The Complete Guide to Rearing an Alien Boyfriend

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Chapter 30 Exchange Life?
Was it a dream? Everything was silent, and Long Xi could clearly hear herself weeping.

Perhaps, what she dreamed of was Kunkun’s memory?

Perhaps, for Kunkun, in this world, although days felt like years, although everywhere was desolate and it could not see the end, as long as there was Yinyueliang, it still felt happy. This was what it wanted to feel days like years.

However, Yinyueliang was gone.

Suddenly she understood how difficult it was for the ancients to say “May a faithful man come I pray/So that until old we can stay”!

Drowsily, she fell back into a light sleep.

At twelve o’clock in the middle of the night, in the boys’dormitory of the school.

Jiang Ba and several of his men packed their bags early and immediately set off from the dormitory as soon as it was time.

This time, they did not encounter anything strange, came to the school gate very smoothly, and aggressively pushed open the iron gate.

Tonight it was the security guard Brother Xu who was on the night shift. He knew Jiang Ba and naturally did not dare to stop them.

It was already permitted for students to go home on weekends. Although it was strange for them to go home at midnight, they didn’t violate the school rules. Hence, the security guard Brother Xu didn’t stop Jiang Ba from leaving. He even opened the door and let them go without asking why.

And then, Man Shahua, Yan Wangchuan, and other students left the school one after another.

Fan Xiaolu did not show up all the time, as if he really vanished!

They went out of the school and found that their mobile phones had signals and they could make calls.

Jiang Ba wanted to call his father Jiang Dahu for the first time, to tell him about the strange things that happened in the past few days.

The phone was answered by a woman with a delicate, unfamiliar voice.

She said that Jiang Dahu slept soundly and asked Jiang Ba what was wrong.

Jiang Ba knew that Jiang Dahu was a womanizer. He probably stayed with one of his lovers overnight.

Jiang Ba sometimes pitied his mother.

Although his mother was the legitimate “wife”, she was always lonely for a long time.

However, his mother was open-minded. As long as she could keep her identity as the wife, she could connive at her husband’s behaviors.

“Ding!” Another message from Xiaolu’s account was sent in the group chat: @Everyone, you can’t talk to people outside the group chat about everything that happened in it. Otherwise, you will be poisoned by gas.

Jiang Ba hesitated with his mobile phone for a while, still did not say anything and hung up the phone.

Jiang Ba then called the private driver served for their family, and asked the driver to pick him up. Naturally, the wealthy children such as Man Shahua and Bai Bing also asked their family’s private drivers to pick them up.

The children of the middle class such as Wei Wei, Yu Lanjie, Li Li and Deng Xian went home by taxies.

The families of Yan Wangchuan, Huang Quanlu, and Hua Yanyan were relatively poor.

Huang Quanlu went home by riding a shared bicycle.

Because of the money that Bai Bing gave her, Hua Yanyan was a little better off, so she came home by using DiDi Express.

A black stretched Lincoln limousine was parked beside Yan Wangchuan.

When the window rolled down, Man Shahua said to Yan Wangchuan, “Get in, I’ll let my driver take me home first, and then give you a lift.”

But Yan Wangchuan declined.

The reason he gave was that he wanted to feel the evening breeze and sober himself up.

When had Man Shahua ever been turned down?

She sneered and said, “Yan Wangchuan, it is time for you to sober up! Do you think I can’t live without you? Ha-ha, I just think that you are somewhat handsome, so make you be my toy-boy! Don’t take yourself too seriously! Drive!”

The door was closed and the black stretched Lincoln limousine drove away.

Yan Wangchuan took a long breath of relief.

He felt that Man Shahua was like a dog chain, strangling him out of breath.

No, to be exact, the tightest dog chain around his neck was not Man Shahua but the cruel reality!

The other students left. The night wind was so cold that he shivered all over. He was about to ride away when his mobile phone rang again.

He took out his cell phone, it was Fan Xiaolu’s WeChat ID that sent him a message: Yan Wangchuan, would you like to exchange life with me?

Was Fan Xiaolu making trouble?

Yan Wangchuan taunted in his mind, but his body was honest. His fingers, which worked faster than his brain, immediately typed two words to reply to Fan Xiaolu: I do.

Then he realized what message he had sent, and he was stunned. Only then did he realize that he had secretly envied Fan Xiaolu for a long time.

Although Fan Xiaolu was an illegitimate son who didn’t know who his father was, his mother made a good living in the entertainment circle. She played many movies and TV series, and also attended many variety shows. With high salaries and wide connections, she was anybody in the entertainment circle.

Moreover, Fan Qianqian had never been married or had another child. She had only one son, Fan Xiaolu.

It was said that Fan Xiaolu’s biological father was a famous director, and his adopted father was a tycoon, the richest man in the country.

Besides, Fan Xiaolu himself was kind, clever, optimistic, enthusiastic and pure, devoted to his dream. He was so rich and talented that even Jiang Ba dared not bully him. Xiaolu never had any trouble from the Brutal Pranks Gang behind Jiang Ba. Maybe they also wanted to give faces to his mother and adopted father?

Really, if life could be exchanged, Yan Wangchuan was really willing to exchange it with Xiaolu!

After a few minutes, Fan Xiaolu answered: Me too. Okay, so happily decided! We exchange for two days.josei

Yan Wangchuan thought, “If it could really exchange, that will be great. But I’m afraid that you Fan Xiaolu won’t be willing to do it!”

Never Mind, he didn’t really take it seriously and hurried home.

Early in the morning, before dawn, scattered clouds lightly floated in the slightly blue sky, the stars receded, and the moon was still sleeping alone.

Long Xi woke up early because she went to bed early last night.

She opened her eyes and saw Mo Kun who sat quietly beside her with his chin on his hand.

Mo Kun’s eyes were reddish as if he stayed awake all night and kept an eye on her.

She felt a warm current in her heart, with the sweetness and mildness of honey. She enjoyed the moment, silently, unbridled to look at Mo Kun.

“You wake up?” Mo Kun didn’t give Long Xi too many chances to watch him, which startled Long Xi.

“Uh, well!” Long Xi gradually shifted her eyes, trying not to see the bloodshot black eyes of Mo Kun.

Mo Kun stepped out of the tent. Long Xi tidied up her hair and followed him out.

When Long Xi came to the front of the big tree cave where Kunkun temporarily lived, she found that the fish that was given to Kunkun yesterday was still intact.

Long Xi said to Kunkun’s back, “Sister, you have a very good smell on your body! Please Live!”

Kunkun remained still, like a stone carving.

Mo Kun thought, “How can it understand your language? It seems that if Kunkun doesn’t eat, Long Xi is in no mind for roasting fished! I have to step in myself.”

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