The Complete Guide to Rearing an Alien Boyfriend

Chapter 97 - Ecstasy Together with Perfect Times and Pretty Sceneries

Chapter 97 - Ecstasy Together with Perfect Times and Pretty Sceneries

Chapter 97 Ecstasy Together with Perfect Times and Pretty Sceneries
Long Xi sighed and said, “Weiwei feels down because she was faced with such a kind of thing. I hope you will encourage her. She will listen to your advice! We will discuss about it when we meet tomorrow. Please send me your address.”josei

Xiaolu softened his words and said, “There’s no need of it. You just need to wait for me downstairs and I will drive there to pick you up. I know where you live.”

Long Xi said, “My home is off the map in the old town and the house numbering here is out of order. It will be very difficult for you to find my home.”

Xiaolu said with a smile, “Haha, actually I once followed you home secretly. Didn’t you find it?”

He was a person like that. The clouds of unhappiness would soon dissipate and there would be the sunny mood coming out.

Long Xi heard him laughing so she was not that worried and said, “You really don’t need to. Brother Kun will bring me there. He has his car and my home is on his way.” “He lives in my home! How can it be inconvenient?” Long Xi thought.

Xiaolu said, “Okay. Then come earlier. I will wait you at the swimming pool at home. You can bring your swimsuit and learn to swim in my home in shallow water. I can teach you myself. In fact, as long as you overcome your fear inside, you will quickly gain the skill. I have already taught a few children to swim in the Volunteer Union.”

Long Xi said. “Alright. We will arrive earlier. Remember to serve us breakfast. We’d like French-styled breakfast— but without baguette! I don’t like baguettes.”

Xiaolu said with a smile, “No problem! I will send you my location. See you tomorrow!”

Early in the next morning, Long Xi and Mo Kun both didn’t have their breakfast before they drove to the world-style half-mountain villa area where Xiaolu lived.

The security guard helped them swipe the card to open the door, and they drove directly to the garage into the villa area.

There were varieties of villas in different country’s style. They admired the beautiful sceneries as they walked along the cobbly path to the Russian-style villa of Xiaolu.

Mo Kun said, “It looks a little like several huge onions together. But the onions are quite beautiful!”

Long Xi said, “It is modeled after the Cathedral of Our Lady in Russia.”

According to Xiaolu’s command, Butler Qin had already waited at the gate to welcome them enthusiastically and led them to the swimming pool near the rose garden politely.

There was a man swimming in the swimming pool like a flying dragon, strongly and handsomely. Could it be anyone else but Xiaolu?

Xiaolu also found them coming. He bended over a big air cushion with several sodas and waved hello to them.

He seemed to have just finished showering with water drops falling down from his wet hairs constantly.

A few drops even rolled down from his thick eyelashes, crept down his pectorals, wandered on his six muscular abdominal muscles, and finally jumped into the pool, making people in the clouds.

He said to Mo Kun, “Big Brother Kun, come and exercise a little. Do you have your swimming trunks? If not, I have a few new ones here that you could wear.”

Mo Kun smiled and said, “I have mine made by Xixi herself and fits quite well!”

As he said, he took off his sportswear, revealing his broad chest which made Long Xi flush and her heart beat quickly.

After he took off his sport pants, the swimming trunks that made by Long Xi came into sight. The images on it were depicting a scene by the sea— against the blue sky and white clouds, weaves rolling up, a flourishing coconut tree standing beside the water— which was quite fascinating.

Long Xi couldn’t help to imagine the picture of Lord Mo Kun bathing in the sea.

Vast sea. Surging waves.

“A naked long-haired ancient-style man is bathing in the sea. He is holding an antique celadon wine glass with one hand, raising his head and then gurgling down the vintage wine…”

“The flows are surging his body arbitrarily. But it doesn’t make him feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, it seems that he is the god of the sea, basking in his own sea…”

It was such a beautiful scenery that Long Xi wanted to continue watching.

Suddenly, two torrents swept over her. When she came back to herself, she realized that it was the two scammers shooting her with a water gun.

She hid behind the chair under the umbrella by the pool as she shouted out aloud, “What are you doing? How old are you? Childish imps!”

Before she finished her words, she found another water gun filled with water under the chair. Therefore, she grasped the gun and shot at the two imps.

When the three suddenly got back to their childhood, having great pleasure in shooting at each other extremely crazily, Butler Qin and Aunt Xian had brought the French-styled breakfast according to Xiaolu’s demand.

The three declared an uneasy truce, donned the big clean white bath towels and dried themselves. They sat beside the glass round table under the umbrella and enjoyed leisurely the authentic ham croissants, cheddar cheese sandwiches and cheese rolls with spinach and wheat bran made by French chef…

Xiaolu said, “I like American coffee very much and I have one every morning. Butler Qin himself is an excellent barista. He used to learn how to make coffee in Vienna. He will always grind coffee beans and brews coffee for me, the most favored one. What would you like?”

Long Xi wanted to have a try, but since she had never drunk coffee before, she didn’t know how to choose. Xiaolu recommended her a kind of coffee. “It is made by Butler Qin out of my own idea. You could only have it here!”

Long Xi was quite curious. She smiled and said, “Then I’d like to have one.”

Lord Mo Kun also wanted to have a taste. Xiaolu recommended another coffee for him. “How about a cup of deep daze coffee?”

Lord Mo Kun asked, “What is a deep daze coffee on earth?”

Long Xi said, “I only heard about Deep Daze Stroke created by Yang Guo when he missed Xiaolongnv very much. The name comes from the sentence that ‘The only thing that puts me in a deep daze is departure’. Xiaolu, what is the deep daze coffee? Definitely your own fabrication!”

Xiaolu laughed and said, “The name of ‘deep daze coffee’ was made up by myself. It refers to the authentic Viennese coffee. Big Brother Kun, try it! I won’t recommend you wrong!”

Long Xi said, smiling, “Viennese coffee is Viennese coffee correctly, why do you call it deep daze coffee?”

Xiaolu said, “There is a moving love story behind the Viennese coffee! It is said that it was created by an Austrian coachman. He fell in love with his mistress. He sent her to the ball every day, waiting for her to come out, and then carrying her back home. In the long waiting hours, he invented this kind of coffee. In the cold nights, he drank it as he waited for his mistress. He knew that she didn’t belong to him. But he comforted himself that she was like the waltz she liked to dance, a kind of dance that as long as you kept dancing, you would always come back to the starting point. She would meet all kinds of dancers along her way, but, eventually, she would come back to his side and let him carry the exhausted her back home.”

Long Xi said, “The coachman is quite soulful. In this sense, the name you changed it into is quite suitable.”

Xiaolu smiled and said tenderly, “It is the same with me. I will always wait for you at the starting point. Although your dance partner is not me for now, I will still wait for you to come back to me at the point.”

Long Xi was declared his love again by Xiaolu out of the blue. She glanced at Mo Kun and felt a little worried, “Will he be upset?”

However, Mo Kun said politely this time, “If you want, you can express your confession! Everyone has the right to pursue their love! But why do you choose to say it in front of me? Have you ever considered my feelings?”

Xiaolu said with a smile, “I do things in daylight, why should I say it behind you?”

Long Xi and Mo Kun said almost at the same time, “You win!”

The three laughed together.

Mo Kun also followed Xiaolu’s advice and asked for an authentic Viennese coffee.

After a while, Butler Qin brought a coffee pot and three exquisite coffee cups on a silver tray with a piece of the morning paper of X City and a piece of the English version of French daily newspaper because Xiaolu had the habit of reading newspapers while drinking coffee.

She touched the coffee cup. It was warm. So she said with a smile, “I once read about a saying concerning coffee that ‘good coffee has to be carried in a heated coffee cup’. Why is it so?”

Butler Qin smiled and said, “It is because the coffee is very hot when just made. If contained in a cold cup, the temperature will drop sharply. When it is served in front of the customer, it will become even colder. On the contrary, when you pour coffee into a heated cup, the taste and the quality won’t decline that much.”

Long Xi said with a smile, “Is it like this? I see. So drinking coffee is quite exquisite.”

Xiaolu said, “Then enjoy it before it gets cold.”

Long Xi looked at her cup of coffee— there was a light green bamboo flowing on the coffee. She asked curiously, “How was the image of bamboo made out?”

Xiaolu said, “It is green tea coffee with latte art on it. It is Butler Qin who etched the latte art. Bamboo-shaped latte art is quite rare and difficult to make.”

He used his gestures with a beaming smile. A wisp of sunshine slipped onto his face, making people feel warm.

Long Xi said, “The bamboo is quite elegant with serenity, looking like the bamboo in Xiaoxiang Pavilion. I feel even unwilling to drink it.”

Xiaolu laughed and said, “Master Xi, you are our national treasure, a giant panda, and matches perfectly with the bamboo. Enjoy it quickly before it cools down. Maybe there’s another world in it.”

Long Xi sipped her coffee as she looked at Mo Kun and Xiaolu, beaming.

After a while, she had discovered the “other world” in the coffee.

Shaking the coffee cup in her hand, Long Xi said, “There is tiramisu in the bottom of the coffee. Tiramisu is an Italian word, meaning ‘take me away’.”

Mo Kun said with a smile, “So in English, it is TAKE ME AWAY.”

Xiaolu said, “Yep, you’ve found it! Then you name it? This coffee hasn’t got its name yet!”

Long Xi thought for a while and said, “Tiramisu itself has a variety of meanings. The coffee also takes in the taste of coffee and green tea. In a sense, it can symbolize a soft, emotional and complex mood. The coffee can be named ‘TAKE ME AWAY’!”

Xiaolu’s eyes brightened and he said, “Take my heart away? It sounds great! Big Brother Kun, enjoy it leisurely while it’s still warm.”

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