream in Red Mansions’ to describe Baochai.”

Xiaolu said with a smile, “I can’t sense any ruthlessness from you now. You’re so emotional. I’ll become shy if you always treat me this way!”josei

Bai Bing immediately said without any embarrassment, “I’m not shy, so why should you be?”

Xiaolu thought in his mind, “She deserves to be my girl, awesome! I am so admirable to her. What should I do? I can only pledge to marry her!”

After a warm-up exercise, he suddenly jumped on one foot and jumped over the iron railing one meter away. He was standing on the railing with one foot, like a golden chicken standing still!

Bai Bing who was holding her phone to record did not feel surprised because she knew his strength and skill.

The other juvenile players who saw that were obviously shocked!

That uncle worker did not show any signs before he revealed his ability! In fact, it was easy to jump over a railing at one meter. All of them could make it.

However, it was really extraordinary to stand still on the top of the railing with just one of his feet.

How strong his balancing ability should be!

What was more, Xiaolu rushed onto the wall at a two-meter height while everyone was stunned.

Since Bai Bing liked to watch him doing extreme sports, he should dazzle his beloved girl right there and then!

He ran up to the obstacles and swayed his hands to drive his body’s upward lift.

When his body passed over the obstacle, his hands pushed the ground; a continuous rolling motion followed.

That was a basic motion in parkour, called “fish rolling”. He completed that motion smoothly and constantly.

Bai Bing recorded that scene. It was awesome. She would keep it as a treasure!

But she had not expected that the next movement was much more stunning!

He rushed out at a fast speed. When he reached the wall-shaped obstacle, he made no preparatory actions.

He did not step on the wall, but jumped up straightly, grabbing the edge of the wall, only relying on his strong bouncing ability!

Then, he exerted his strength slightly on his arms to support his whole body.

“Damn, what kind of strong physical condition he has!”

The group of onlooking players were totally shocked. He couldn’t be an uncle worker, but an acrobat!

Xiaolu intentionally showed off his ability, so he said casually on the wall while shrugging his shoulders, “This is so easy, much easier than moving bricks at the construction site!”

The other players were looking at each other with expressions of disbelief. Jesus, none of them could simply rely on their bouncing abilities to grab the wall, without stepping on the wall the borrow strength; not to mention to roll over the wall just depending on their arms.

Were their levels even lower than a worker’s? They started to doubt whether they should live in that world!

Xiaolu jumped down from the wall-shaped obstacle from a three-meter height. After landing, he ended his textbook-level performance with an awesome mopping motion.

Bai Bing saved that video on her phone.

On the next day, Bai Bing went abroad but felt somewhat upset because Xiaolu could not send her off.

Right at the same time, Long Xi went to visit Xiaolu, who was drinking wine to relieve his depression.

Long Xi did not tell him about Yu Lanjie’s issue so as to not increase his sadness. Instead, she served as a comforter at that time, pouring two glasses of wine to share with him.

Xiaolu was relieved by her words. After drinking two more cups, he felt better.

Long Xi’s curiosity rose again and she asked, “Have you visited Bai Bing?”

Mentioning Bai Bing, Xiaolu could not help curling the corner of his mouth.

He said with a smile, “Of course I have. When she was resting in the hospital, I went for her at midnight, to avoid being caught by reporters.”

“What about her stepmother?” Long Xi asked.

“I have been there for so many times, yet I only saw her stepmother there once. She talked in a cold tone. That woman is really… I don’t know how to describe her!” Xiaolu did not like to speak ill of someone, but the alluded one must be really hateful if Xiaolu would say bad words since he was so kind!

Long Xi asked with a smirky smile, “In addition to Bai Bing’s body condition, did you make any other progress?”

Xiaolu blushed and was filled with brightness in his eyes. He was grinning as he said, “I can’t hide anything from you. Are you the descendant of Zhuge Liang? How can you guess all the hidden things?”

Long Xi said with a smile, “You mean things are going well with your relationship?”

Xiaolu nodded while smiling, selectively and leapingly describing the development of the affection between them.

Hearing that, Long Xi said with a smirk, “Ruthless but touched! It seems that Bai Bing has affections for you! She is more attractive now!”

Xiaolu made a joke, “Haha, I never thought that she would break up the iceberg in her mind all of a sudden!”

Long Xi could not help holding her laughter. She said with a smile, “She didn’t break her iceberg, it’s you who melted her iceberg. Won’t you admit it? You like her, right? You two like each other! I say, that is a blessing in disguise! Brother Lu, you’re a blessed boy!”

Xiaolu said, “In fact, I just found that I have a feeling to her! During these days, she was at the hospital, but always encouraging and supporting me. Actually, she is indifferent outside but passionate inside! I think the reason she behaves indifferently is because of her family!”

It turned out that Bai Bing’s mother had died when giving birth to her. Her father loved her mother deeply, so he had been tangled with that issue all the time, even thinking it was Bai Bing that caused her mother’s death.

Two years later, her father married his stepmother, who didn’t treat Bai Bing badly.

When Bai Bing was young, she even thought her stepmother was her biological mother.

A year later, her stepmother gave birth to a son. He was really cute and liked to play with her.

Bai Bing really liked her younger brother. She liked swimming and taught him how to swim.

That year, Bai Bing was 12 years old. She went to the beach with her friends, but her brother insisted on joining them.

Bai Bing was naughty during those days and stuck her foot to take her brother regardless of her stepmother’s objection.

Unexpectedly, her brother met an accident and drowned.

Bai Bing felt guilty, and both her father and stepmother were unwilling to forgive her.

At that time, Bai Bing finally learned that her stepmother was not her biological mother and realized that her mother had died because of giving birth to her…

Her stepmother had an ovarian disease, so she removed her ovaries after giving birth to her brother. The doctor said that she could no longer be pregnant.

Later, her stepmother never smiled again!

She never smiled and forbade Bai Bing to smile. She forced Bai Bing to swear not to smile in her later life!

After listening to Bai Bing’s story, Long Xi said, “Ah, every family has its difficulties! You should treat her well. She is a good girl!”

Xiaolu said seriously to Long Xi, “Master Xi, I am sorry. I can’t wait for you!”

Long Xi said sincerely, “This is a good thing. Why are you apologizing to me? I should be the one to say sorry. I always occupy a restroom but never make use of it!”

Xiaolu could not help bursting into laughter and said, “Hey, you’re even comparing me to a restroom?”

Long Xi felt happy for Xiaolu, having let go of his affection toward her.

But she was very upset because two days later, Weiwei sent a voice message to her: “Little Xi, thank you so much for saving my life! I am sorry but don’t come to the hospital to see me! The doctor told me that my eyes have no chance to recover! I don’t want to see people, nobody!”

Long Xi did not reply. She did not know what to say.

She felt that Weiwei still had not forgiven her!

What else could she say?

Beg for her forgiveness? The hurt that her best friend had was indeed related to her!

But she clearly felt that she had not done anything wrong. Even if she owed something to Weiwei, she thought she had already paid back! She had a clear conscience!

Xiaolu could lay the obsession with her to rest, so why couldn’t Weiwei do the same?

In addition to Weiwei, there was another person who could not put down the obsession of love.

That was naturally Yan Wangchuan.

He had patience and never mentioned words like “you promised to be with me later in life”.

He was very aware of Long Xi’s temper that fancied reasons instead of force.

Long Xi had originally promised to spend the rest of her life with him.

If he wanted to live with Long Xi for a lifetime, he should move her with his tenderness. He should treat her well enough that she could not refuse his love. Then, she could regain her affection for him.

He knew Long Xi’s other personality, that she would not give up until there was no hope!

He knew she would not give up her love for Mo Kun until she saw Mo Kun lived a happy life without the memory of her. Then, she would fulfill her promise.

Therefore, during those days, he was the most hardworking while helping to look for Mo Kun.

At the same time, his first film was very impressive and popular. He had success in both revenue and public praise.

Most of the film critics and spectators praised Yan Wangchuan’s performing skills. They had not expected that as a musician, he could fully perform a hateful but cute, ridiculous but poor villain, even if it was his first time as an actor.

Seven days later, Pheasant, Feng Zihao, called him for a big secret!

It turned out that Mo Kun was in a sanatorium in Hokkaido, Japan. Qiuzi stayed by his side. Mo Kun’s attending doctor diagnosed him with brain damage. He forgot everything from the past.

Yan Wangchuan asked Feng Zihao, “Pheasant, you’re Feng Zihao, known as Xiaolongnv, right? Why are you always helping me? It’s you who helped me to widen the European fashion market, right? I pried into this issue. You even disguised as me to date with Shirley, the editor of the Paris fashion authoritative magazine to reach that goal!”

Feng Zihao said in a low voice, “Of course I have my own reasons. You don’t have to know. You can tell Long Xi this news!”

After that, Feng Zihao hung up.

Yan Wangchuan shared that with Long Xi.

Long Xi was very grateful to him and decided to book a ticket to see Mo Kun in Hokkaido at once.

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