The Complete Guide to Rearing an Alien Boyfriend

Chapter 80 - Mysterious Log Cabin

Chapter 80 - Mysterious Log Cabin

Chapter 80 Mysterious Log Cabin
Long Xi turned pale when she heard the cry. The gray rabbit was also shocked and quickly hid in a nearby rabbit hole.

Just as the so-called saying “a cunning rabbit has three hiding holes”, it was impossible for a rabbit to have only one hiding place!”

At this time, Long Xi found that she had unconsciously wandered far from the hot spring cave and had already left the safe area.

She wondered if she should go over and check it out. “What if someone was in trouble and needed help?”

The crying became more and more tragic. It sounded like an abandoned girl complaining about the unfairness of her fate!

Long Xi hurriedly used the two sleeves of the denim jacket, and wrapped the gray mushrooms into a small package. She involuntarily took a few steps towards the direction of the crying, but suddenly stopped.

Suddenly she remembered a video she had seen on the Internet before. It was a parrot imitating a baby’s cry, which really sounded like the genuine thing! Could it be a trap?

For prudent reasons, she decided to go back. She would bring Mo Kun and Xiaolu, and have them check it out together.

“Mom… Mom… Woo” Suddenly a girl’s voice could be heard, seeming to come from the deep forest.

Long Xi, who already started walking back, suddenly stopped?

She recognized the voice. It was Dong’er! Widow Ma’s daughter, Ma Dong’er! Even a smooth-tongued parrot couldn’t imitate her so well!

Dong’er was an autistic child. Although she was already five years old, she could only utter one word, which was “mom”.

Long Xi did not hesitate any longer. She ran quickly in the direction of the sound and soon came to the edge of the green, secluded primeval forest.

She looked through the tree branches, saw bushes, grass and the entire ground was covered with dead branches and rotten leaves. Where was the entrance?

She took the Xingyue Knife out of her backpack, pulled it out from the sheath, lopped off the thick branches and leaves, and pushed her way through.

The bright blue sky overhead was totally obscured by the thick branches and leaves.

The surroundings were gloomy and eerie. If Long Xi had not wearing the magic glasses, she would not have been able to see anything at all.

As the cold wind blew through the forest, Long Xi shivered involuntarily.

She held up the Xingyue Knife and slowly walked forward.

She had not gone far when she heard the “pattering” sound of rain.

“Is it raining?” Long Xi looked up, but her vision was blocked by the branches and leaves, and she could not see anything.

She walked a little further, and the sound of rain was getting louder and louder, but there was not a drop of water on her.josei

“Is that the sound of rain?” Long Xi said to herself.

She knew that in primeval forests, leaves absorbed a lot of water, which condensed into droplets when the weather changed and then fell when the wind blew. It was nothing strange.

Suddenly she felt something falling on her head, reached out and touched a sticky, soft object.

The palm of her hand was bitten by something, and it immediately became painful and itchy. She couldn’t help but scratch it, and the scent of blood immediately wafted into the air.

She took a closer look at her palm and saw a leafy green worm that looked like a caterpillar. It unceremoniously bit Long Xi’s palm again, and its dry stomach swelled.

Long Xi screamed and threw it to the ground.

“Strange, was this a blood-sucking caterpillar? Haven’t she heard of these things in the primeval forest before? Was it a genetic variant of caterpillars?”

Long Xi rushed forward.

Unfortunately, she could not run as fast as she wanted to, because of the thick grass and lush forest. There were roots and branches under her feet, so she tripped and fell, after taking only a few steps.

At the same time, the rain seemed to fall heavily on the trees, and the sound rose and fell continuously.

Four or five worms soon fell onto Longxi’s head. They crawled around her head, and one of them bit into her scalp and sucked Long Xi’s blood desperately.

Long Xi’s scalp tingled, and she had to endure the disgust as she swiped her scalp several times in an attempt to brush them off.

The smell of blood was getting stronger. Like flies attracted to the smell of a foul ditch, the “caterpillars” on the trees rained down desperately.

The wounds became more painful and itchy. Long Xi couldn’t stand it anymore, and stretched her hand out to scratch it.

“Don’t scratch!” At this critical moment, Mo Kun and Xiaolu, respectively riding on a golden eagle, swooped down from the sky, like guardian angels.

Because the branches and leaves were too dense, the three golden eagles could only land on the top of the trees.

“The more you scratch them, the bigger the wound will get! Get under a tree!” Mo Kun’s voice was as cold and alienated as the moonlight. With that kind of bearing, he would still be calm, even Tai Mountain collapsed in front of them.

“Now what? Do something!” Xiaolu was so worried about Long Xi that he almost cried.

Caterpillars that fell to the ground came crawling towards Long Xi.

“Make a fire!” Mo Kun said, throwing down a lighter through the spaces between the leaves.

Long Xi quickly picked up the lighter and lit a clump of dead branches.

Sparks ignited, and the clump of dead branches and leaves burned quickly, together with the withered grass and leaves that surrounded them, and black smoke soon filled the air.

Overwhelmed by the smoke, the caterpillars around Long Xi receded instantly.

She heaved a long sigh of relief.

She broke a branch, lit it and holding the torch, began to climb agilely up the tree.

She loved climbing trees since childhood. She would climb trees every time she returned to Intoxicating Aroma Village, so she quickly reached the top and rode on Baiyu.

The three golden eagles soared into the air.

Long Xi pointed in the direction of the cry and said nervously to them, “I heard Dong’er crying. Dong’er is the daughter of Widow Ma in our village, an autistic child.”

As she spoke, she turned on the telescope function of the glasses, looked around, and finally found the target.

She said, “At the open space of the dense forest, there’s a little girl standing next to a stump, beside those log cabins and crying. Come with me, help me to save her.”

She flew over to the site, followed by Mo Kun and Xiaolu, on the golden eagles.

Lord Mo Kun wore a pair of glasses that he invented, used the function of the telescope, and saw the poor little girl in the distance.

He found the environment and atmosphere beyond the open space very strange.

The windows of several cabins were open, but the doors were closed. The chimneys of each cabin had smoke curling out of them, but no one came out of the house.

Normally, if there were people in the cabins, they would definitely come out and check, especially when they could hear a girl crying her eyes out.

“Was there really no one around? Or… were they all dead? “Mo Kun had a bad feeling in his heart.

Long Xi rode on the golden eagle and landed on the open ground.

Dong’er, carrying an old small backpack, sounded hoarse, from all her crying. Long Xi ran over but dared not touch Dong’er. She just squatted down and looked at Dong’er.

She knew that Dong’er was very afraid of strangers. No one could touch her except her parents and grandparents. When she was touched by strangers, she would scream and even scratch others with her nails.

Long Xi said to her, “Dong’er, Dong’er, it’s all right, all right. Sister Long will protect you, Sister Long will protect you. Do you still remember Sister Long? Do you still remember Sister Long?” She repeated every sentence twice because she feared that Dong’er would not understand it.

Dong’er was still crying and started to hit her head repeatedly against the stump. She was very emotional.

Long Xi quickly cushioned Dong’er’s head, so that Dong’er would not bump her head and start bleeding.

She wanted to knock Dong’er out, so as not to let her continue her self-mutilation. But she was also afraid that she might hurt Dong’er in the process, so she did not know what to do, for a while.

Long Xi thought, “Anyway, we should leave this place first! We really don’t know whether those people in the cabin are good or bad, friends or foes.”

In the midst of her panicky thoughts, she suddenly had an idea and took out a yellow puppy puppet from her backpack.

The puppy puppet was made from a yellow sock and some cotton wool. She had made it when she was still a child. The puppy’s eyes were two black buttons, and she named it “Doudou”.

Doudou, which had been with Long Xi all these years since her childhood, usually sat next to her pillow.

Whenever she tossed and turned restlessly in her bed and couldn’t fall asleep, she would hold the puppy puppet in her arms and after whispering to it, she would then drift off to sleep.

Every time she left home, she would bring Doudou along in her backpack.

She put the puppy puppet in front of Dong’er and said gently, “Dong’er, Dong’er, don’t cry, don’t cry. I’ll give you this yellow dog. I’ll give you this yellow dog. Okay? Okay?”

She vaguely remembered that Dong’er did not like to play with her peers, but often played together with a big yellow dog in Uncle Zhao Si’s family.

Perhaps it was her words that did the trick. Dong’er stopped mutilating herself, and her big, clear eyes looked at Doudou in Long Xi’s hands, but she still sobbed.

Long Xi put Doudou in Dong’er’s hands.

Dong’er stopped crying and concentrated on playing with Doudou’s “eyes”.

Long Xi gently said to Dong’er, “I’ll take you to look for the big yellow dog. I’ll take you to look for the big yellow dog, okay? Okay?”

Dong’er did not answer and continued playing with the little yellow puppy puppet.

Long Xi tried to pull Dong’er up through her small hand. When she saw that Dong’er did not protest, she took Dong’er to the white feathered golden eagle and put her on the golden eagle. She then rode on it and held Dong’er tightly.

In the process, Lord Mo Kun checked out the cabins. There was no one, no one, at all in them!

He said to Long Xi and Xiaolu who stayed close to Long Xi, “There are beds, furniture, and signs of habitation in the cabins. There are large pots on several hearths, some have meals cooking in them and some pots have boiling water. But the rice is burnt and the water is almost dry which means that it must have been burning for at least two hours. I put out the fire, or it would probably cause a forest fire.”

Long Xi said, “Are they really grave robbers or mine diggers? Did they suddenly disappear in the process of cooking meals, boiling water?”

Mo Kun said, “Let’s mind our own business, save Dong’er and go away!”

He and Xiaolu were about to mount the golden eagles again. Suddenly, Mo Kun found that someone was shooting them from the dense forest, so he shouted, “Hide!”

“Bang! Bang! Bang!” Several shots rang out unexpectedly.

Three bullets hit the hearts of the three golden eagles.

Lord Mo Kun was a battle-hardened person. After half a second of hesitation, he leapt aside, just barely avoiding several bullets fired at him from the dense forest in the west. Then he went deep into the dense forest in the East and hid behind a big tree.

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