The Complete Guide to Rearing an Alien Boyfriend

Chapter 95 - My Little Wife

Chapter 95 - My Little Wife

Chapter 95 My Little Wife
While she was looking around, the car door suddenly opened. Long Xi was frightened and took a step back.

Mo Kun came out from the car, smiling. He wore a very well cut and well-designed three-piece suit. He had on a white shirt, a silver-grey waistcoat, a navy suit jacket, and also wore a bright red tie with a dragon totem pattern. He exuded a majestic air, very much like an emperor on a throne.

After a second of surprise, Long Xi smiled with joy, and said, “So it’s you in this car? I was getting worried about you! Did you rent this car? Why rent such an expensive car? You’re just starting your career, so you should save your money! What kind of bossy CEO style are you trying to copy?”

Mo Kun laughed and said, “My little housewife, with you to take care of my money, I certainly will not waste it.” He thought that it would be better not tell her that he bought the car, lest it alarmed her.

He opened the door politely, asked Long Xi to take the seat behind, then he sat back in the driver’s seat.

It was the first time that Long Xi had been in such a luxurious and top grade car. She looked around and touched everything, looking like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, for the first time.

Seeing her behaving like she had seen so little of the world, Mo Kun could not help laughing.

He laughed and said, “Xixi, my car needs some ornaments. Why don’t you make me a little doll, as cute as you are, and it should look like you. So whenever I see it, it is as if I am looking at you.”josei

Long Xi’s heart was bubbling over with joy, so she readily promised. This guy Mo Kun, who used to spout some cheesy pick-up lines obtained from the Internet, was becoming better and better at saying sweet things. He used to have a very low EQ (this EQ referred to the EQ of love), but ever since Long Xi promised to marry him, his EQ had soared.

He drove the Lykan Hypersport to Long Xi’s house. Because it could not get into the narrow alley, he parked it at the yellow line parking area, beside the street, attracting many amazed, envious and jealous looks.

Grandma had gone to the market early in the morning to buy a lot of fresh ingredients. And some ingredients, such as loach, were ready from last night.

Mo Kun wanted to help Long Xi, but Long Xi smiled and pushed him outside, saying, “Forget it, don’t be in such a hurry, too many cooks spoil the broth!”

Mo Kun listened to her voice, flowing as gently as the water waves in Jiangnan. He could not help feeling touched and said, “Then I will wash the rice for you!”

Long Xi said with a smile, “Today I’ll be cooking fried rice and will be using the cold rice from last night, so we don’t need to wash the rice.”

Mo Kun was determined to stay with her, and said reluctantly, “Then I’ll stand by and watch you, will that be OK?”

Long Xi didn’t know what to do with him, so she smiled and said, “Okay, okay.”

She took a quail out of the refrigerator, all its feathers and viscera already removed.

Mo Kun asked curiously,”What kind of bird is this?” There did not seem to be such birds on his home planet.

Long Xi said, “It’s quail. Have you read A Dream of Red Mansions? People in the Grand View Garden often eat quails. Jia Baoyu especially liked eating pickled quails. Jia She, the elder master of the Ning Mansion, preferred fried quails. Wang Xifeng once served him fried quails. Quail meat is highly nutritious, which is high in protein, low fat, and low cholesterol. Known as animal ginseng by the ancients, it is very suitable for old, weak and sick people, like grandma.”

Mo Kun laughed and said, “It seems that my little wife is quite knowledgeable and knows how to maintain good health.”

Long Xi grumbled, as she asked in a flirtatious manner, “Who is your little wife?”

Mo Kun touched her slim waist and said, “It’s you! Who else? Would you forgive me if I have other little wives?”

Long Xi pouted at him, but she felt good in her heart.

Mo Kun watched with great relish as she deboned the quail, chopped and minced the meat, then he asked, “What kind of quail dish will you cooking now?”

Long Xi said, “What I will make is quail soup. Grandma is getting older and just recovering from her illness, so her body and her stomach are both weak. This soup is easy for her to digest and absorb.”

She put the minced quail meat into the iron pot, added water and seasoning, covered it with the lid, then boiled it over a big fire. Later, she simmered it over a small fire, intending to make meat stock.

Afterward, she started making the tofu.

Last night grandma had soaked soybeans overnight, and had ground the soybeans into soybean milk, with a stone mill early this morning. She then used water to mix it with the salt brine, using the 1:3 ratio as a gauge.

Long Xi used a mesh to filter out the soybean milk, then set aside the bean dregs in the bowl.

She boiled the soybean milk over medium heat, removed the surface foam, and then switched to low heat to boil for another ten minutes. This was to make sure the soybean milk was fully cooked, in order to remove the beany flavor.

She turned off the fire, and then measured the temperature, using a thermometer. When the temperature dropped to 90 degrees, she used chopsticks to pick out a complete layer of bean skin, which was the thin layer of skin, which had condensed on the surface of the soybean milk.

She said to Mo Kun, “This layer of bean skin is delicious. Eat it.”

Mo Kun asked doubtfully, “Is this edible?”

Long Xi said, “Of course. It will be even more delicious if it is made into Seafood Tofu or Vegetarian Duck. The steamed Bun stuffed with this, is even mentioned in A Dream of Red Mansions. Try it!”

Lord Mo Kun opened his mouth, and Long Xi popped the bean skin into his mouth. He took two bites, swallowed it, and said with a smile, “It tastes good.”

Long Xi slowly added the boiled salt brine along the edge of the pot, continuously stirring it with a spoon, until floccules appeared in the soybean milk.

She put the wet cloth into a square mold, poured in the soybean milk, covered it with a lid, then put a heavy weight on it, and pressed it for ten minutes, to shape the tofu.

Ten minutes later, she took off the mold, and the tofu was already shaped, and was left to cool.

The tofu she made was as tender and smooth as pigs’ brains.

Then she smiled at Mo Kun and said, “Today I’ll open your eyes and show you my cutting skills!”

She blindfolded her eyes with a white cloth and began to cut the tofu.

The tender tofu tasted good, but it was not easy to cut. However, it wasn’t difficult for her at all!

Her right hand seemed to have eyes, and the knife in her hand was like a magic wand. She cut the tender tofu into square pieces, each of which was the same size, just as if it was being cut by a machine.

Mo Kun looked stunned and could not help exclaiming, “My little wife’s knife skills are so dazzling, absolutely amazing! I can’t do it!”

Long Xi said modestly, “Oh, practice makes perfect!”

He was “seduced” by her adorable look, blindfolded with a white cloth, wearing a yellow lace apron, and by her gentle, virtuous breath, and he could not control himself. He reached out and wrapped her in his arms.

He leaned down slightly, and she felt a rush of male hormones in her face.

He left a kiss on the hairs on top of her head and then tried to kiss her on her face. But she blushed and turned her head away.

She said in a bashful voice, “Grandma is outside!”

He laughed lightly and said enchantingly, “Grandma is watching TV! Sweetie, cooperate with me!”

Long Xi felt that something was wrong, but her brain was in a chaotic state, and she could not analyze anything at the moment.

He turned her around, took off her blindfold, and forced her to look into his eyes. His eyes seemed to have hooks, piercing her eyes and soul.

He lowered his head, caught her lips, and they breathed in each other’s hot breaths.

Her soul trembled, but at the same time, there was a hint of resistance. Her lips wanted to escape the control of his lips.

He gnawed at and kept pressing on her lips, his hand at her waist, clasping her against him.

She hesitated. Should she struggle?

When she was deciding whether to reject or accept him, his lips wandered down, nibbled her white jady neck, and then fell on her lips again.

This time, the soft tongue in his mouth reached into her cherry lips, and his big hands shifted from the low-lying parts of her body to other areas of higher altitudes.

Long Xi heard the sound of footsteps slowly approaching the kitchen. So she hurriedly pushed Mo Kun away, but he would not budge, so she had to bite him.

Mo Kun felt a sharp pain in his mouth, so he reluctantly let go of Long Xi and stayed at a short distance from her.

With her face fixed on the iron pot, Long Xi pretended to be watching the heat. She could not let grandma see her blushing. Grandma was so alert that she could tell if something was wrong, at a mere glance!

Grandma came in and said to Mo Kun, “Kun’er, I might have pressed the wrong button. The TV has no image, only a blue screen. Can you adjust it for me.”

Mo Kun smiled and said, “Okay, I’m coming.”

He helped grandma into the living room, read the instructions carefully, and then adjusted the TV.

When he finished the adjustment, grandma asked him to accompany her to watch TV. There was a good TV drama playing on TV, in which Fan Qianqian played the heroine.

In fact, Mo Kun knew grandma’s thoughts, that she did not want him to be alone with Long Xi, for too long. Because grandma was very fond of him, he went along with her wishes.

Long Xi, who stayed in the kitchen, took a few deep breaths, calmed down, and began to cook in an orderly manner.

She put the rib soup which had been boiled before, in a casserole, turned it to low heat, and put the cut tofu cubes into the pot.

And then, she put the cleaned loaches around the tofu and covered the pot.

When the water in the pot heated slowly, the loaches could not stand the high temperature and would sink into the tofu.

A few minutes later, she uncovered the pot.

As expected, all the loaches had sunk into the tofu, leaving only their tails sticking out.

She took out the tofu, put it in a soup bowl, poured the soup made from the seafood, added salt, pepper, ginger and onion into it, and then steamed it for 15 minutes.

While steaming the tofu, she cracked an egg, the right amount of flour, salt, and chopped scallion into the bean dregs, and fried them into two golden round cakes. It was the bean dregs cake recipe that grandma taught her to cook.

People in Intoxicating Aroma Village were so poor that they could not bear to throw the leftover bean dregs away, after grinding them for soybean milk. They then mixed eggs and flour and made them into cakes, which had a unique flavor.

She knew that Mo Kun liked spicy food, so she prepared some red chili oil, red and bright, which looked very appetizing.

Eating bean dregs cakes with red chili oil, gave it a special flavor.

Without the “harassment” from Mo Kun, she took half an hour to cook all the dishes quickly, and then loudly called to Mo Kun to help serve the food.

Mo Kun helped to serve the food and asked casually, “Isn’t this tofu? What’s on the inside with its tail sticking out?”

Long Xi served the dish and said with a smile, “This dish is ordinary in appearance, but it has something special inside. It’s called Diao Chan tofu, also called Hidden in Han Palace…”

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