The Complete Guide to Rearing an Alien Boyfriend

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

Chapter 55 At Whom Leering?
Mrs Lin nodded, turned around and helped Mr. Xu up.

When Mr. Xu saw the two policemen, he suddenly became agitated. “It’s the two of you again! Previously, when my Xian’er committed suicide, it was the two of you who came to investigate! You two bastards! As public servants, you actually helped the evildoers! Last night, Xian’er appeared in my dream and told me that she was killed by four boys and they were Jiang Ba, Cheng Yilun, Chen Qiangjian and Yan Wangchuan. Chen Qiangjian and Cheng Yilun have already been taken care of. It was Xian’er who did it!”

He looked around in the crowd and saw Jiang Ba. He pointed at him and said, “Jiang Ba, Cheng Yilun and his dad are likely to end up in prison! Chen Qiangjian was killed by Xian’er and you will be next. Xian’er said that she would take revenge on each of you! Evil will be rewarded with evil; blood will have blood, you just wait!”

Jiang Ba screamed, “Old man, what nonsense are you talking about? Xu Xian’er’s death has nothing to do with me!”

Long Xi saw his facial tic. It was obvious that he was guilty; his manner was threatening, yet he was a coward at heart.

Liu Dazhi turned around and gestured to Jiang Ba not to talk anymore.

He turned around and addressed Mr. Xu gently, saying “Mr. Xu, I can understand your feelings, but please let us do our work. Please leave the scene and don’t mislead the people, okay?”

Mr Xu sneered and his face was full of sadness and resentment.

He retorted, “Liu Dazhi, are you qualified to say this? For a little benefit, you dare to destroy the evidence privately. Somebody up there loves me. Do you see what this is!”josei

He took a piece of folded paper out of his briefcase, unfolded and lifted it up and showed it to everyone.

Long Xi saw dozens of red characters on the paper, which seemed to be a letter written in someone’s blood.

Mr.Xu said, “Everyone, please be my witnesses. This is a letter written in blood, a posthumous letter from my daughter Xu Xian’er. It is very clear that her death was caused by Yan Wangchuan, Jiang Ba, Cheng Yilun and Chen Qiangjian. If this blood letter is destroyed by the police, please help me to give a testimony. This blood letter does exist. If it disappears inexplicably, then someone is ignoring his duty.”

Fu Xinjie said, “It could not be the posthumous letter of Xu Xian’er. There must be someone who copied her handwriting.”

Mr. Xu pointed to a red puppy drawn on the lower right corner of the paper and said, “Impossible. The handwriting can be copied, but nobody knows about this little smiling puppy. When I was young, I gave it to Xian’er. When I checked her homework, I would draw her this dog every time she does well. “She likes it very much. The dog doodle later became a code signal for us. In this world, only she and I know this dog.”

Fu Xinjie carefully read the blood letter and suddenly screamed, “Impossible. This letter written in blood had been burned by me! How come there is another one?”

Liu Dazhi immediately shoved her aside and gave her a look, indicating to her not to talk.

Mr Xu also realized that Fu Xinjie had slipped up and laughed insanely, saying, “Giving yourself away? Maybe the law can’t sanction you, but Xian’er can! You wait! Hahaha! And you, Yan Wangchuan, Xian’er said that she hated you the most. She wanted you to be the last person she will deal with! I am going to the police station now to give this letter to other policemen! I don’t believe that all policemen are bad!”

Yan Wangchuan’s eyes were moving about wildly and he looked a little lost.

Mr Xu, still looking like a madman, left, laughing wildly.

Mrs Lin sighed and said to all the students present, “Boys and girls, I hope that you can keep what happened today as a secret. Otherwise, it will have a very bad impact on our school. President Deng Chao has gone to schools in other cities to gain advanced experiences. I will inform the vice president and ask him to come back as soon as possible to handle this matter. As class monitor, Long Xi, please lead your classmates and return to your classroom to review your lessons. Then you sit on the rostrum and monitor the whole class. I will come back as soon as I have cleared some stuff here. Class leaders of other classes, please take your classmates back. All are to return to your classrooms to review your lessons.”

Long Xi answered drily and said to her classmates, “Let’s go back to classrooms instead of hindering the police investigation. Sit down according to the seating chart and focus on your self-study!”

She was their monitor, so most of her classmates followed her lead. Only Jiang Ba refused to go. Anyway, even the headmaster could do nothing to him. He was not afraid of Mrs. Lin!

Mo Kun saw there was nothing that involved him. He could continue his chemistry class, so he just followed Long Xi to the classroom.

Man shahua tried various ways of teasing Mo Kun.

Mo Kun remained unruffled, neither accepting nor rejecting her teasing.

On the way back to the classroom, Manshahua said, “I’m so sleepy. I have to go back to the dormitory to take a bath. Hua Yanyan, follow me and help me.”

Hua Yanyan replied like a lackey, “Yes, your highness! Princess Manman.”

Man shahua sauntered off very arrogantly with Hua Yanyan and did not even tell Long Xi.

Long Xi did not bother about them and said to Mo Kun, “They are so sick that even Teacher Lin gave up “treating” them! I don’t have any medicine. I will not bother about them!”

Mo Kun raised his eyebrows and said softly, “Are you jealous?”

Long Xi blushed and quickly denied it saying, “What? I am not so mean! I am just fact-oriented!”

“Oh, is that right? Monitor, can I study here?” asked Mo Kun.

“Of course,” Long Xi said with a smile.

Mo Kun smiled and took the vacant seat which was Fan Xiaolu’s seat. The seat next to it was also empty as that was Long Xi’s original seat.

He took out a copy of Three Hundred Tang Poems from his backpack to read.

He really liked the poems and songs from the ancient country of Z. He felt that these ancient literary works were particularly attractive and devoured them eagerly.

Usually, Long Xi sat next to him but for today, she had to monitor the whole class. She sat on the rostrum and announced the start of self-study.

Long Xi began to dictate the English words she had already learned.

Fifteen minutes later, Man shahua and Hua Yanyan came back.

Man Shahua had on a pink V-neck wrap dress and looked rather glamorous. She walked gracefully to Mo Kun, took Long Xi’s seat, cupped her sweet cheeks and stared intently at Mo Kun.

Mo Kun pretended that he did not see her; he did not even look up.

Long Xi was not happy and said, “Man Shahua, classmate, please go back to your seat. Do not disturb others.”

Man Shahua said, “I don’t know who has dirtied my seat. I just want to take your seat! As the monitor, shouldn’t you be helping your classmates?”

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