The Complete Guide to Rearing an Alien Boyfriend

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Love Deep, yet Fate Light
Long Xi turned grief and anger into strength. She became not only a female straight-A student but also a famous talented girl in high school. She was good at cooking, magic, fashion design, and even could design and sew clothes by herself. Her writing and logical reasoning were also very good. During this summer vacation, she published a mystery novel on Zongheng Website and signed with Zongheng. Although the work was not so popular, she had a dozen readers willing to subscribe to all her works. In addition, she also could play the violin, which was taught by Yan Wangchuan, but she couldn’t play as well as him.

In general, with her own talents, independent personality, kindness, and helpfulness, Long Xi made a lot of new friends, especially Wei Wei and Yu Lanjie, who lived in the same dormitory with her. They were close friends.

However, whenever she saw that Yan Wangchuan was together with Man Shahua, she still felt hurt.

She thought too much of Yan Wangchuan, so she did not dare to destroy it.

Long Xi just wanted to hide the pure feeling in the bottom of her heart and kept it well.

Every day she looked at Yan Wangchuan, she felt very happy. Every time she saw his occasional distant smile, she felt a warm current gurgling through her heart. His eyes occasionally got a bit of melancholy, and then her heart would also feel the pain.

Yesterday afternoon, between classes, Wangchuan gave her a beautiful postcard which was painted landscape painting of her favorite Greek white and blue buildings and also wrote some sweet prattle that made her blush and her heart beat fast.

Yan Wangchuan wrote on the postcard that he had been fond of Long Xi since childhood, but he was too shy to express himself. He asked her to wait for him beside the tallest maple tree in the trident maple forest halfway up the back hill after school. He would like to watch the moon and count the stars with her as before.

Long Xi, who had a secret crush on Yan Wangchuan for a long time, practiced calligraphy and did homework together with Yan Wangchuan since childhood. Hence, she definitely recognized the familiar elegant handwriting which was written by Yan Wangchuan himself. She was instantly elated and excited.

The next Chinese lesson was her favorite one. She used to study very carefully, but for the first time, she was distracted throughout the whole class.

Unexpectedly, Yan Wangchuan suddenly went to her confession!

She was so excited that she didn’t think of anything else. After school, she instantly ran to the back hill and waited in the trident maple forest.

Although it was often haunted in the back hill, and there was a very famous legend about the haunted back hill in the campus, Long Xi was a courageous atheist and infatuated with love, so she was not afraid at all.josei

It was cold yesterday, and Long Xi waited for three hours!

The sky was completely dark! The moon was dull, the shadows of trees danced, and the wind was blowing through the wood, making strange noises, which sounded like wild shrieks and howls.

Only then did she feel a little scared and remember the legend about the haunted back hill in the campus.

It was said that there was an ancient tomb in the back hill, which was the tomb of an ancient lord named Lord of Yulin. It was said that this lord was more handsome than Lord of Lanling. He made remarkable achievements in political, military and battles. He was also proficient in lyre-playing, chess, calligraphy, and painting, and was very popular with the people at that time.

Therefore, since he was buried here, this back hill was also known as Yulin Hill.

Later, a good man of the Tang Dynasty took a fancy to the beautiful place which was a quiet place in the rustling and bustling environment. Hence, he built a private school at the foot of the mountain called Yulin Academy, which was the predecessor of Yulin High School.

It was said that there were many valuable burial treasures in the tomb of Lord of Yulin. Previously, there were grave robbers of each dynasty who ventured to enter the hill and rob the tomb. But none of them were returned.

Ten years ago, an archaeological team went into the hill, and then they all went missing.

They all said that the Lord of Yulin missed the world, and his soul was still haunting. All grave robbers were left in his tomb and died mysteriously.

The back hill usually could be said to be untraversed. Today Long Xi was so bold that she dared to come here by herself and stayed until sunset.

She also felt very strange. She was usually a little kick-ass girl, quick-witted, calm, resolute, and independent. As the saying goes, the poor children early understand the rigors of life and shoulder the family burden! But when it came to Yan Wangchuan, she lost her mind!

“Well, is that what they call the power of love?”

At this time, she was cold and hungry. Although she had already bought several roujiamos and two bottles of coke in the school canteen, she was reluctant to eat it first and wanted to wait for Yan Wangchuan to come and eat together. She knew that Yan Wangchuan’s favorites were roujiamos and coke.

During the period, she asked Yan Wangchuan on WeChat for several times about when he would come, he always replied, “Wait a moment, wait a moment.”

After feeding mosquitoes for three hours, in the WeChat group chat of Class Three, Senior Three that she established after being elected monitor for classmates’ mutual communication, Long Xi saw that her deadly enemy Man Shahua sent a message: @Yan Wangchuan, Long Xi that silly girl is still waiting for you in the back hill. You’re really not going?

Man Shahua’s lackey Hua Yanyan also sent a message: @Man Shahua, Big Sister Man, you are so cool for being so beautiful and having so many social connections. Big Sister, that is really a brilliant move. It’s so dark, the back hill is haunted, and there are mosquitoes everywhere. Long Xi must be bitten all over her body. Or she has already been eaten by ghosts!

The following is the WeChat message content:

Fan Xiaolu: Yeah, there are all bites! @Man Shahua@Hua Yanyan, I mean you were all idiots! pustule! evil-hearted bags! @Yan Wangchuan, where are you?

Yan Wangchuan: @Fan Xiaolu, I’m with Manman.

Long Xi: @Yan Wangchuan, Is that interesting? @Man Shahua, I know, you must be jealous of my grades a thousand times better than yours, so you deliberately set this trap against me.

Man Shahua: You got to be kidding me, you are jealous of me for my wealth and beauty!

Yan Wangchuan: @Long Xi, you’re always staring at me, making my girlfriend upset. Man Shahua is my real girlfriend. And there are so many people who are fond of me, who do you think you are?

Man Shahua: @Long Xi, be smart and figure out who you really are. How can you pair up with Yan Wangchuan? You are like a toad trying to swallow a swan! And a swan is undoubtedly together with a swan!

Yan Wangchuan: Manman, you’re right.

Wei Wei: @Man Shahua, you’ve gone too far!

Yu Lanjie: @Yan Wangchuan, I don’t expect you are such a person.

Fan Xiaolu: @Yan Wangchuan, you may not like her, but you can’t trample on her dignity. @Man Shahua @Yan Wangchuan, apologize! People can’t be shameless like this!

Man Shahua: I won’t, what can you do to me?

Long Xi: If you don’t recall them, I’ll kick you out. Don’t forget that I am the owner of the group.

Man Shahua: So do it, and it’s better to kick Chuanchuan off, too. I know you’re embarrassed to see us again!

Long Xi couldn’t stand it anymore, so she shut down her mobile phone sadly and angrily.

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