The Complete Guide to Rearing an Alien Boyfriend

Chapter 75 - Dare to Have a Fair Competition?

Chapter 75 - Dare to Have a Fair Competition?

Chapter 75 Dare to Have a Fair Competition?
Fu Xinjie nodded and said, “It makes sense!”

Long Xi dragged Mo Kun to the other side and whispered, “Can’t you fly? If you fly over that mountain now, you may capture that man behind the show!”

Mo Kun said, “Today we’ll fly in another way.”

He roared into the sky. Three gold golden eagles hovered in a circle, and then slowly fell.

The largest golden eagle of the three had two white feathers on its head. Was it the one that had ever attacked Long Xi?

The other two relatively small golden eagles might be the son or the daughter of the larger one. However, Long Xi was not able to tell the male from the female.

Long Xi said, “Golden eagle can’t see clearly at night. It can see things during the daytime, but it sees nothing at night.”

Mo Kun said, “However, these two eagles are different because I installed invisible night vision glasses for them. How about that? Is my invention excellent? I have two more pairs of invisible night vision glasses. Do you want to try?”

Long Xi said with a smile, “That’s great. Let me be your first user!”

Mo Kun put a pair of invisible night vision glasses on her and also wore one set himself.

Long Xi felt that she became an owl all of a sudden. For her, the night was just like the day, and everything was visible.

Mo Kun rode on the back of the big golden eagle with white feathers on its head and said, “White Feather, let’s go.”

“Poof!” White Feather immediately spread its wings and bounced on the ground. It soared in the witness of the crowd and flew over the sky like an arrow.

“Good heavens. Atta boy.” Long Xi praised it while riding on another golden eagle of a smaller size.

Mo Kun asked Fu Xinjie to ride on the third eagle.

Mo Kun ordered the two smaller golden eagles, “A-I and A-II, let’s go.”

A-I and A-II obediently carried Long Xi, soaring up into the sky.

Everyone was shocked at seeing this.

“Marvellous! These eagles can understand Mo Kun and carry people to fly. Are they the magic eagles in ‘Divine Condor, Errant Knight’?” Xiaolu asked Long Xi, who was already in the sky.

Even though Xiaolu was not familiar with the golden eagle, he knew it was abnormal for a golden eagle to be tamed and carry people to the sky.

Long Xi said smilingly, “I don’t know Mo Kun’s tricks, either. I’ll explain to you later on.”

In the course of answering, they already flew for a long distance.

The wind whizzed past, and Long Xi felt comfortable.

Almost everyone had dreamed of flying. Though once flying on a frisbee, she felt more exciting and joyful in riding on the golden eagle.

They flew over the mountain and looked downward resorting to the invisible night vision glasses. Before long, they found two men running along the rugged mountain paths.

They were a woman and a man who carried a “female ghost” with long hair in a red dress in his hand.

Mo Kun ordered three golden eagles to land on mountain paths to block their way.

As Long Xi expected, one of them was Yuan Yuan, Xu Xian’er’s mother and the other was Gong Liuxing, Xu Xian’er’s dancing partner.

The “female ghost” held in Gong Liuxing’s hands was actually a hydrogen ball with wigs and in a red dress.

Fu Xinjie immediately presented her badge and handcuffed them. They did not resist her.

Later, Fu Xinjie took Mr. Xu, Yuan Yuan, Gong Liuxing and Jiang Ba into a borrowed interrogation room from the local police station for questioning after communicating with the local police.

Mo Kun, Long Xi, and Xiaolu followed him to assist the investigation.

Using the high intelligent chip in his head, Lord Mo Kun ordered Jiang Ba to admit that he, Chen Qiangjian and Cheng Yilun mutilated Xu Xian’er, which caused Xu Xian’er’s suicide.

Fu Xinjie was good at investigating because she was the top graduate in Elite Police Academy and had been in the police for two years. Therefore, she carried out a long-time and one-to-one fatigue investigation on Mr. Xu.

No matter how Fu Xinjie used the carrot and stick approach in extracting information from Mr. Xu, she didn’t get even a word.

Until Fu Xinjie told him that Jiang Ba had admitted that he mutilated Xu Xian’er, Mr. Xu felt released.

He quietly considered for a long time and decided not to incriminate Yuan Yuan and Gong Liuxing, so Mr. Xu confessed his crime.

Mr. Xu said that Xu Xian’er actually left two copies of posthumous papers. One was on the desk in her dorm, which was burned off by Fu Xinjie and the other under the bed in her room. Mr. Xu discovered it on Sunday when he was washing things she left behind.

He was grief-stricken while knowing the truth.

Mr. Xu was not only good at physics but also in computer science.

He hacked the security system in Chen Qiangjian’s house and then sneaked into it. He stupefied Chen Qiangjian, put him in the trunk of the car, and then took him to the back hill of the Yulin High School. He took revenge on Chen Qiangjian in a tit for tat way as he killed Chen Qiangjian in the “vacuum killing” way which was deduced by Long Xi.

Next, he cleaned the blood on the bank with the stream water and then hung Chen Qiangjian’s body up onto the tree. He then wore a pair of gloves and wrote blood words on the tree.

Meanwhile, he also shot a video and sent it to the Wechat group of the Yulin High School to enlarge the influences and create an illusion that Chen Qiangjian was killed by Xu Xian’er’s ghost.

He also sent acrostic letters to Cheng Yimei and Jiang Dahu respectively in Xu Xian’er’s name to lure them into the Intoxicating Aroma Village, but he aimed to kill Jiang Dahu. He wanted Jiang Ba to lose his benefactor and live miserably.

He used a sound changer to imitate Xu Xian’s voice and recorded a passage, and then he sent it to Cheng Yimei. The central message of the record was: I posted the three videos on the Internet. If you don’t want the Cheng Corporation to go bankrupt and your Meili Entertainment Company to be implicated, do as what I told you. Kill Jiang Dahu.

Things that happened next was pretty much the same as Long Xi expected.

Cheng Yimei put phosphorus on him to let him burn before Jiang Dahu noticed it. She also crammed a bottle once filled with phosphorous into Jiang Ba’s backpack to frame Jiang Ba and clear her own suspicion.

Mr. Xu finally said, “This has nothing to do with Yuan Yuan and Gong Liuxing. They knew nothing about it. They were just assigned by me. I did all these myself, and they just helped me set up the ghost show. I told them that all these were to scare Jiang Ba and his gang. They didn’t know my real purpose, and I used them. After Yuan Yuan remarried, she always felt guilty to Xian’er. She felt devastated after Xian’er died. Gong Liuxing was secretly in love with Xian’er, and it was really a blow to him.”

Fu Xinjie clearly knew that Mr. Xu attributed all the crimes to himself because he didn’t want Gong Liuxing and Yuan Yuan to be arrested, so she didn’t reveal Mr. Xu.josei

Thirty-five minutes later, Fu Xinjie hauled Jiang Ba, Mr. Xu, Yuan Yuan, and Gong Liuxing back to X City in a police car.

As for Cheng Yimei, Fu Xinjie said that she needed first apply for an arrest warrant before arresting her.

Long Xi, Mo Kun, and Xiaolu went back to Intoxicating Aroma Village by an ox cart melancholy.

Though the truth almost came out, Long Xi still felt unhappy.

She felt sympathy for Mr. Xu, but she did not agree with what he had done.

Mo Kun said, “It has dawned. How about eating breakfast and returning to X City?”

Long Xi said, “I’ll go to borrow some meat and vegetable from our neighbors. Take a seat and wait for me. I’ll be back soon.”

Mo Kun’s lip curled and said, “I have nothing to talk with him. If I have, it’s all about you!”

Long Xi was blushed and murmured, “Where did all these flirting come from?”

Xiaolu said with a smile, “I can do this too. I specifically searched a lot of pick-up lines for girls. Master Xi, can you play guitar?”

Long Xi honestly said, “No, I can just play the violin.”

Xiaolu asked, “No? Then why can you play my heartstring?”

Long Xi rubbed her forehead and said, “Could you please don’t make fun of me? You always treat me as your brother, don’t you?”

Xiaolu was blushing, like the sun in the spring rain.

He nerved himself to say, “Blame me. I do not know what it is like to love a girl. I always thought I took you as a brother, but that day, I saw you and him walk hand in hand. My heart ached so much that I could not breathe. I knew that I had been deceiving myself! It turned out that I had fallen in deep love with her, but I didn’t know it. Mo Kun, dare to compete with me fairly?”

Mo Kun rubbed his temple and said to Xiaolu, “You want to fairly compete with me? What do you mean about fairly? Do you believe that I’ll make you disappear forever?”

Xiaolu replied, “Even so, I’ll not quit because I’m a real man!”

Long Xi helplessly sighed and said, “Alas, all blame me. I’m too excellent! Forget it. I’ll go out for a walk and borrow some meat and vegetable from my neighbors by the way. Don’t fight. Oh, hey, the atmosphere is too intense!”

Mo Kun said with a smile, “Don’t worry. I’m not childish. I have many tricks to play!”

Xiaolu followed, “I also won’t do that stupid thing. Only low-grade animals will fight with each other in contending spouse, but we are high-grade animals. We are civilized people.”

Long Xi smiled with hands covering her mouth and then walked toward her neighbors with a clean basket.

Xiaolu saw that she walked away and asked Mo Kun, “Lord Mo Kun, you must be the manipulator, Mr. X, behind the Red Envelope Game, right? You are the man who made me comatose and exchange my consciousness with Yan Wangchuan, aren’t you?”

Mo Kun said while sneering, “So what? Xiaolu, are you a science idiot? Let me explain it to you. That is hibernation rather than drowsiness. I just want you to help me carry out a few experiments.”

Xiaolu said, “I guess it was you. You took advantage of my absence to seize Master Xi’s heart. Awesome! However, you’re just getting started, and I still have a chance! Dare you compete fairly with me? If you can prove that I am not as good as you, then I will accept I am a loser. Didn’t we plan to eat Chongqing hot pot earlier? Let’s make a bet. How about that?”

Mo Kun said, “I’ll welcome you anytime and whatever thing you want to bet!”

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