The Complete Guide to Rearing an Alien Boyfriend

Chapter 94 - Redemption On The Edge Of Suicide

Chapter 94 - Redemption On The Edge Of Suicide

Chapter 94 Redemption On The Edge Of Suicide
Weiwei was frightened, broke out in a cold sweat, and panicked.

Xiaolu shouted at her from across, “Why are you always looking at me? You are so dirty and not worthy of me! I’ve never liked you! I like Long Xi, how can you ever match up to her?”

Afterward, Xiaolu and the other students who were playing with him, disappeared!

Weiwei felt desperate!

She didn’t know whether she had an illusion again. Now she could not tell that which was reality and which was an illusion. It was horrible!

Since that incident, Weiwei’s mental state had gone awry. From time to time, she had visual hallucinations and auditory hallucinations as well.

She often saw Xiaolu, saw him kissing and hugging other girls. And this girl was none other than her previous good friend, Long Xi. So she hated Long Xi even more.

It seemed that someone was talking in her ear all the time, and it was always the voice of Long Xi. Long Xi used a gloating tone to mock Weiwei. Long Xi was always talking. Even if Weiwei covered her ears, she could still hear it.

Once, she heard Long Xi saying in a vicious tone, “In fact, you are not your parents’ biological daughter, they picked you up. I am your parents’ biological daughter! You’re going to give me back all you have now! They will soon take you to a mental hospital, and the doctors will lock you up in a closed, unoccupied room, tie you up so that you can’t scream and seek help. I’ll make you beg for death!”

Wei Wei did not tell the doctors and her parents about her hallucinations and the voices in her head. She did not know that she was hallucinating, so she thought it was true.

She had deep doubts about her parents and doctors!

Now, she recalled that terrible night once again! That night, the beast named Chenggong, took her to his car and drove her to a very remote place.

And then he played an old English song.

He slowly cut her clothes with a pair of scissors and wet her upper body with high-grade red wine.

He was not anxious to take her purity away immediately, but was slowly enjoying the beautiful music.

He did not appreciate her delicate, trembling body. He thrived on her fear, hatred, helplessness and pleas.

Weiwei had been forced to take a lot of tranquilizers, so she was unable to resist and it was also difficult for her to speak. She pleaded with her eyes, begging, hoping that he would not take her virginity. Even if he tortured her in other ways, it was not as cruel as taking her virginity!

However, it was of no use!

The despicable man who deserved to be killed a thousand times, still did it cruelly.

At that moment, Weiwei seemed to hear the sound of her body breaking.

Remembering all these again, Weiwei burst into tears! She seemed to hear the sneering voice of Long Xi, “Xiaolu doesn’t want you anymore! You are a loose woman! You’re better off dead than alive now! You’re better die, once and for all!”

Weiwei’s remaining reason was “fighting” with the illness. She covered her ears and said loudly, “No, no! It’s an illusion! I know that Xiaolu is not in Yulin High School at all now! Xiaolu took a few days off from school to attend the mass-election of the Hip-Hop Dancers. His mother, Fan Qianqian, really did what she promised. She personally drove him in a Rolls-Royce, to City B for the mass-election. Yesterday, Xiaolu sent a message in the WeChat group, telling everyone that he had passed the mass-election. He’s in City B now!”

She heard Long Xi saying, “Yeah, Xiaolu is so fine! You were defiled, you don’t deserve him anymore! It’s better to die! You are mentally ill, and always hallucinating, what’s the point of living?”

Weiwei’s reasoning was defeated by this sickness, her mind was now at a dead end and she couldn’t get out of it.

She walked numbly up to the top floor. If she jumped off the top of the seventh floor, she would surely die! Her thoughts were focused on this!

“It’s getting colder in the evening, the flowers are frosting on the ground. You’re watching from afar, draining all the twilight. Even though I refrain from thinking of you, however, I cannot forget you…” Her cell phone rang.

With tears in her eyes, she saw that it was Long Xi’s number.

She angrily pressed “Ignore” and then blacklisted the number.

Long Xi, who had been waiting downstairs in the exam room, burned with anxiety.

Before she finished answering the questions, she found that Weiwei was not right and smelt the odor coming from Weiwei. But she dared not ask Weiwei for fear of hurting Weiwei’s self-esteem.

She was afraid in case Weiwei ran into any trouble, so she had been waiting downstairs, quielty hiding in the shadows.

She did not see Weiwei come down and wanted to go upstairs to find her, but she was afraid in case she roused her emotions. So she called her but did not expect her to reject her call. When she called back, she found herself blacklisted by WeiWei.

Long Xi immediately ran upstairs, checking all the floors, while calling Yu Lanjie. She had asked the other students to help send Yu Lanjie back to the dormitory.

Yu Lanjie answered the phone, and Long Xi explained the situation to her, and asked Yu Lanjie to call Weiwei.

Yu Lanjie realized the seriousness of the situation and immediately called Weiwei.

Weiwei answered her phone and said to her, “Lanlan, I’m leaving. I didn’t write a suicide note. Please tell my parents, I’m going to a place where there is no pain!”

Yu Lanjie felt anxious and said in a trembling voice, “Weiwei, don’t do anything silly!”

Weiwei smiled sadly and murmured in a low voice, “I want to fly! Fly freely!” She hung up, went to the top floor, and opened the wooden door, which was not locked.

She went to the fence and looked down at the whole X City. How close it was to the sky!

The cell phone ringtone of Liangliang rang again. Weiwei climbed up the fence and raised her cell phone. She intended to throw it down from the seventh floor and then throw herself down thereafter.

“Your husband is calling… your husband is calling…” This unusual phone ringtone stopped Weiwei’s actions.

It was the ringtone she had specially set for Xiaolu’s cell phone calls!

Weiwei looked at the word “husband” on her mobile phone, and tears poured down her face.

She choked as she answered the phone.

On the other end of the phone, Xiaolu’s anxious voice was saying, “It’s me, Xiaolu! Weiwei, are you okay? I’ll be back in X City soon. Can you wait for me?”

“Xiaolu… I… I don’t deserve you…” Weiwei sobbed.

“Weiwei, don’t do that. I don’t mind that! It’s not your fault!” Xiaolu said gently.

“Really? Then you would like to be with me?” Weiwei was surprised and delighted, just like a drowning man clutching at the last straw!

“… I…Wait till I get back. We’ll meet and talk about it later, OK?” Xiaolu said as tactfully as he could.

“Fine! Fine! Call me as soon as you get back. We’ll meet up!” Weiwei said eagerly.

“All right! Then promise me you will not to do anything silly?” Xiaolu said in a pleading tone.

Weiwei nodded excitedly, then realized that Xiaolu could not see her movements, and hurriedly said, “Okay, I promise! Thank you, Xiaolu, it’s you who pulled me back from the edge of death, you are my sun, I am your sunflower, my face will always follow you!”

Xiaolu hesitated for a moment and said, “I suggest you take two days off and have a good rest. If you don’t do well in the exam, you can repeat it next year. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.”

Weiwei said sweetly, “Okay, I’ll listen to you.”

She climbed down from the fence.

Long Xi, who had already reached the top of the building and saw all this through the cracks in the half-open wooden door, was relieved at last. It seemed that she made the right decision to call Xiaolu and get him to call Weiwei.

She saw Weiwei continue to chat with Xiaolu while walking towards the wooden door. Afraid that if Weiwei saw herself and caused a scene, she hurriedly ran downstairs. Being in such a hurry, she ran too fast and nearly tripped.

Weiwei did listen to Xiaolu. As soon as she returned to her dormitory, she called the head teacher, Mrs. Lin, to ask for leave to go home for a rest.

Following Xiaolu’s advice, she also told her parents about her hallucinations and voices in her head, and that she was even thinking about suicide. Her parents immediately took her to a psychiatrist.

After taking the medication prescribed by the doctor, she finally slept soundly at night and was no longer hallucinating or hearing the voices. Her mood was less gloomy.

On Friday afternoon, the results of the English practice test were announced. Long Xi and Yan Wangchuan were among the best students in the exam, ranking second and third, respectively.

Long Xi was distracted mainly because of Weiwei, otherwise it should be no problem for her to get the first place.

Yu Lanjie also got good grades, ranking 23rd in the whole grade.

Early on Saturday morning, Long Xi walked out of the school gate, with her schoolbag on her back.

Mo Kun said he would be coming to pick her up.

At the entrance, she saw a brand-new white Lykan Hypersport she had seen previously in the school garage. So she walked over, stood next to it, and looked at it closely for a while.

Its streamlined body was very smooth and shiny. The windows were covered with reflective film, so the interior of the car could not be seen. The window was like a mirror, which clearly reflected Long Xi’s pretty face, which was bare of makeup.

Long Xi fixed her hair in the “mirror”, then pressed her lips together to spread the colorful lip balm on her lips more uniformly.

Later, Long Xi looked around anxiously, hoping to see Lord Mo Kun soon.

Maybe it was true for a person in love; one day apart seems like three years. She had not seen Mo Kun for several days, and really missed him.

Mo Kun was not there at the appointed time and she felt a little puzzled. Lord Mo Kun was always punctual. Why was he not there yet?josei

Two minutes passed. For Long Xi, who was eager to see her lover, the two minutes seemed as long as two centuries.

After another two minutes, her heart was a little flustered. Did anything happen to him?

She could not help taking out her cell phone and called Mo Kun.

Not only did she hear the music on the phone when Mo Kun’s cell phone was disconnected, but she also heard the music coming out of the white Lykan Hypersport.

The windows of the white Lykan Hypersport were tightly closed and covered with the reflective film. Long Xi could not see the inside from where she stood.

While looking around, the door suddenly opened, and made a frightened Long Xi take a step back .

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